Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Joining - Printable Version

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Joining - Nadie - February 14, 2016

Nadie ran towards the pack who resided here,stopping short of their border. She sniffed at it,yeah it was definetly a pack. There were a few wolves who had particularly strong scents here. High rankers she supposed. With no delay she raised her head and howled her intent to the pack. Best to be prompt she figured. That way when they got here they could know what she wanted. They could always just flat refuse her if they didn't want her. She was nothing special,your average she wolf. She wondered if she would be enough to get accepted. If it fell though here she would most likely be a lone wolf.

RE: Joining - Elwood - February 14, 2016

Dutifully, Elwood trotted towards the borders to respond to the call from an outsider. The pack had been in flux lately -- wolves seemed to be coming and going carelessly, which didn't sit well with him. Was loyalty so easy to fake these days? Perhaps Fox and Peregrine had been on to something when they closed the borders and demanded allegiance.

He was skeptical as he approached the she-wolf, one brow arched as he gave her a cursory glance. "State your business," he said, coming to a halt with the caldera at his back.

RE: Joining - Nadie - February 14, 2016

She had figured it was explanatory why she was there when she howled seeing as it had been a joining call. She nodded anyways though, lowering her head in submission. She had no room for defiance here and she understood that. The wolf in front of her was dusky grey in color with greenish yellow eyes. "I was hoping to join", she told him,her tail hanging low but still wagging. She had always been a friendly one,too nice for her own good sometimes. It still crept through in her tone of voice,her eagerness. "I'm Nadie,"she added with a tiny smile.

RE: Joining - Elwood - February 15, 2016

She verbalized her reason for calling and introduced herself as Nadie. Although Elwood's initial request likely hadn't been necessary, he preferred to ensure that all intentions were clear from the get go. He nodded his head, noting the way her tail stayed low and her posture was deferential. So far, so good.

"Well, Nadie, my name is Elwood and I'm the Beta of Redhawk Caldera. How can you benefit our pack?" he asked, the familiar question rolling off his tongue with ease. He was a little wary because of the transient nature of the last few wolves he had accepted into their ranks, but maybe she would be different.

RE: Joining - Nadie - February 15, 2016

"I can hunt,that's not very special though. I used to watch the pups and the elders at home,"she told him. She didn't have any talents to speak of. She was just an average wolf. Average hunter,average fighter, etc. She searched her mind for anything that might be considered a talent...but came up with nothing. She had been told she could sing well but that wasn't going to help her find a pack. She shifted on her paws nervously,she had nothing to offer them.

RE: Joining - Elwood - February 15, 2016

Elwood smiled wryly. Nadie was right; hunting was not a special skill, although there were wolves -- like himself -- who perfected the trade until they were masterful. The pack could always use able bodies simply to help fill and maintain the caches, but it was her next comment that caught his attention.

"You have experience with pups?" he asked, his interest evident. Fox and Peregrine surely would not let an absolute stranger assist with the firebirds while they were very young, but if Nadie stayed and proved herself, she could eventually step into the role that Somnia had hoped to fill. "Our Alpha female is expecting," he explained a moment later.

RE: Joining - Nadie - February 15, 2016

Nadie smiled genuinely when he mentioned his Alpha expecting pups. "Congrats,"she told him happily. Maybe if she joined she could help. To be honest she was surprised he had shared that information with her,she wasn't a pack member. She was just a rogue looking for a home. Maybe if she stayed she could help watch them when their mother was busy but she doubted she would get the chance until they got to know her.

RE: Joining - Elwood - February 15, 2016

My last post. Welcome! :)

She offered her congratulations and Elwood nodded his head. He had hoped that she would provide a bit more of an explanation of her skills as a caretaker, but as far as he was concerned, he had no reason to turn her down. She had shown respect and seemed to be willing to work for the pack in exchange for a home.

"Okay. You're welcome to join our ranks, Nadie. I recommend you become acquainted with our Alphas, Fox and Peregrine, and the Beta female, Finley. Keep working on the hunting, and maybe you can prove yourself as a caregiver as well," he said. It was nearly the same spiel he gave to anyone he accepted into their ranks. He hoped that she wouldn't disappoint him as others had.

With a curt nod of his head, he turned and took his leave.

RE: Joining - Nadie - February 15, 2016

Ooc: last post from me. Thanks!

She yipped happily at being accepted and followed after him into the pack's territory. She didn't follow him for long though instead darting off to explore. She figured she should probably leave Elwood alone,he probably didn't want to be followed around by her all day.