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Phoenix Maplewood Newcomer - Printable Version

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Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016


Lunar had not been unaware of the coming and goings of rogues around her pack's territory. Several had come with the intent of joining and been turned away it seemed. She had noticed one individual had been accepted. She had smelt him around the woods but hadn't yet been introduced. She padded along in the powdery snow,her nose down as she followed the scent of the newbie.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 07, 2016

Apollo was slowly moving through the territory, hoping to becoming familiarized with his surroundings. He was worried about his role in the pack, what if he didn't provide for it? No, he would, he'd do his best and that would accomplish plenty. In his intense thoughts and concentration, he had let the scent of another wolf completely surpass him.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016

Lunar stopped when she heard the soft tread of another approaching. She stood to her full height, which wasn't much admittedly, but she was ready if the newest member was aggressive. She studied him as he walked into the clearing. He was rather tall,with the longest legs on a wolf she had ever seen. He was dark in color,several different colored bands overall making him a darkish brown. He had deep brown eyes that were unfocused. He seemed to be thinking hard and she wondered if he had even seen her. It was then that she realized that he might not be able to distinguish her among the snow. She took a step forward hoping the motion might help him pick her out. She wuffed in greeting softly.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 07, 2016

Seeing the movement of a wolf, Apollo winced slightly out of reflex. One hearing the faint bark coming out of her mouth, he relaxed. Realizing it was just another wolf in the pack, but he tensed, unaware of the females intentions. Though he was ready for a fight, he lowered his stance in respect, that being difficult with him being so tall. He gulped, before making an introduction. "Hello," he said, looking down slightly. Cursing at himself for not noticing the she-wolf earlier, even though she was well camouflaged in the snow.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016

Lunar had to remind herself not to seem submissive,she was higher rank than him. It was a new sensation to her, not being an Omega but she had to admit it. It was nice not to cower or be another's punching bag. She strode forward,her stance friendly and open. She wasn't going to fight him,that was ridiculous. He was bigger than she was but that wasn't new to her. "Hello. I'm Lunar Eclipse. But you can call me Luna,"she told him as she sat in front of him. "Who are you?", she asked curiously.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 07, 2016

Her introduction was quick and friendly, he noticed her sitting down on her haunches, which showed a sign of comfort. Apollo knew he wouldn't attack this wolf, so he relaxed, but didn't put his guard fully down. He noticed her small size, and stunning blue eyes. "I'm Apollo." He said, giving a small smile.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016

She noticed his small grin and she smiled back but hers was larger and more open. He seemed shy. She had come out of her shell greatly since being accepted,mostly thanks to her friends Esaro and Spring. At least she thought Spring was her friend,it was hard to tell with the stoic female. She hoped she and Apollo could be friends as well. "What brought you here?", she asked him. She didn't want to sound rude but she was curious as to why he was here.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 07, 2016

Apollo was reserved in multiple forms, but he could also be very open. This subject was definitely something he didn't mind sharing. "Being a lone wolf was difficult, and in that time I grew lonely. I decided it was time to settle down." He said, nonchalantly. "Why did you join this pack?" He didn't want to be the only one answering questions, he was interested in Luna and hoped to build a relationship with her.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016

Lunar's ears dropped a bit at his question. She hadn't expected a follow up question but she knew now she should have. How much to reveal? "I ran away from home,"she told him. It was a simple enough answer but she didn't know if he would ask why. For the first time in months she thought about her mother who was surely dead by now. She'd become ill and prompted Lunar to leave,with Demecus going off to start his new pack she wouldn't be safe anymore. Her father had horrible plans for her and so she had slipped away in the dead of night. No one had expected it of the meek girl.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 07, 2016

Apollo tilted his head to the side, he was already learning more about the pale wolf in such a short time. Which didn't bother him at all, in fact he sparked with interest in the girl. "Why's that? You don't have to tell if you don't want to." He didn't want to pressure Luna into anything she didn't wish to speak about, he understood how somethings were just best not to be talked about, at least until more friendship. With the two of them being open, he grew more comfortable and his muscles were no longer tense, but relaxed

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 07, 2016

Lunar sighed looking away from him. She felt like she owed some sort of explanation. She couldn't just tell him that and leave him hanging. But she wasn't sure what to say,how much to say. It was a long story and she didn't want his pity. She didn't want him to look at her like she was fragile,like she might snap. "They were cruel," she finally told him. She decided to save the rest for later,if they became better friends. He didn't need her sob story.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 08, 2016

He got the message that she didn't want to get into it anymore, so it left it at that. "I'm sorry you were put through that," Apollo was saddened to hear such a misfortune in her life, and disappointed in himself for bringing it up. Perhaps she'd speak about it in the future, hopefully there was a future with their friendship.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 08, 2016

Lunar turned back to look at him,letting a smile slip back onto her face. She forced the dark thoughts away as she focused on Apollo. "It is what it is,"she said to him with a shrug,trying to seem nonchalant. "So do you have a trade?", she asked as she sat up a bit,her interest perked. She had yet to master one herself but she wanted to become a small animal trapper and a midwife.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 13, 2016

Apollo was surprised with her question, since he had yet to think about it himself. "Truthfully? I have no clue what I'd even be skilled in." He admitted, lowering his ears in embarrassment. "Do you have any?" She was probably more prepared for the question than he had been, her asking it and all.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 13, 2016

Lunar nodded excitedly,her tail wagging. "I want to be a hunter and a healer,"she yipped. She was passionate when it came to her trades. Or the trades she was aspiring for. She didn't have any yet but she was working on it.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 14, 2016

"You seem like the healing type," Apollo admitted. The white wolf seemed kind, the type of wolf to constantly want to aid others in their troubles, and healing was the way to do that. "If I ever need someone, I'll call for you." 

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 14, 2016

She laughed softly,"I'm not that good. I'm still learning." Spring could probably help more than she could. There didn't seem to be anything the she wolf couldn't do. "But thanks,"she told him smiling. "My friend,Spring,she's teaching me. She's a great healer,"she told him honestly.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 17, 2016

The familiar name was brought up. "Spring? I've met her. She seems nice, I'm sure she can teach you a lot. But don't underestimate your abilities." the dark wolf advised, giving her a supportive look. He knew what its like to assume you were worse than you actually were, and he received no support so he tried his best to give it to her.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 17, 2016

"Thanks",Lunar replied softly,unused to people actually encouraging her instead of putting her down. "I could teach you,to hunt I mean. I offered to teach Esaro but I don't think he's going to go through with it. He doesn't seem to think he's good at anything,"she rambled on. It was true though she was willing to teach him. She wasn't a master at hunting or anything but she had gotten by on her own rather well. "If you want to learn healing I'd probably go to Spring for help. She knows everything!" That was probably an exaggeration but it often seemed that way to her.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 21, 2016

Apollo listened to her words, hoping she wouldn't doubt herself too much. She offered to teach him how to hunt, which he already knew how to do- the standards at least. It'd be great if she could teach him more advanced methods. "I'd love it if you taught me a thing or two," he smiled up at the white girl.

RE: Newcomer - Lunar Eclipse - February 21, 2016

Ooc: starting to fade here I think 

"Cool we can go hunt together some time if you want,"she replied happily,her tail thumping the ground.

RE: Newcomer - Apollo - February 21, 2016

"I'd like that," he replied, grinning at her. 

end of thread