Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores The Tears Fall - Printable Version

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The Tears Fall - Kelina - February 12, 2016

Kelina wandered around the area, exploring, glancing at everything she walked past. She was strangely calm today,  which she never was. She was normally cautious, and a little feisty - sometimes even jumpy.

Now she settled by a rock and blinked. Tears? No, she never cried. Never. But sure enough, tears rolled down her cheek. She shook, curling in a big ball. Why? Why was she crying? She was supposed to be fearless and strong. What was up with her?

RE: The Tears Fall - Albus - February 13, 2016

Albus was trotting through the terrain, quiet and calm as usual. He smelled another wolf somewhere near by, and he decided to follow it. Hoping the wolf wouldn't be rude, or aggressive he saw a dark colored female, her back turned towards him and leaning against a rock. He slowed his pace and left space between them, unsure how reserved she was. He barked a welcoming, "Hello," in hopes to start conversation.

RE: The Tears Fall - Renn - February 13, 2016

A torbie pelt emerged from the brush as Renn trotted delicately across the landscape, her eyes still cloudy from sleep but her ears on full alert. She'd be lying if she said she got a good nights sleep. Yawning quietly to herself, the femora continued forward in her relaxed gait, returning once more to follow the trails of two wolves. The most recent seemed fresh and healthy whilst the other was overshadowed with a sadness Renn didn't understand.

RE: The Tears Fall - Kelina - February 14, 2016

Thanks for joining, guys!

Kelina looked up as a male approached. "Oh.... Uh... Hi.." she said, sitting up, trying not to look sad. She shook and tried to hide the tears. She shuffled on her paws, wondering what to say. She hadn't had a proper conversation with anyone for a while now. She also smelled another scent, and it seemed to be coming closer, but for now Kelina just focused on the male.

RE: The Tears Fall - Albus - February 14, 2016

No problem ^_^

Albus quickly realized the girl had been crying, he instantly turned into his comforting side, and moved closer to her without hesitation. "What's bothering you?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side and looking at with worry in his eyes. He smelled the scent of another, but ignored it for the time being, since they had yet to show up.

RE: The Tears Fall - Renn - February 14, 2016

Rounding a natural curve in the landscape, the femora finally reached the source of the trail. "Hello there, she greeted, trotting forwards to stand a little way away from the other two wolves, "Are you alright?" In her head, she mentally scolded herself for being so pushy when clearly the atmosphere was far from jolly.

RE: The Tears Fall - Kelina - February 15, 2016

Kelina looked up and said "Um..... Uh....... I-I don't know...." and she meant it. She had never cried before. It was strange, but even more strange was that she didn't even know what was bothering her. She thought hard. Perhaps it was her brother. Or for her stillborn sibling? Or her parents? Or her dreams being pretty much crushed. She thought it had to be one of them, or all of them, but she wasn't sure. They were quite a while ago, and she never used to cry about them?

RE: The Tears Fall - Albus - February 18, 2016

Albus cautiously stepped closer to the crying girl, before sitting in front of her. "It's natural to cry," the male comforted. It had been quite awhile since he cried himself, then again he was four years old. He was boun to cry at some point in his life by that time.

RE: The Tears Fall - Renn - February 19, 2016

"Indeed." The dark female spoke kindly, padding forward slightly and relaxing down next to the other. "Sometimes it's best to let the tears out, even if you're not sure what it's about," her words were truthful though she wasn't certain it was the best advice she could give. "You'll feel better in the end."

RE: The Tears Fall - Kelina - February 26, 2016

Sorry for not replying sooner, guys!

Kelina sniffed. She did feel a little better. "M-May I ask your names? I am Kelina...." She said, sniffling a little. She missed her brother, She really did. But there was no way he was going to accept her again now. She sighed as she thought about all the good times they had had. Ones that could never happen again. Though she had heard from someone the other day that he was starting a pack.