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Porcupine Ridge wizened and weary - Printable Version

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wizened and weary - Diane - February 13, 2016

Set on the day following the PR/RJ fiasco @Novak

For a long time, Diane lay curled up in her den. She didn't move, except to occasionally start flicking her tongue in feeble licks at her wound, and was otherwise despondent to her surroundings. Luckily, no one came her way anyway. She wasn't that hurt... not physically, anyway. But emotionally Diane was much more than just a little confused with herself.

Her violence had been completely out of character. Or was it? Had she always been capable and willing beneath all the ordinances and rules of home? Was this what freedom permitted—the expression of a deeper image yet to be seen? Diane swallowed, frightened that she didn't know herself anymore; And suddenly she no longer wished to be so very still. The small wolf stirred and flexed, untangling her limbs and unfurling her tail as she began to crawl out of her hole-in-the-ground.

Shaking her entire body, Diane limp-trotted towards a small puddle of morning snowmelt and took the icy water in delayed laps of her tongue, her body adjusting to the cold as it made its way past her teeth and down to her stomach.

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 13, 2016

Novak was continuing to familiarize himself with the area, he took a deep breath and his nose tingled a bit. He didn't mind the cold too much, if anything the only difference between seasons to him was the scenery, but his body was welly adapted to most conditions. He had little information about the recent fight between the ridges neighboring pack, since he had just joined right before the battle took place, and couldn't be involved in it at all. He wasn't bothered that he couldn't hurt another wolf, more of he couldn't help his pack. But it seemed Porcupine Ridge handled it well without him. 

It had been a couple of days since the battle broke out, and the brute had been away from most wolves in his time here, wanting to have some alone time. He'd make sure to be social soon, but with lack of communication he had little idea of how the fight had been. His mind was interrupted when he saw a familiar fae drinking from snowmelt from the morning, it was Diane! The two had met when he was searching to join, and he found interest in the girl. He slowly approached her, without much sound. Until he was much closer than before the male let out a simple, "Hello."

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 17, 2016

Diane missed Novak's approach, too distracted and engrossed with herself to notice his quiet nearness until he spoke. She flinched, whirling about to face the deep, resonating voice; but the fear in her eyes was short-lived, and her fur resumed its flat lie along her sleek spine as she sighed in marked relief. "Oh, Novak, you scared me," she murmured, offering him a small apologetic smile for her reaction. She had never been so wary of herself before, having trusted and known everyone around her her whole life.

Things were much different these days. She was a thousand times more jumpy than she was used to being. The foreignness of such feelings was quickly starting to wear on her, and it wouldn't be too much longer before she wouldn't be surprised by her newfound reactions to things, or the ease of which she could be swept up into the emotional rallies of her new packmates. It was a sobering experience after living such a sheltered, uneventful life beforehand, but Diane was not deterred by newness of everything—even the newness of herself.

She favored her injured leg, holding it off the ground after turning to appropriately face the handsome cream wolf. She smiled more certainly, and balanced easily on three legs. "How do you like the Ridge?" she asked, curious to know the opinion of a wolf who was newer here than herself.

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 17, 2016

He seemed to have frightened, or at least stunned, the girl. Tilting his head to the side, and lowering his ears in regret, holding a worried look on his face he apologized for his quite approach. "I didn't mean to scare you," he assured. It was obvious when the tawny was purposely scaring someone, he already large seemed to grow, his eyes didn't seem crazed but very intimidating, he rarely bore teeth even when he was showing dominance in an aggressive situation. Most every fight he had been in was one swift move and the other was done for, but that was in the past and he hoped to not be needing to relive any of those moments soon. Porcupine Ridge was his sanctuary, his getaway. 

The brute wasn't sure why but when she stated his name, it gave him some sort of comfort, since often his name was spoken in serious or hostile situations, but her speaking it in an innocent situation made him relax a bit. He had already adjusted his stance to one of submission to her higher rank. He was aware she was the second newest wolf in the pack, and it gave him pride that he had probably made it less awkward for her.

"I'm enjoying it very much," he replied with a faint smile on his maw. "I got to see my younger cousin again. Do you know a wolf of the name Anwyl?" Anywl was a silvery wolf of the age of one, the boy was seeking advice when the encountered and was delighted to see his older cousin.

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 17, 2016

Her smile was earnest as he spoke, and she suddenly got the impression that he wasn't asked very often how he was faring. She wondered how long he had traveled alone, or what the reason had been behind it. She had only been on her own for a few days in the entire span of her life—and it could have been much longer (most likely resulting in her death) if the Alpha of Porcupine Ridge had not found her, and led her home...

