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Moonspear we'll be counting stars - Printable Version

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we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 09, 2016

AW! maybe @Alaska Blu since our characters haven't met yet? :D

After the encounter with the coyote, Charon had been feeling pretty good about himself. It wasn't so much that they had managed to kill a scrawny scavenger hunting in their territory that made the young Alpha so upbeat -- it was his special lady Ame and the moment they'd shared. However short it had been, it had definitely been mutual as far as Charon was concerned. She'd returned the gesture, after all. If she didn't want him, then surely she would've snapped him off her right away, right?

The night was dark, the moon barely visible, and Charon sought one of Moonspear's highest ledges he'd found (so far!) that he could watch the skies well from at night. There were a few clouds here and there, but he could see a couple of constellations, and if he squinted his eyes a little Charon could even see the tiny sliver of moon that was currently left. Charon settled himself on the snowy ledge and stared at the wondrous skies. He felt the sudden urge to talk to his parents and siblings, who were all up there for as far as he knew, but he wasn't even sure what he'd tell them. The stars weren't great advice-givers, after all, and so he decided to instead share in their silence.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 10, 2016

Alaska had been learning the grounds of the camp, mainly on her own. She'd manage to sneak others into her helping her, without them necessarily knowing, such as Dash and her walking back to the territory or Tev patrolling with her, both unknowing that in their time talking and walking she had been taking in routes and the terrain below her feet. A particular ledge  had caught her interest, she was positive the view would be spectacular, especially at the time of night. She had alway found stars beautiful, but in her travels she thought the only thing more beautiful and fair than stars and galaxies scattered across the sky was Auroran Lights. Her father would tell her spectacular stories about them, and how it was the dance of spirits of all kinds of animals. Her parents weren't only extravagant travellers, but mind blowing story tellers. That was one thing she missed the most of her family, the stories they had to tell.

Perhaps one day she could reunite with them, and explain her new life. They could be growing a small pack by now, with her mother having more litters. It had been about a year since she'd left, so who knows? In her thoughts, Alaska hadn't noticed the smell or shadow-like figure of the Alpha on the ledge, eyeing the breathtaking sky. She almost stepped on his tail, if she hadn't snapped back in reality. "Oh!" she said, a little too loudly. Making her ears lower in embarrassment. Usually the girl would never get worked up over a mistake, but she knew this was the Alpha her friends had spoken about. "I apologize." She avoided eye contact, though she desperately wanted to observe her Alpha up close, which was a bit difficult in the night.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 11, 2016

Charon himself had been lost in thoughts himself and didn't instantly notice his pack mate's approach. In fact, he didn't notice her at all until she suddenly exclaimed the 'oh'. Charon startled, but the scent of Ame was quick to calm him again and flatten the bristled hairs on the back of his neck.

"Oh, hi. You must be the new girl Ame accepted, right? I'm Charon, Ame's partner and co-Alpha." Charon offered her a smile, figuring she had had a scare, like him, not noticing the other wolf there. "Here to check out the sky, too? View's great up here!" Charon demonstratively looked back at the sky, his head arched proudly to display his rank, and he hoped that her answer would be a yes so that he could share in his astronomer-nerdliness.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 13, 2016

Alaska was relieved with his relaxed conversation, her muscles were as tense and she let out a sigh of relief. When he turned his attention towards the sky her mind lit up, it seems the too found something in common. "I was actually just familiarizing myself with the territory, but I was focused on the sky, I've always found stars fascinating" She wished she knew more about them, and she had plenty of time to do it in the past, her being alone and all. But she didn't have much of an outlet for anyone to teach her about the skies. Sometimes she'd just make her own names for constellations and other sky related things. Her father taught her a few, but he didn't know too much either. So her mother encouraged her to create her own ideas.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 14, 2016

A smile crossed Charon's face when the newest member of the pack said that she liked the stars. Ame had told Charon the girl's name, but he couldn't remember it for the life of him now. "What's your name?" he asked with a grin, before he looked back at the sky again.

Hopefully her interest in the skies and stars extended to knowledge, too, Charon hoped. "I'm a Naturalist, so I know loads about the stars. Do you know stuff about them, too?" If not, Charon would be happy to tell her about a thing or two, but maybe she had information of her own that he could learn from (or test).

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 14, 2016

"I'm Alaska," it seems that both of them knew she had already known his name, and didn't introduce nor ask for introduction. His smile made her accept the more friendly atmosphere, and grin in return. She moved so they were side by side, looking up at the starry night sky. 

