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Wheeling Gull Isle gyűjtemény - Printable Version

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gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 11, 2016

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erzsébet had been interrupted by wednesday, but it had turned out to be a pleasant meeting. however, her hunger had not abated -- and she must ask also another boon of the captain. for this would she ply at least one of her erotic tricks. near to the cache where the crew collected their loot, the countess sent up a gentle request for @Ferahgo, and then stood overlooking the water to wait for him, growing more restless with each passing moment that the man did not arrive.

RE: gyűjtemény - Ferahgo - February 11, 2016

He half expected the two females to clash and for one to come out alive and the other to become part of the treasure pile once the birds had picked her bones. But, as the fine and fair one called to him, he realized this was not the case... unless she had been so efficient as to not receive a mark nor drop of blood on her hide. Intrigued, Ferhago drew himself toward her, and stood just at her back.

"So, ye weren't eaten by Whitey," he drawled.

RE: gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 11, 2016

"on the contrary, captain," erzsébet murmured, turning to approach him with an affable wave of her plume. "she devoured me." the arch of her brow could not be misunderstood; the countess gave a throaty chuckle and drew closer into the shadow of his tall frame, to reach up beneath his chin and lick the salt-soaked fur there with a lingering touch.

RE: gyűjtemény - Ferahgo - February 11, 2016

Ferahgo often held his face in a sort of rascally manner, as if the gears were always turning and he was always scheming (and he was); but as she spoke, and as the scent on her coat and the arch of her brow confirmed the tale, his expression slackened into nothing. He shuddered. Her and another female? Sure. But her and that tanky man-beast of a woman? Nope.

Thankfully, she eased the bad imagery from his mind. Her tongue found his chin and he raised his snout, turning it, as if to compel her to direct her attention to more than just his chin. His rugged jawline, for example. "Hmm. Did she not do a good job?" He ventured, steeling himself against more uninvited images.

RE: gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 11, 2016


willingly letting her tongue follow where he guided, erzsébet hummed prior to giving her answer. "she is not a man." it was true; she was not, she was much better, but the countess did not see any reason to tell ferahgo this. let him be flattered. "as it is, i have another boon to ask of you, captain," the woman breathed, lips pressed flush with the bulb of one masculine ear. 

"in exchange, of course, i have something else to add to my ... prior offer." erzsébet's eyes glinted with anticipation as she pulled away to glance briefly into his eyes and assess his reaction, before leaning forward to lave the fur of his shoulder with her mouth.

RE: gyűjtemény - Ferahgo - February 11, 2016

"I see..." he murmured, and he allowed her tongue to roam. Though he enjoyed the touch of women who look like women and not like beasts, he would not be lulled, his guard would not be taken down. She would not be able to sense or see the readiness in his limbs, but it would be there. There were no shortage of tales of pirates that lost their lives, tempted into the embrace of a femme fatale.

"Go on," said Ferahgo, and intrigue could be witnessed on the thin curl of his mouth and in the focus of his eyes. She went to lick his shoulder, but he smoothly side stepped away from her tantalizing tongue and seated himself, facing her.

RE: gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 11, 2016

erzsébet withdrew her reaching muzzle and had the good sense to look abashed, but the expression flitted aside. settling herself upon the sand before him, the countess arranged her plume across her small forepaws and leveled her captain with a respectful gaze before she began: "i would like your permission to go away with her when our season arrives. i want no children at this time --" -- nor ever -- "and so this is for our protection. such things last only a short time, and then we would return to take up our duties. in fact, if you so wished, you might send us on a plundering mission for the duration of our time away."

the chances of ferahgo agreeing to such a thing were slim to none, so erzsébet would not hold it against the captain if he disagreed; she would merely find another way to protect herself and her maid from the onslaught of lusting males. she did not throw herself upon his mercy as a female, for she did not wish to be regarded as weak. quietly she waited for a response with a neutral expression upon her face.

RE: gyűjtemény - Ferahgo - February 12, 2016

Ferahgo flicked his tail as she explained her request. For a long time, he simply looked at her as he turned his head and tilted his snout, as if thoroughly mulling over what she proposed. He even hummed for effect.

"And what is this exchange ye speak of?"

RE: gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 12, 2016

for a long time he sat in silence, then his rough tones sounded again. erzsébet smiled and drew near to her captain again, stretching the length of her body before his eyes. "a trick of the tongue and lips, captain, when applied certain areas, can bring forth a veritable explosion of joy," she murmured with promise in her gaze. "you shall not be unimpressed."

RE: gyűjtemény - Ferahgo - February 13, 2016

"I see." He was no stranger to these tricks she spoke of. In Tortuga, he had no shortage of scandalous pirates that sought his favor and attentions, and offered him all manner of pleasures in exchange. Of course, he knew it (and also, did not care), that all these wenches sought position and protection, or, were merely lustful of the powerful. Selfishness was an undeniable part of his world.

He beheld her slim form as she displayed it for him, and it was tempting. The seawater blood in his veins responded, rushing south. He moved, slowly, toward her with a heady hum, and a dark and devouring look. His tawny snout extended toward her ear, his steady breath against a soft edge. "Ye will not taste me so easily." As if it were her pleasure, her reward, and indeed, he thought it so.

For you see, The Captain was Captain, even over his own cock. This was her game, not his, and he only played his own, regardless of the carnal urges that rose within. He turned to leave her, flourishing his tail as if to do what she had done to him before and offer a glimpse of what she had been denied.

"Ye can go ashore when ye be ripe. I do not care."

RE: gyűjtemény - Erzsébet - February 13, 2016


it would have been a brassy lie indeed had erzsébet stated she felt nothing at ferahgo's touch; in truth, the brush of his lips, coupled with the visibility of his arousal, sent a glissade of anticipation along her spine. it tightened along the apex of her hips, bringing with its bedding down a rush of warmth. the pair of them were well-matched, each believing that the other so wanted them that they were willing to forgo warnings.

but alas! the countess was left bereft. she neither wished for his wealth nor his favor; she lusted after him by way of his cruelty, and that alone, for it would surely translate to the sort of rough and painful interludes she so enjoyed. yet he turned, granting her the boon uncaringly, and hefting his plume to mock her.

erzsébet allowed herself a glimpse before she turned aside her muzzle, coughing politely. she would not beg him; nor would she pursue -- her eyes rested placidly upon the sea, but within she roiled with anger at his rejection.