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Cerulean Cape vörös grófnő - Printable Version

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vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 06, 2016

how long it had been since the slow and sucking pull of blood had lapped at her heels. no -- she had traded it for this liquid offal, a sea of salt with the reek of fish upon it. seabirds wheeled overhead -- one even grew so bold as to fly low and clip one of the woman's ears with its arrogant beak.

growling a hiss of warning, erzsébet increased her pace into a meandering lope that had needless worry behind it. while she knew not where to go, and felt keenly the loss of her attendants, she needn't fear. the cape was frozen, and with it the threat of those who would follow.

or so she thought.

RE: vörös grófnő - Malice - February 06, 2016

Warning for a little cursing :)

The daughter of Lucifer sneaked around the area, not really bothering anything at the moment. She had had her fair share of fighting for this week (Staying a bit vague about her possible injuries due to the fact that the thread with Nemesis isn't finished yet) and had gotten a bit beaten up. Not highly injured on the outside, but her insides were sore. She missed Avalon, her only companion in this cruel world, and wondered if he missed her as much as she missed him. And now that they were separated, her imagination had already made up scenes where her father would kill him for merely speaking about her. What she had done could not be forgiven, and she didn't want it to be forgiven. She wanted to make her father mad, just for being so downright stupid. He had picked a horrible mate, why couldn't he realize that?! Oh well, it wasn't a problem anymore. The dark queen had gotten rid of the scruffy looking bitch in a matter of seconds. She twitched the corner of her mouth into a smirk as she thought about the taste of her own mother's blood.

Abruptly, she stopped in her tracks and sniffed the air. The smell of salt water was combined with the smell of another individual. She smirked once more. She had some time to fuck around a bit, not really bothered by the fact that she didn't have a pack. No pack, no worries, she thought as she followed the feminine scent. 

After tracking down her prey, now eyeing a white pelt a fair distance away, she stood still. She didn't look big, or strong and her scent had already revealed that she was alone. Perfect, the spawn of Satan thought as she started stalking the white pelted wolf.

RE: vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 07, 2016

the great expanse about erzsébet; she turned many times, and on the last, she froze in her footsteps. fear gathered in her belly at the expression of the other, who hulked closer with each step, body gathered into a pose of threat and of hunting. the countess' teeth showed in a grim snarl; how dare this heap of peasant approach her! "stand down!" erzsébet demanded in a cold tone.

if this other wished to slay her, she would find herself with a scuffle. erzsébet had not fought for a moment in her pampered life, but this desolate strand, devoid of those who would love and protect her, had forced the woman into a desperation that manifested as rage.

RE: vörös grófnő - Malice - February 07, 2016

Dun't worry, I'm not letting Malice really hurt her badly without your permission :)

The dark queen had been spotted, leaving the girl in front of her freeze in her tracks. The spawn of Satan rolled her eyes at her snarl, but was impressed by the character this one had. It amused her to see her plaything fight back, though she showed nothing of positiveness towards this light pelted angel. They were mere opposites of each other on the outside, leaving her disgusted by the white color this girl was drenched in. She stepped closer, moving with grace, every step more sophisticated. She pulled her lip, not even as a warning but by mere excitement. She made no sounds as she approached the angel, not until she was close enough for her liking to her new plaything.

My, my... She hummed in amusement, letting her piercing yellow eyes look straight into the stranger's orbs. Her tail raised slightly, she continued. Quite a big mouth for such a petite thing. She commented, letting the corner of her mouth twitch up to reveal a wicked smirk. Oh, how she loved messing with others.

RE: vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 07, 2016

we can roll for it :D

the other spoke, her voice a malicious purr as she met the countess' umber eyes with her own yellow gems. erzsébet knew instinctively that she was outnumbered by way of the other's tendriling anger and madness, and so she drew her slight self to the fullest height she was able to muster. peasantry, even the crudest ones, could be persuaded aside with bribes. erzsébet had nothing, save for her pelt and her pride, but still she managed to gaze down her muzzle imperiously at the other.

"what is it you wish?" she inquired in the heavy accents of the mountainous region from whence she had come. if she could not grant it, the woman would discover a method in which to do it. she would not be slain upon this beach today.

RE: vörös grófnő - Malice - February 12, 2016

Don't know how that works, though XD Care to explain it to me?

