Wolf RPG
Blackbeak Bluff vér kalóz - Printable Version

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vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 08, 2016

 "Yo ho, it's a pirate's life for me" >D 


since her altercation with the maddened woman of black fur, erzsébet had nevertheless remained upon the coast. the frigid nights had carved away the last of her spoiled demeanour, had hardened her body and brought the true measure of her wicked soul to be rebirthed in her eyes. the only pleasure erzsébet allowed herself was the memories of the sobbing girls whom she and her set had dragged into the grim shadows of the sodden forests, to dismember and torment, the recollection of the virginal blood -- ah! it was enough to tighten her loins with pleasure.

today was not such a day, however. the countess continued along the beach, her stomach cramping around the unfamiliar flesh of a shelled and scurrying creature, so unlike the creamy sustenances upon which she had often gorged herself.

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 08, 2016

Yo ho >:]

His cursory scout so far had lead him to the inhospitable plunge of the land into cliffs which were hardly fit for the birds. These did not hold his interest for more time than it took for him to glance at them, but as he moved down to the coast where the sands were once more reachable, he saw a white female.

His bone-colored eyes narrowed on her form. Single-minded as he was and with nothing else to distract him he honed in on her, a brisk trot eating the beach between them. Courtesies, he gave none. Not a chuff to alert her, not nothing. It was on her to realize she was be trailed like a baitfish ahead of a shark.

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 08, 2016

erzsébet had no intention of such; within minutes, she had turned, feeling the burn of the other's eyes upon her back. the woman stopped immediately -- she lifted her tail in the demeanour befitting her status and snarled openly. the savagery that had been wrought in her at so young an age surged forth; she would brook no sass from this brazen and sinewy serf stalking her along the strand.

"what is it you wish?" erzsébet called when the man was within earshot, her deeply accented tones carrying more than a hint of a threat.

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 08, 2016

He was content to trail her for a while, admiring her assets. Unfortunately for him, she realized she was being followed rather quickly and spun to face him, hoisting her flag and snarling. Ferahgo lifted both brows as he stilled his paws, the faintest smile of amusement creeping onto his dark lips.

She was a small, young thing, elegant in her craftsmanship unlike that other brute of a woman he had met. She was fine. "I'd kiss yer arse for a drop of rum," he answered. It had been too long since a mush of fermented fruits, berries and honey had graced his foul tongue.

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 08, 2016

the woman spotted the approving light of an entitled male in his eyes; her lip curled imperiously at his crude words. "rum is not something i have," the countess sniffed with a hint of her old imperiousness -- had she the ability, she would have sipped delicately upon a flute of the finest champagne, pinky cocked, upon uttering her rebuttal. as it was, she merely managed to look down her slim muzzle at the ruffian.

"what you can do for me, however," erzsébet intoned with faux graciousness, "is leave me be. now! with that, she sprang without fear at the man, intending to clip the air before his face with her pearled fangs.

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

She sprang forward in a feint, but the sea wolf was quick on his feet... when he chose to move them. Calling her bluff, he did not move at all, nor did he even flinch. He may have been a corpse for all the reaction she received from him. He sniffed derisively, and slowly his brown ears pitched toward her. She was standing in a place few who knew him dared, and fewer still returned from.

"I give the orders," he said as he paced forward, and if she did not move he'd shove his cold nose right against her own until his muzzle creased, fangs at the ready, as his bone-colored eyes bore into her own.

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 09, 2016

he did not move; her fangs cleaved the air before his nose, and she stood glaring at him, much too close for her own comfort. yet the man did not attack; his gritted words went unheeded, and the countess gripped the cold sands with her paws as he shoved his muzzle against her own. the hard tint of his eyes burned into the umber of her own, and still erzsébet did not stand aside.

their meet could take many a turn; perhaps he would seek to slash her, and she would be forced to defend herself, or maybe he would turn and abandon her here. "i see no army at your back," she growled into the scant few centimetres of space left between their lips. a brow arched; a smirk appeared. "you shall have to offer more than ugly words to convince me of my own submission."

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

"It's not an army I keep," he retorted, neither budging to move, his rank breath billowed around her nose and he breathed her own. "It's a crew. Ye can have a spot on it if ye swears yerself to me. Ye can share in all that we take from the shores and those who live on them. Treasures, drink, and food." Had he a ship, and had she been standing at the gunwalls, he may have convinced her another way; but he was brazen most on his own deck, and he liked the fine angles she bore and the fire on her tongue.

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 09, 2016

the woman fought the urge to curl her lip at the stench rising into her nares. his words distracted her, however -- she hmmed beneath her breath. despite erzsébet's delicate, almost helpless appearance, she was no airy whelp, and along with a deep wellspring of strength, she possessed a raw and dark vein of barely controlled malice. 

