Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge New wolf - Printable Version

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New wolf - Nadie - February 10, 2016

Nadie ran towards Porcupine Ridge with the intent of joining. This would be the first pack she tried. If they turned her away so be it. She slowed as she reached the border,stopping a few feet away. She tilted her head back a bit,smelling the air. She could smell several wolves both male and female, a few who were stronger around the border. They must have been the high ranking wolves. She sat back to wait and raised her head in a howl,telling the pack that she was here to join. It would be good for them already to know. Then they could skip the whole 'Why are you here?' business.

RE: New wolf - Jhala - February 10, 2016

It was, however, custom to ask why someone was at the borders- regardless of what they called out... At least to Jhala. Upon hearing the call her eyes narrowed, and the young woman made her way towards it. The call sounded female, and as she trotted closer the scent revealed that it was indeed another girl. The dark wolfess was not spastic, but she did have a tendency to be a lot more laid back than her alphas and ranked counterpart. At the borders, however, she would not be so kind.

She arrived at the border, standing tall and and stiffly, although she did not appear uncomfortable. "What'd'ya want?" she asked, her eyes watching the girls face with dominant intent. 

RE: New wolf - Nadie - February 10, 2016

Nadie dipped her head in respect as the female approached. She was similar to her own color,a bit darker. She had more browns in her coat than Nadie did. She kept her stance unthreatening as she spoke. She didn't want to be thrown out upon just reaching the border. "I would join if your pack wants me,"she told the woman.

RE: New wolf - Taggarik - February 10, 2016

The black wolf was a ways up the borderline refreshing his markers when the howl went up. He moved to intercept the wolf, but found that his newly crowned beta had arrived before him and was already questioning her. Curious to see how the young female would do in her role as a leader, he approached the duo but hung back a few paces behind Jhala. His posture was neutral and curious, saying nothing about his position in the pack.

RE: New wolf - Jhala - February 10, 2016

Taggarik's scent wafted through and the girl gave a quick tail wag to acknowledge his presence. The man did not interfere, and Jhala assumed that she would take control for now, he would probably step in soon. Feeling a boost of confidence under her alpha's watchful eye, the dark yearling watched as the other gave a polite response. She was submissive enough, but not used to being the dominant one in any situation she wasn't really sure if she should be forcing the girl to submit further- maybe that was too unreasonable. 

"What's your name?" she questioned, her gaze still hardened upon the other girls face. "Why do you think we should want you?" Jhala asked further, her muzzle lifting slightly as she let out a sharp exhale of breathy air. Her shoulders straightened a bit more, attempting to appear intimidating in any way she could.

RE: New wolf - Nadie - February 10, 2016

Nadie nodded to the ebony male as he approached but didn't make any move to speak to him. She was unsure of his rank but she focused on the she wolf in front of her. "I'm a decent hunter and I can fight. I don't know if that's enough but it's all I have,"she told them honestly. She wasn't in the habit of lying about her abilities. Whether or not they wanted her or not now was up to them. She would give them all she had and that was the best she could do. If her best wasn't good enough she could find another pack. "Oh my name's Nadie,"she tacked on.

RE: New wolf - Taggarik - February 10, 2016

It was not his custom to ask about skills; it was his preference to ask a wolf to contribute and for them to know that he'd ask them to leave if he found them to be a burden rather than an asset. But Jhala, like many other wolves, was inclined toward an interview, and he allowed her to conduct it. His appraisal was on the wolf's posture, which while respectful, was only just. Yet he did not feel compelled to intervene at this time, and so remained quiet and watchful.

RE: New wolf - Jhala - February 10, 2016

Jhala raised an eyebrow, watching her carefully. "So can I," she replied swiftly, not thoroughly impressed. "So can pretty much everyone else," the girl then added, her tail flicking behind her as it raised ever so slightly. She wasn't being rude, but it was true. As far as she was concerned almost every one of the Porcupine wolves were going for either their mercenary or gamekeeper trades- herself included. To be fair, hunting and fighting were common skills most wolves had anyway, but the tawny wolf in front of her showed no signs of extraordinary talents- no super-fighter or hunter.

The tail of the wolf flicked again, maybe this time it was out of irritation. She was waiting for something to impress her, she wanted to make this count. Taggarik watched from behind, and she remembered the last time someone crossed their borders; she'd made a mistake. This time she tried her hardest to make sure that didn't happen again. Border encounters were not yet pack wolves, they should not be treated as friendly acquaintances just yet.

Upon thinking back to this, the girl let out a gentle growl, a vague reminder of her dominance. "What can you do for this pack?" the dark wolfess asked, 

RE: New wolf - Nadie - February 10, 2016

Nadie nodded,it was true most wolves did fight. That said she didn't have anything else left to offer. She knew basic healing, nothing extraordinary. She was not a naturalist or a bard. She cocked her head in confusion when the girl growled. What's her problem? She didn't know why the girl was suddenly being aggressive but she ignored it. She wasn't stupid enough to growl back or anything like that. Although she eyed the girl more warily now, wondering if she had anger problems and was just frustrated Nadie didn't have anything else to offer. "I'll do whatever your pack needs me to do,"she said. She would hunt,she would fight with them,she would do what they needed her to. Heck,she would even learn healing if they wanted.

RE: New wolf - Jhala - February 15, 2016

hiya! sorry for the delay- with permission I'm skipping Tagg. (: but I see you're joining RHC? so I guess I'll decline Nadie then.

She didn't submit further. "Leave," snarled the girl, deciding that this would be her big moment. With another growl, this time of anger rather than warning, Jhala lashed out upon the other. She lunged forward, snapping at the fae's shoulders in an attempt to send her away. The fur along her shoulders was fluffed out in an attempt at dominance, and her amber eyes were all iris as the adrenaline rushed her forward. When the woman left, the yearling turned to her alpha, lowering her head and tail as she looked at him. Her tail wagged slowly behind him, and she hoped to hear his opinion on how she did- but perhaps he'd make no answer.

RE: New wolf - Taggarik - February 15, 2016

He was in agreement with his beta, and after the wolf had left, he drew to her side with a waving tail and touched his nose to her shoulder, giving her a reassuring and approving nuzzle before he withdrew and headed toward the interior of the ridge. The pack had space; but he was not eager to see it filled with anything less than promising individuals.

RE: New wolf - Jhala - February 16, 2016

Jhala's tail wagged at the gentle praise from her alpha. A1 border patrol, Yah, she congratulated herself. She gave him a respectful handful of licks to his shoulder as he nuzzled her, her tail still wagging. He parted, and she gave a yip as he went, turning and trotting along the border with excitement and a small amount of pride welling in her. She could do this.