Their eyes meeting, although still disrespectful to the daughter of Lucifer, was not seen as a threat. They were on neutral grounds, no-one had to be respectful to anyone here. The dark queen couldn't let it slide though, and decided to scare the petite angel. In an instant, she pushed her black head right into the angel's face, muzzles almost touching as she backed away just as fast as she had come. She laughed wickedly, clearly showing how insane she was without her other side that was all the way back at Luciferpeak. 

The white female raised herself up however, not showing fear nor bloodlust. Oh, how full of herself this thing was, it was truly laughable. Perhaps she would let this thing live for the mere effort she put in staying alive. One wrong move however, and the dark queen was ready to wipe her existence off this planet. She licked her lips, not even raising herself to the angel's level, already showing more dominance than this white female by just standing.

Her words were not a great start, but it was not boring to the spawn of Satan either. She wished for blood more than anything, but this thing had way more potential than only serving as a meal. I wish for a place to stay, a pack if you will. She purred, deciding then and there that she would use this angel for information about this land. Not to say that she wouldn't eat her whole once done with that. Do you know of a place worthy enough for my presence?

RE: vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 13, 2016

oh we roll a dice through code if we were to have them fight, to see who wins each round :D

the other was quite mad, but erzsébet did not move as her space was breached and the foulness of the other came close to assault her with unwanted nearness. the wolfess seemed content to merely hold herself above the countess, to posture and crow through silent posture -- erzsébet granted her would-be attacker with a deceptively warm smile. "i know of no such place, but i seek the same. walk with me?" she invited, gesturing to the stretch of beach down which she had been walking when the other had joined.

a fantasy of drowning the black wolf in the surf came to erzsébet; it brightened her small smile.

RE: vörös grófnő - Malice - February 14, 2016

Short post because I am really busy <3

The angel didn't seem scared, something that confused the dark queen. Everyone in her former pack was frightened for their lives if she merely talked to them. Either these guys were pussies, or this female was foolishly brave. Or perhaps both.

The spawn of Satan was given a smile, something that totally threw her off. What kind of wolf was this? One that has never seen the dark girl in action, that's for sure. However, Malice was growing bored. She wanted to mess with the angel's mind, not have a nice tea party. So when the angel requested for the dark queen to go with her, she yawned. Me, walk with you? What makes you think that I would accompany you?

RE: vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 16, 2016

no prob!

erzsébet, though worried she was at the attitude of the sable female, thought it prudent not to show this. the other might seize an opportunity to capitalize upon her vulnerability. "why," she began, blinking her lashes in a famous show of confusion, "the beach is so lovely! and you said you were searching for a home .. why not accompany me, and we shall find one?" oh, how stupid she seemed! erzsébet was quite willing to do whatever it took to keep her hide unscathed, and so made a polite leg of it, and invited the madwoman to her side.

if it came that she was able to wound or kill the other, and so escape, she would indeed do so, but for now, the blackfurred female controlled their situation.

RE: vörös grófnő - Malice - February 17, 2016

As much as I want Malice to accompany Erz, she will not come with her. It is not likely she would travel alongside a "lower being" if you know what I mean. Also short post because I'm just trying to finish as much threads today as possible.

The queen watched amused at the angel putting up an act, though she didn't know it was all an act of course. As much as she wanted to kill the petite angel, she didn't think it was worth her time. She had better things to do than travel along with a being lower than her. She was fine on her own, she needed nobody to accompany her. Little did she know that she would later meet a handsome foreign boy and that her life would change forever.

The beach stinks. She stated simply, the emotion disappearing from her face as she was growing bored. I do not wish to travel with you, or even stay in a place where you are present. The queen said while stopping circling the poor angel. 

RE: vörös grófnő - Erzsébet - February 18, 2016

no prob! i figured she wouldnt ;)

erzsébet was willing to employ all of her innate deceit if it meant staving off this madwoman's teeth from her flesh, and so stood tall as she was circled, a little fish in the company of a grinning shark. "i did not mean to offend," she breathed, eyes wide with supplication. "it is merely that .. you are alone, as am i, and i thought you would like a small company in your travels." 

boredom had entered the other's gaze -- erzsébet silently hoped that this would be the end of the harrowing game -- and waited for the ebonfurred woman to respond.