"intriguing," she intoned, deciding they were at enough of an impasse to pull away without losing face. "treasures, you say?" there was but one thing erzsébet lusted for above all else, but she did not think this man could provide it for her. however, perhaps he might present her with the means to grasp it for herself.

"i am a countess; i serve no other woman," she warned him with a cold stare. however, the ice melted as soon as it had appeared; erzsébet sidled closer, having grown accustomed to his odor. "perhaps we might serve one another?" she breathed with a smile as mirthless as it was black. "i know what it is men desire, and if you are able to present me with my most desired bauble ... i see no reason why i should not follow suit."

"now then," erzsébet continued after a moment, "what is your name?"

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

"Treasures." He repeated with a slight drawling hiss on 's'. Bones, shiny things, and more, any pirate worth his salt was a collector of treasures. The amount of treasure in his coffers spoke of his success, and his years of experience. Ferahgo had a coffer stuffed to the gills in Tortuga.

She had stepped back but then she stepped closer, and he received her with a roguish glint in his eyes. Until she stated she knew what men desired, as if she had unlocked a timeless secret and held some preciously knowledge. He met this with a mocking pfffft that rolled off his tongue. "Do ye now? How long did it take for ye to figure that one out? A piece of ass, a drop of rum, a bite to eat... haw! Such mystery."

"Ferahgo," he stated. "But ye be callin' me Captain Blackbeard unless..." He hummed, pondering. "This bauble you speak of... ye want to be standin' at the Captain's shoulder, is that it? Are ye askin' me to trade position in me crew' for a taste of yer tail?" He could be off course, but it certainly sounded like that was the tree she was barking up.

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 09, 2016

he laughed at her, and erzsébet felt irritation coil in her gut. when he surfaced with the crudest of suggestions, she gave a lofty and mocking chuckle that softly mirrored his earlier mirth at her expense. "do you truly think me so simple that i wish the apex of my existence to be a captain's wife?" her tailtip flicked.

"i, erzsébet of ecsed grotto, do not wish for that. take another wench to be your pride, captain," erzsébet scoffed. "what i wish is beyond measure. also, there is no guarantee that if i gave myself to you now, you would make me a ruler. but it is no matter, for it is not my desire."

her eyes burned into his own. "would you like to know what it is, captain ferahgo?" the countess asked, circling him slowly with a serpentine intention. "immortality," she whispered into one ragged ear, grinning before she turned aside. "and this can only be achieved with blood," erzsébet continued in a resigned voice. "the blood of infants and of virgins. is this something you are able to do for me, ferahgo?" the wolfess inquired purringly, meeting his eyes with her own.

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

Such a shame. He thought for a moment he might have had himself a wife before he had even picked himself out a ship. Such a convenience that would have been, aye, and a pleasure too for it had been sometime since he had taken a wife. She did not know the sort of thing she turned down, but, that was her loss.

She was met with a blank expression as she explained this bauble of hers. It was an intangible one, immortality, but he was nonetheless entertained for the moment as she prowled about him, offering him a rotating view of her curvatures. "Do for ye?" He scoffed. "Do for yerself. Ye can have all the blood and virgins and sprogs you can take, but don't expect me to deliver 'em to ye. Know that I don't do for no one but meself, and me wife when I has one."

It was a pirate thing, really, every pirate for himself. It just so happened that serving on a crew under Ferahgo was the means to the goals of many willing pirates. She could be no different, if... He flicked his tail. "If ye gonna run with me and me crew then shift yer tail down the coast toward the plateau," he gestured, "there you'll find me swab and some of the other crew. Ye can have their blood if you can take it from them," he shrugged, "except the blood of the coywolf. He's my swabbie, and he's not to be harmed unless ye has a death wish."

RE: vér kalóz - Erzsébet - February 09, 2016

she smiled, pleased with his response. "i shall run with you, captain," the countess responded. so he wished himself a wife. pity. she'd had many a fulfilling roll with rough men such as these, who lacked the pale effeminacy of so many males in the ecsed court.  and she had never suspected that he would bring her such things himself. she was more than capable of doing such herself.

moving in the direction ferhago indicated, erzsébet flared her plume once, if only to allot the self-named captain a fractured glimpse of what he had so brazenly rejected, and then she was gone across the sands.

RE: vér kalóz - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

Welcome aboard <3

She decreed to run with him and then it was with a raising of her flag that she turned to do as she had been told. She offered him a glimpse of herself, and he took it, running his long across one fang as he did so. Mmm. There was time for that later. For now, he was busy, and he carried on without her.