He asked if she had any knowledge of stars, and she shifted a bit. "Truthfully, I know little about the stars, but I yearn for the opportunity to learn." The white wolf admitted, turning her focus back onto the Alpha.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 15, 2016

Alaska. Charon nodded, and he grew enthusiastic when Alaska said that she yearned to learn more about the stars. He could teach her, and looked forward to taking the time to teach someone of the sky. He had not really taken the time to look at the stars much with an attentive eye since he had become Alpha of Moonspear.

"I could teach you," he offered with a confident smile. "Anything in particular you'd like to hear about? Wanna learn things about the constellations? They're the figures in the sky." He looked up at the skies, searching for the first constellation he could find.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 17, 2016

Charon was much kinder than she expected, which was definitely a good thing. It reassured her in her decision in joining Moonsphere. This meeting was obviously in her favor, and once he mentioned teaching her about the sky her ears lifted up with interest. When he continued on about the constellations, she knew exactly that was what she had been wanting to learn the most.  She was familiar with what the were, and had been told once or twice about some but she had completely forgotten the knowledge. Her likely being very young at the time. "I'd love to learn about the constellations," she tried hard to keep her voice from sounding too excited, but failed with her tail wagging.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 18, 2016

It was great that Alaska was so excited about the stars. Charon considered for a moment that maybe she was just so interested 'cause she was trying to suck up to him, but whatever, even if she was he didn't mind telling about the constellations. They had always drawn him in, from when he was young. Charon looked at the sky and pinpointed the small pan-shaped constellation that was little dipper. "See that?" he asked as he looked up, reaching out a paw to point in the general direction. "The sorta square box consisting of four stars, with the tail on it, that's the little dipper." He wasn't sure there was anything Alaska knew about the constellations yet, so he decided to just start talking about whatever he saw up in the skies.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 18, 2016

Her mind brought back a faint memory, it was broken and messy but she remembered someone speaking of it, but the name wasn't mentioned- at least for what she could remember. She took mental notes as Charon spoke, and was completely fascinated in the little dipper. She grew fond of its name, it sounded adorable. Alaska stared at it a bit, before turning her attention back to the other ivory colored wolf. "Who taught you this?" 

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 22, 2016

Alaska didn't answer whether or not she found the star that he pointed out, but Charon did not let it deter him. When she suddenly asked who'd taught him about the stars, he rolled his shoulders in a shrug. "A variety of wolves. Every one had different things to teach about the stars, and about other aspects of naturalism, too." He looked at her, curious if she asked because she wanted to learn, too, but didn't want to take up the Alpha's precious time in the process. "If you're willing to learn, I'd suggest you try and find teachers, too. I like how every teacher has different perspectives to offer, y'know?"

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - February 27, 2016

Alaska would take his advice, and search for willing teachers of the sky, and other naturalist fields. "Do you know anyone who'd be willing to teach me a bit?" He had already spoken of the Little Dipper, so she already marked him as a teacher, even if it was for that only. Hopefully he would suggest himself, along with multiple wolves. Her tail moved slightly, gaining excitement from his ideas. 

Sorry for the short response!

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - February 29, 2016

no problem :)

Alaska asked for a teacher, and it was hard to tell. Maybe Fitz from Silvertip, but Charon didn't know if he knew a whole lot about the stars, or if his naturalism skills were in a different territory. "Well, I don't know. It's been a while since I've had lots of teachers. I guess it also just helps to talk about it with anyone. I mean... The constellations were all just made up by others at some point, right? Like, me and Dhole once made up our own constellations. And maybe by talking about it a lot, you'll run into someone who knows a lot some day." That was pretty much Charon's tactic, anyway. He had learned most of what he knew when younger, but he really did intend to pick up his slack again and try harder now that he was settled as Alpha — to teach what he knew to others, but also to gather more teachers himself.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Alaska Blu - March 05, 2016

Alaska would take his advice, and nodded along to what he had to say. Her tail flicked with interest as he spoke, and her gaze lingered on him and the sky. "I'll keep it in mind," she gave a simple smile of gratitude. "Thank you, Charon." It was strange for Alaska to ask random questions, adding astronomy to the list didn't hurt at all, in fact, if her alpha was correct it would benefit her in the long run.

RE: we'll be counting stars - Charon - March 06, 2016

we can fade out here, unless you wanted them to do/say anything more? :)

Charon merely nodded confidently when a Alaska thanked him and said that she would keep it in mind. Charon hoped that she would delve into the art of astronomy just as he had, and he wouldn't mind teaching her more some other time. They continued to look at the stars and Charon taught Alaska some more constellations in the process.