Home. The word felt heavy and strange in her mind, but she forced it to settle there, swallowing as she tipped her ears in Novak's direction. This was the second occasion in which she was hearing Anwyl's name, but she had yet to meet him, and wouldn't see him until later that morning when Taggarik would call them all to inspect the Thunder Dome for any remaining Ryujin wolves. "I haven't had the pleasure yet, but I've actually heard a lot about him—from Jhala," she mentioned as an afterthought, remembering that the Beta female had also greeted Novak at the borders with her. "He sounds quite lovely... Though, I imagine it just must be something that runs in your family."

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 17, 2016

Diane spoke of how Jhala talked about him, he'd be sure to mention that to his younger cousin. Knowing he was be delighted to know what she says about him, the fae's smile and idea of building Anywl's confidence made him grin wide. Her compliment flattered the brute, resulting in his tail wagging the slightest bit, before he stopped himself. It was obvious he was more than content around her, though. A once close friend of his said he spoke with his eyes, and not his body. Which Novak found confusing at the time, but all in all it was true. "You are very kind, Diane. I'm sure your family is just as lovely," the wolf meant to compliment her, since he had no idea how her family was, but his socially awkwardness had the best of him and he looked down. Feeling a little strange from his comment, but hoped she would take it the right way. "You are very lovely yourself," he added. Maybe that saved it?

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 18, 2016

She steeled herself against his compliment, smiling through the unobserved pain. She didn't let her affect it as much. Her worries had been driven towards new discoverings about herself, and her nightmares were now less about the crushing waves, but about unwanted bloodshed and pain. She set her paw down lightly in thought, and when the sharp ache from the bitemarks there returned at the applied pressure, she was successfully reminded of the price for true pack mentality. The monarchy she had been raised under was nothing like this—and instinct was dictating her more than feeling. This was perhaps what bothered her most.

Not how much she missed her family. But how different she was without them. Who was she anymore? "Lovely," Novak called her then, and surprised eyes turned to him as she almost thought he had read her mind. Her mouth was slightly open, but she eased the aghast expression away, and an implied blush shrouded her features instead. "S-Sir Novak, you flatter me!" she blustered, angling her muzzle towards her shoulder and incidentally reverting to the titles of the Cove.

Shyly, Diane untucked her muzzle, tilting her head at him slightly. "I bet Anwyl is just as chivalrous, which is why Jhala likes him. Are you always so gallant?"

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 19, 2016

Novak noticed her injury upon seeing her the first time today, but spoke nothing of it until now. "Have you gotten that wound checked out?" he asked, becoming more worried for her health. The silvery brute may have never been wounded enough to gain a scar to prove it, but he did know what an untreated wound could become. He knew she was hiding the pain of it for herself and for him. Not wanting to be worried about, but that didn't stop him. Slowly coming closer to her injured foot, he lowered himself to sniff around it before looking up at her with curious eyes. "Who gave you this?" He was well aware it was one of the neighboring pack, but he knew if he were to see this wolf again he wouldn't treat him kindly. Of course, he wouldn't start any trouble either. 

The handsome male was then covered with grief once realizing he hadn't answered her former question, not realizing it could have been rhetorical. He backed away from her a bit, to recreate the theme of the conversation. "As for me being gallant- I wouldn't be able to answer that." He admitted.

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 20, 2016

His blue eyes drifted, and Diane became hyper aware of the fact that Novak wasn't quite listening anymore. He had noticed her weakness, and immediately worried after her. The blush on her face was palpable. "Well, Vuk.. um," she mumbled, her words failing as the plated wolf drew forward slowly, nose outstretched for her wound. She stiffened, eyes widening to the prospect that he might touch her, but all she felt were the quick brushes of expelled air as he examined her leg by scent. He looked up at her, his eyes so gravely serious that she had to look away. His blue eyes—for a moment she had felt like she was swimming...

"It.. It was someone from the other pack that our pack chased off yesterday. I—," she choked, swallowing down an awfully dry lump before speaking again. "I mean, it was my fault. I wouldn't have gotten bitten if I.. if I didn't just charge into battle like I knew what I was doing. And I barely remember the whole thing (it all happened so fast) but I think... I think he apologized to me."

