Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle but why is the rum gone? - Printable Version

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but why is the rum gone? - Ruffian - February 12, 2016

Set at the beginning of the bridge at high tide -- feel free to stumble upon him at low tide when the bridge reveals. ;)
The fermented fruits sat like dead weight upon the seal hide he had been carrying with him. The swagger in his step suggested a sampling of his treasure, and yet his cool eyes gazed out to the scenery before him. Ruffian had not drifted far from the ocean, knowing it the best way to track the Captain, and sure enough, the scent markers indicated his lengthy travel had come to an end.
Perhaps he would have made better time if he had not drunk so much of the loot Ferahgo had sent him to collect in the first place.
Rugged features halted, his stocky form pausing as he surveyed the invisible borders. They led to the ocean – and with it, an island. “What magic be ‘tis, now?” More importantly, how was he supposed to cross the waters without losing the rum?
Perplexed, the sandy brute settled himself down to what he considered a well-deserved sit, his eyes drifting back to the rotted fruits. Not sure of just how to board the ship without abandoning the treasure, Ruffian could only do what he felt the best decision – drink the rum he had made, and make more aboard the ship. With a hefty guzzle, the pirate settled himself to the task at hand, an abrupt hiccough blatantly giving away his intent.

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Ferahgo - February 12, 2016

He would go to collect his skull, he had decided. But the tide was high, and the sea and the air was too cold, so he passed his time by pacing his own shores, until the tide receded and passage was made available. There on the other side of the plank, however, would be something to distract him: one of his crew he had left behind to bring a supply of rum. In the dead of winter, the ingredients to make it were nigh impossible to find, so it had been of utmost importance to him to bring some along, and he had tasked his crew with figuring out how to do so. He had gone long enough without a dose of alcohol, and so was with a brisk, jaunty step he made his way to the wolf.

He saw the pirate had procured a seal hide to use to transport the rum. Good. He saw that almost all the rum was gone except for the mushiest bits that stuck to the hide. Bad. Then he saw and could smell, as he drew close, that his crewwolf had helped himself to more than a fair share. The worst!

Ferahgo roared, bristling and spitting like a scald cat. "WHAT HAVE YE DONE!? WHERE IS THE RUM? WHY IS THE RUM GONE?"

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Sadie - February 13, 2016

The Sea Salt girl traveled along the gunwales, making sure that every jolly roger was still in place and untouched. Her fur was a little drizzled from the light rain falling, she shook out her fur to lighten her body. Her face was content, tail wagging and head low to search for more treasure. Sadie liked finding shiny things to bring back or to keep for herself when she got a piece of eight.

However, her quiet search was cut off when she heard her captain yell. "What have ye done?! Where is the rum?! Why is the rum gone?!"

Sadie started to sprint, her body moving as fast as the wind. The rum was gone?! How could the rum be gone, there was a ton if it from the crew! If the captain yelled it, something was terribly wrong. Sadie made her way over, seeing her captain and another wolf, who seemed to be intoxicated from the fruit. The lass trotted up to her captain, giving him a bow of the head.

"The rum be gone cap'n? Did this scallywag eat all of the rum?" She asked him, casting a disgusted glare to the other wolf. If he was expecting to join, he'd better pull himself together real quick. How could he drink all of the rum for them?!

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Ruffian - February 16, 2016

Ruffian did not have much sense in life – but he did have the sense to hear the roar of his Captian, and to feel the prickle of fear that came with the anger. Wide-eyed, Ruffian hadn’t kept tabs on the gateway to the island, and so when Ferahgo appeared, voice blazing, Ruffian reeled from the aftermath, trying to string thought together.
Why was the rum gone? The rum was gone?
Glancing down, he noted that aye, quite a bit of the rum was gone. Some of the berries lay lumped together in the middle, some juices still cloaking the seal hide. If anyone could make proper rum, however, it was Ruffian – the fruit had been selected at only the best locations as a mixture of berries, and even some crabapples. Sporting a bit of juice from his previous fermented batch as a starting culture, his batch had been underway for a bit – and aye, it tasted wonderful.
No sooner did the drunkard notice just how much he had drank and Ferahgo’s rage did the wolf crumble his behemoth form down in pardon. “Cap’n,” he rumbled, his words a slur as he blinked. “I saved ye th’ best,” he attempted to soothe – the fruits themselves would hold the most juice and fermented alcohol, and would taste just as sweet. An ear flipped to the sound of a woman, and as some strange girl came storming out to him, Ruffian cast a glaring scowl in her direction – he answered to none but the Captain. “Now lass,” he began with a darker rumble, his tongue slithering out between his lips as he licked his teeth. “Who the f—“ Hiccuping roughly and cutting his words short, Ruffian continued to scowl at her. “Are ye?”

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Ferahgo - February 17, 2016

The Captain did not take kindly to assistance that was thrust upon him without his request, especially from one of the wenches. He preferred, nay, demanded, that his crew wait at his back and be at his beck and call, rather than take it upon themself to intrude. So, when Sadie barged onto the scene, she was met with a quick snap of his teeth aimed toward her muzzle in a not so subtle order to back off or make herself scarce. He had this.

He continued to growl, teeth bared, as he stared down upon Ruffian. His fangs were stayed only because the drunk withered in front of him and claimed to have saved him the best. "Did ye now?" Stiffly, Ferahgo marched over to the seal hide for a closer inspection, and nosing a flap of off to the side he saw that, indeed, there were some fruits left, and indeed, they would be for him. Rum was a precious commodity to the pirates; his crew got it when he had plenty, otherwise they contented themselves with grog or nothing at all.

"Ignore her," he said, his rage subsided into his normal but nonetheless imposing coldness. Placated by the arrival of rum was he. "Take what's left of this rum to my quarters, north side of the rocky hill - a cave. An' don't ye take another lick of it or it'll be yer hide holdin' the rum next time. Move!" Barked Ferahgo. Once the snow was gone he would task this one on brewing more rum. That he had a purpose for him was the only reason Ruffian lived to see another day.

Meanwhile, the Captain continued down the coast, returning to his original purpose.

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Sadie - February 18, 2016

Apologies for hold up, I was somewhat scared to reply xD
Feel free to skip me if I hold ye guys up

Sadie was patient to hear the captain's answer, but knowing she was a wench, the captain wasn't too pleased to see her. Instead of measly words she was met with a pair of snapping jaws towards her muzzle. Instinctively she jumped back and back-traced her steps, tail hitching onto her leg and her hackles flat as if she was doused in water.

"Not me favorite way of being met Cap'n." She muttered in her head, knowing that being a woman was her damn problem. Why couldn't she just have been born as a male?! She would have a hell of a lot more respect than what she normally got. Sulking in her head, she continued to back up and stayed a good distance away. She wouldn't respond to the drunkards sharp question, no she would stay quiet and not say a word.

RE: but why is the rum gone? - Ruffian - February 24, 2016

“Aye Cap’n,” he slurred, fully ignoring the wench as she was put in her place. His eyes submissively kept from looking to Ferahgo, and with a drunken stumble, the man gathered the seal hide, wrapping it together with exercised caution, given his state. With the tide out and the land bridge visible to him now, Ruffian sauntered to the island, treasure in tow. From there he would follow the Captain’s roders, and only once he delivered the rum, would he seek out the shade beneath a tree and take a long needed nap.