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Sea Lion Shores weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Printable Version

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weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Ferahgo - February 08, 2016

He had left his swab behind on a seaside plateau of stout trees, ordering him to have a galley stocked for them both upon his return. The rest of his crew were even further back, no doubt toiling under his other orders. Find some way to bring rum, being of the utmost importance. It was perhaps the only thing that he would miss about his old ship: his stock of rum crafted over the course of two years. That and his overflowing coffers. But as the salt licked at his face and he breathed the air of new lands, he was enlivened by the idea of rebuilding anew.

Ferahgo prowled down the shore to the sound of barking sea lions as the sun peeked above a rolling horizon.

Yo-ho, it was a pirate's life for him.

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Sadie - February 08, 2016

Yo-ho a pirate's life for me

Sadie wandered along the coast line in silence. Her paws sunk into the smooth sand and left a message that she was there traveling along the line. Her fur was soaked to the brink with salt and water, but it was a normal feeling for her. Despite her subspecies, she was raised near the water and she loved it. Taking a halting stop, she sat down and faced the tides.

"Oi Calypso. Do ya think I will find somewhere to live soon?" The rusted female asked the open sea, feeling the wind blow against her. A wicked smile graced her beautiful features. "Ah Calypso, ya think I should go look now?" Her voice was tinged with a hoarseness, she coughed a little and cleared her throat. Another gust of wind blew against her body, the tawny woman laughed to herself and bowed her head to the crashing waves of the sea goddess. "Ah Calypso! You're right as always! I shall set off then!"

Quick to her paws, the swift woman started to make her way down the shoreline with a fast-paced trot. She wasn't aware that she wasn't alone though. All she knew was that Calypso had something out for her and she would have to find it. Her wicked smile was still etched upon her dark colored lips. The rough woman hoped to find some shelter soon before the sun would set itself and let the world fade into a cape of darkness.

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

In addition to a ship, he needed to amass himself a new crew. Some, he had invited along, but the rest he had left under the firm paw of his son. Partly to ensure that his flagship and name was not reduced to splinters in his absence, and partly because he was so self-assured he knew he could raise another crew without problem.

He travelled through the frost-smacked beach grasses just above the high water mark, hiding himself as he moved down the coast. His attention was piqued when he caught the faint sound of a female voice, and ah, yes, spotted a tawny one trotting down the shore. He was a hawk watching a mouse foraging for seeds, and he swooped down to cut her off.

"Avast!" he called. "Who are ye and where be ye goin'?"

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Sadie - February 09, 2016

As the rusty woman made her way down the coastline, the wind was bristling itself against her back. A crooked smile embedded itself onto her face, Calypso was giving her courage to move on. The crashing waves were the only noises she could hear. Perhaps today was the day to find a ship and a crew. Her last one was bombarded with native thieves who killed off anything that was living. Sadly, this included Sadie's family.

Calypso must've been watching, the Hispanic woman heard a voice call out to her. Avast, it was another wolf! The tawny woman instinctively have him her crooked and threatening smile. He asked for her name and where she was heading to.

"Sadie Sea Salt, toughest lass you'll ever see!" Sadie spoke without her accent, her voice hoarse and gruff. She let out a few coughs to try to clear it up from salt. "And who might Ye be? Another straggler walkin' ashore? Did Calypso send you off onto a search for lan' and a crew?" She asked in a curious tone, taking more steps towards the man.

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Ferahgo - February 09, 2016

She was not full of herself, no, not at all. "Ye be addressin' the infamous Captain Blackbeard, Ferahgo!" Well, what pirate wasn't? "No one sends me off for nothin'." He stated, moving forward himself as her paws drew nearer to him. His shoulders were squared, ears forward. He had not hoisted the flag but he stood sturdy and commanding. "I be puttin' together a crew, aye, and there is room on it for the likes of ye if ye swears yerself to me here an' now."

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Sadie - February 09, 2016

As the roaring sea tides created a white noise in the background, the rusty woman continued her way over to the son of Blackbeard. Ferahgo, it had a little ring to it in her fluffy ears. He spoke about creating a crew and finding a ship, one she could join if she would swear to him now. 

Her strides lengthened themselves by an inch, she came closer with a fast pace. A crooked smile that could remind someone of a sea-monster, she let out a hoarse and callous laugh to herself. Calypso was really gracing her today, she must be on a whim of kindness and luck. Sadie saw his posture already, the pirate hadn't set his flag up yet. However he remained tall and sturdy, commanding as one could put it. However, she could almost see a tint of devil inside of him. 

"If I swears to ye, I get meself some respect from ye and the crew? I don't demand ye to give me first mate, but I am no swabbie." The flare woman remarked happily with a twinge of seriousness in her tone. She was no perfect woman, no Sadie knew that too well about herself. But she was more than just a simple woman. No, this woman was different from the rest. She was a pirate! No one would dare restrict her of her rights.

After her answer, she started to hum to herself. It was an old sea shantie her mother and father would sing while cleaning up around the ship. A smile was still etched onto her face, her flag swaying against the deck but still waving happily.

Round the cor-ner 'an away we'll go
Round the corner, Sally!
Round th' corner where them gals do go
Round the corner, Sally

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Ferahgo - February 10, 2016

Ferahgo snorted at her, bellowing a snappy ha! clear into her face. "Ye gets a share of the rations and loot, that's what ye get. Ye want position? Ye fight for it, or you can live off hardtack and grog at the bottom of the ratline." Respect was earned, and respect was not a word commonly spoke among the pirates. It was often no more than knowledge that the pirate above you could rend you to shark bait, and it manifested as compliance. Respect, in summary, was better called fear more often than not. "So? What'll it be, miss?"

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Sadie - February 10, 2016

His reply to her demand was shrewd, it was a laugh to her admirable words. Normally Sadie would've run out of her small patience and just looted the salty sea hell out of him. But then again, his words stopped her devious plan. She'd earn her position, no doubt. She'd get apart of the rations and the loot, that seemed like a good deal. Her eyes counteracted each other, swaying one way to another in decision.

"Wellllll...." She let her voice drag on fir a few seconds before beaming at the other pirate. "Cap'n you got yeself a deal!" She spoke with a clear voice, still gruff. This Ferahgo seemed reasonable enough to be around, not to mention levelheaded. He was right though, respect was not given but earned. She would have to prove herself to this man and earn the respect she desired. "Ye have a crew and ship, head off towards the lovely lady herself?" 

RE: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! - Ferahgo - February 10, 2016

Last post, welcome aboard!

Well... she drawled, and the impatient Captain tapped his foot and twitched his nose. He was about to tell her that her ass wasn't cute enough for him to wait around, when she agreed to what he had offered. "Arr, ye can be joinin' me swab, Blurryface, and the rest of the crew, down the shore toward the plateau." He gestured with his muzzle in the direction he was referring to. "I will fetch ye when the ship is ready." He left her to his orders, then.