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 20, 2016

Novak worried for Diane, but knew she could handle herself. He understood Vuk would be able to care for the wound, him having no knowledge of caregiving, except protecting, if that even counted. She seemed to stiffen when he checked out her wound, and the last thing the brute wanted was to make her uncomfortable so he wouldn't stress the topic much more. The male looked her in the eyes for a mere moment, before searching his mind for another thing to converse about. He was lead to be reminded of Anwyl, and wondered what Jhala had spoken about him. "What has Jhala said about Anwyl?" He asked, unaware it might be a bit strange to change the topic to quickly, especially to something that didn't relate to the situation.

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 24, 2016

Though the very sudden topic change was painfully obvious, Diane was grateful for it nonetheless. She didn't know when (if ever) she'd be comfortable with talking about herself or her own issues—but Novak seemed keen towards social cues, so he was quick to relieve her of the stressful conversation, careful to veer offhandedly to a more unassuming subject. Diane perked up noticeably. "She praised him as a sweet heart—he's obviously showed her some kindness before and I believe she's quite smitten by him," Diane began to smile slightly, reminded of the delighted reverence Jhala had shown when asked about Anwyl.

"Her eyes brighten like lightning when she talks about him." Being the romantic that she was, she couldn't wait to experience the emotion for herself; and though she was no stranger to teenage twitterpation, she had yet to know a true love. "Jhala also mentioned that he was teaching her to catch porcupine. I hope to learn that skill one day."

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - February 24, 2016

Ah, all this information was perfect! H'd be sure to mention it to Anwyl the next chance he gets, knowing of the young boys plans to impress Jhala, he would give the boy the proper support for what he needs to accomplish such things. The faintest smile showed on Novak's maw, for multiple reasons, including being in Diane's presence. When she mentioned her ambition to gain the ability to catch porcupine, his ears perked up. "I could teach you if you'd like," Novak wasn't an aspiring hunter, but him being a lone wolf multiple times, and working for his strict pack it was required. For him at least, being at such high command from his alpha. He was highly trained in multiple trades, and although he is thankful for his skills, he ponders on what he would have done with the choice. 

He truly did like Diane, and not only could he help her in some form, but he could spend more time with her. Which was fine by him, already enjoying their small talk. His tail flicked from side to side, and he tilted his head to the right, waiting for a response to his offer.

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - February 25, 2016

Of course, Novak— an impressive wolf clearly bred for the slanted precipices of a mountain, and with a cousin who knew the trick to hunting the prickly creatures she had yet to see before— would know the trick to hunting them himself. Diane's face lit up, her otter-tail beginning to beat back and forth at the prospect of a hunt. "That would be grand, Novak!" she said, sounding quite thrilled. But in forgetting herself, she set her foreleg down completely and was harshly reminded of her injury. Her expression darkened as she picked up her foreleg again and gazed elsewhere. If porcupines were very fast, she wouldn't be able to participate.

"I don't think I can chase anything today..." she said, yet unaware that the art of 'pine hunting was more a game of strategy than physical exertion.

RE: wizened and weary - Novak - March 01, 2016

He saw her mistake before it was made, and his body stiffened knowing she was in for some unwelcomed pain, yet before he could say much she already set it on the ground, he lowered his ears and held a worried look, in search of some sort of response to the pressure on her injury, but she only seemed to alter in a small way and continued on with their conversation. She had a point, she couldn't hunt such animals, nor many animals, at the time being, even if she were to attempt to he would do his best to keep her from it. Not wanting her to experience more pain than she already had, or cause any more. 

Novak looked back at her foreleg, before gazing back into her eyes—obviously not in the form of a challenge. "I suppose you're right, perhaps we could once you're completely healed?" He suggested.

RE: wizened and weary - Diane - March 02, 2016

With her mood sobered, she smiled at Novak again, though the expression didn't crest into her eyes. She was honestly disheartened that she wouldn't be able to hunt now, or in any of the soon following days. It was something she hadn't thought of yet. "Yes, I suppose it'll just have to wait until then," she sighed, peering to her left before drawing her eyes slowly back to the cream mountain of a wolf before her. "I feel really useless now. I was already struggling to catch something... What— what if my leg never heals? What if I'm never able to provide for the Ridge?" she asked, her uncertainty mounting to new and sudden heights.

Novak was quick to soothe Diane's worries. Before parting ways soon thereafter, he had made sure none of her self-depreciative thoughts remained prevalent. He made her feel slightly better, if only it was because she had to pretend to be alright for his sake; to make him stop worrying. She watched him go fondly, the tip of her tail wagging, sadness creeping in his absence. But not long after this, Taggarik calls for the assembly of his followers on the Thunder Dome...

Decided to fade this here, because it was getting a little outdated. Can't wait for another thread!