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Sleeping Dragon New pack - Printable Version

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New pack - Lorne - February 05, 2016

Lorne walked through the woods silently,wondering if she might come across any pack members. She was new here and interested in meeting her new family. Wolves were social animals,herself included. Thus,she was excited at the prospect of making new friends. She had smelt a mixture of males and females some scents being stronger than others but none were familiar yet with the exception of Gyda's. So that was what led her to be in the territory searching for any wolves,hoping that they wouldn't attack her for her odd scent.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 05, 2016

Mind if I join? ^3^

He was strolling around the pack borders when he caught the tangent smell of a wolf inside the borders. His ears perked up, but he calmed down quickly when he caught the fading scent of the pack on it. Originally,  Goliath had been informed of a new pack member, but never had the time to catch their scent, nor meet them.

Luckily, today would be that day. The massive wolf began to trot as He followed the scent to find a red wolf looking about. He trotted himself into visibility, before greeting himself. Me Goliath, You new wolf?  hopefully his lack of speech (and intelligence) would not make him seem inferior.

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 05, 2016

Lorne shifted as the wind did,bringing the scent of a male approaching. She turned watching as the largest male she'd ever seen plodded into the clearing. He was very large mostly muscle mass and the typical agouti color of the local wolves. She tensed,readying herself if he was violent. She didn't particularly smell like Sleeping Dragon pack wolves did yet still harboring some foreign scent to her pores. He didn't attack though,instead coming forward to introduce himself in broken English. She nodded,Goliath was an entirely appropriate name. "Hello,Goliath. It's nice to meet you. Yes, I'm new to the pack and my name's Lorne," she told the behemoth friendly. She relaxed now that she knew his intent was not to harm and sat back,watching him curiously.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

Goliath tilted his head in trying to understand her fast pace of speech. He slowly began to take the words apart, to see that she was greeting him. Gladly, he responded. "Welcome, Lorne" he wanted to try out that word for quite a while now, and seemed almost proud of knowing this simple form of vocabulary. The scent had become more confusing now, however. Yet the smell of the Heda still exists. "Goliath ask, what before join?" meaning what was of her when she still wasn't accepted into this pack. He was curious to know of his pack mates, new or old.

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne was confused as to what he meant. Her rank or her profession? She decided he meant the former. "Beta,"she told him deciding to stick with her highest rank from home. No need to mention that she had worked her way up that was understood.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

Goliath nodded, before continuing his usual train of thought. Why Lorne leave?  He asked, he didn't mean to sound rude but wanted to know, as most of the wolves here had a deeper reason. Not only that, but it would help him speak better the more he conversed.

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne considered how to word herself. She had a feeling this wolf had issues understanding complex speech. It wasn't a problem to her, she didn't judge. "Everyone else was gone,so I left too." She figured that was a simple enough reason. It was true,her siblings had all dispersed leaving her and her aging parents who had wanted her to go as well. They didn't want her alone when their time came. So she had respected their wishes and left with a heavy heart. "What about you? Why did you join Sleeping Dragon?", she asked him curiously.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

He nodded, everyone had their reasons, and this one seemed reasonable enough. There must have been more behind it, but he didn't need to ask. Some people just didn't want to share that type of information, and he didn't judge. Waiting in silence for the briefest of moments, the female asked him why he came to this spot. He looked at her, and as slow as he possibly could, said: Blood.

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne felt a shiver of an unknown emotion crawl down her spine at the ominous response. Perhaps it was fear or sympathy but she was unsure. She cocked her head in confusion. Did he mean they were all dead? What had happened to them? "They died?", she asked him, her voice soft with sympathy. Her ears flattened as she waited for his response.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

Shaking his head, Is true, but not reason he said, in his original pack, dying in battle was a huge honour, but the reason he actually came here was to draw blood. He came here to die. There was no way he knew how to say this, but he tried telling her in the most understandable way he could. MY blood

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne shook her head in confusion once more. "You came here for your blood? You want to be hurt?", she questioned,unsure if that was correct. It didn't make any sense. Why would he join a pack to be injured? Perhaps he meant he came here for something worse than injury,his death,but that was even more perplexing. Why would he join Sleeping Dragon to die?

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

He looked for the word. It was a short word, just like it was on its own. He thought, and thought. It was a strange word. No, my death. he told her calmly. Many warriors in wilds. Many fights in sleeping dragon. He explained. Goliath hoped this wouldn't cause any problems...

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne sat back on her haunches as her inner turmoil was confirmed,he wanted to die. "Why do you want to die?", she asked him curiously. She had never known anyone who had left home just for the sake of dying. If he was suicidal he could always just provoke a bear or jump off a cliff or something.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 06, 2016

He shook his head. This one wouldn't understand. It wouldn't be a problem, of course, but they never grew up in the barbaric world Goliath did. " Is about Honor. " he told her,  " I die to wolf who bests me " he explained. It was like a circle of life and death. Kill, be killed, vice versa. " I must find him... or her " 

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 06, 2016

Lorne nodded,not entirely sure she understood but she was trying at least. She wondered if she should wish him best or something like that but honestly she hoped he wouldn't find his killer. He seemed nice and she didn't want Goliath to die any time soon.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 07, 2016

Glad that she didn't have anymore questions, he got up, and began to walk deeper into the pack territory, before stopping, looking at Lorne, and asking her if she wanted to come. "Goliath need food. Lorne come?" she was rather kind, and wanted to talk 'bit more. If Lorne didn't want to, that would be fine as well.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 07, 2016

Glad that she didn't have anymore questions, he got up, and began to walk deeper into the pack territory, before stopping, looking at Lorne, and asking her if she wanted to come. "Goliath need food. Lorne come?" she was rather kind, and wanted to talk 'bit more. If Lorne didn't want to, that would be fine as well.

RE: New pack - Lorne - February 07, 2016

Ooc: we can make another thread of them if you want or just continue this one

Lorne nodded as she stood,shaking out her russet fur and trotted over to Goliath. She fell in step with him as he headed into the woods. She wondered if they were going hunting and she wriggled with excitement at the thought.

RE: New pack - Goliath - February 07, 2016

We can do another thread :D This can be the last post
Goliath, happy with his new companion, set off to search for anything to eat. With high hopes, they trotted deeper into the dark forest

Fade to black