Wolf RPG
Moonspear rise and fall - Printable Version

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rise and fall - RIP Atreyu - February 16, 2016

Tagging @Charon or @Amekaze but open for whoever <3

Slowly, he approached the looming mountain. He had aimed to rid himself of the collar around his neck by the time he reached Moonspear, but the closer he go to it, the more he wanted to just run to the safety and familiarity of pack life. The life of a lone wolf was not for him, even more so now than ever before. At least the strange fabric that had bandaged his stump had disintegrated. The smell of the two-legged creatures had faded, though Atreyu was sure he could still smell them and kept his eyes to the sky, ever watchful and wary.

The way the trees surrounding the mountain created a canopy above him, the boy felt his anxiety lessen — only to then return as he thought of the pack. He could scent the borders here, so that was a relief, but what if he wasn't welcome? How would he explain what had occurred...would they believe him?

A tree nearby had the tell-tale claw marks of territory marking, and so Atreyu slowed his pace, hesitating a moment before letting out a howl. He then lowered, intending to show submission to whoever arrived but losing his balance and falling flat on the frosty ground. The boy remained crumpled on the ground with a pathetic huff, feeling too uncertain of his position in the pack to even pick himself up. Maybe he would be better off like this.

RE: rise and fall - Charon - February 16, 2016

The howl that rang through the air was recognised in a heart beat. Atreyu had been there for most of Charon's life, and while he'd just up and left at some point -- dead or otherwise, the latter just proven by the call -- he was still Atreyu. Part of the little band that had lived in Stavanger Bay for so long before moving to Moonspear. Charon instantly dropped what he was doing and started to trot towards the borders, where Atreyu's call had come from. He kept running for as long as it took until he reached the spot.

Upon reaching Atreyu, Charon actually had to use his nose to find the call's owner amongst the snow. To be angry hadn't occurred to Charon yet (perhaps because their pack was flourishing throughout this winter; if they had been struggling, he'd have been angrier, like he had been in the past at wolves that'd left them at their lowest, like Aesop or Saskia). He was just happy to see his friend home.

"Atreyu!" he called out as he neared and noticed the slump of Atreyu on the ground. His tail wagged to show his cheer at seeing his friend again, and although his body posture was dominant there were no signs of anger or aggression. His heartbeat quickened as he approached, hoping to see recognision to confirm that this really was his friend.