Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest So dance along to the beat of your heart - Printable Version

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So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

@Aaron I have arrived in a shower of glitter

Faramir traipsed through the open plains, trotting steadily towards the visible forest. He hoped to find some other wolves dwelling there, and at best, a pack. His stomach gave a low growl, and in response he only smiled. Better get there soon, he thought. 

Arriving finally at his destination of a beautiful forest, he let out a long, melodic howl for anyone that might be in earshot. He wondered if there was a chance, but best to try his luck before giving up. Besides, it smelled like others had been there recently. Other wolves, or foxes. The latter seemed more likely, and delicious. His stomach gave out another complaint, to which he gave an amused eye-roll.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

perf- save some for me! 

The man was conveniently chasing down a couple of foxes from where he believed would be the perfect spot for his own den. He had made it large enough for the gorgeous woman who he had requested be his co-alpha, but they were not necessarily an item and therefore he would not force her to sleep near him. One of the dumb creatures turned in an attempt to fight, and with little struggle Aaron was able to slay the damn thing- receiving only a few bites and scratches to his chest and shoulder. These wounds would heal, he knew, and therefore paid them no mind. The other scrambled away, proving smarter than the one lying limp in front of him. Would foxes make a tasty meal? He had never tried, but he opted to dig a cache for the dumb carcass. It would be the first of many.

Before he had the chance, however, he heard a howl. Strange, he thought, but intriguing all the same. Had this territory seemed so inhabited that someone had sought him out to join? He smiled with pride and picked up the limp creature, deciding leaving it would not be a good idea. 

He arrived soon, and laid the dead fox near his paws, watching the male with curiosity. Another male- good. The pack was made up only of females (and himself) right now, and although the idea was nice, most women enjoyed the tenderness of man vowed to her and her only- more brutes would certainly keep the pack more at ease. Especially with the plan he held for the pack, this male was already a high priority. 

"Greetings," he woofed lowly, his tail held high but loosely above his hindquarters. "May I help you?"

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

of course
sorry it's short XD

It was not that long of a wait before another wolf, a pleasant surprise, showed up, coincidentally with a fox. Faramir gave a hearty grin and a wag of his tail in greeting. This male had his tail in a slight position of dominance, to which he held his own a bit lower. "Hi, stranger, I was wondering if you might know of a pack around here I might be able to join." he said cheerily. A passing fox, probably fleeing, caught his eye, and he was tempted to go after it, but manners in mind, he stayed put while his stomach rumbled, albeit louder than before.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

no worries (:

With a smile that made no note of his relief that this male was looking to join a pack, Aaron gave the male a bit of a lockdown from head to toe. He was attractive enough, not nearly as blessed as he was when it came to good looks. Strong enough, confident enough, perhaps a good asset. He rolled his shoulders forwards. "You're standing in the territory of one," he commented, his tail flicking. There were no borders marked really, so he couldn't get on the male about passing them, but he could easily comment on the fact that this soon would be a pack.

"This will soon be Rosings, I am strengthening my ranks before anything is made official," he informed him then, studying his face as he waited for a reaction.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

Faramir gave a cheery 'oh really look' to the man, who claimed this was pack territory without borders. Not that he smelled, buddy. The fact that it wasn't official shed some light on the words, but he still found it amusing that he claimed a territory unofficially. "Well, would you consider a handsome, strapping young man as an addition to your ranks?" he said with a dramatic model pose, before breaking down with a laugh. "And who might my potential new leader be?" he asked.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

The man in front of him appeared spunky at lighthearted, and perhaps this would add on to the gentle persona that the pack portrayed (thus far, anyway). Aaron gave a shrug, although truthfully he was already edging on the yes side. "I am Aaron Odolf," he replied swiftly, his tail waging behind him. "And may I ask the same question to you?" he returned deciding to settle in the snow. Sweeping his tail around his paws, the man continued to watch with interest, studying his expressions as he responded. His attention turned only momentarily to the fox before looking back at the male, perhaps the two could share if he found a reason to.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

dancing between two different personalities is difficult but fun, messing up she/he is the worst XD

Interesting name, he thought. This dude needed to lighten up a bit...maybe he needed a friend. "Faramir Ithilien." He returned the pleasantry while seating himself after Aaron, except leaving his tail to wag freely behind him. 

"How many others have you?" he asked, interested in his new pack.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

I messed up Aaron's he/she for a while :L ugh

His ears perked curiously, and the man nodded. "Pleasure," he returned, a smile gracing his handsome features. "Including myself," he began, "We have five, a possibly sixth who is testing her options.. it seems," he added, thinking fondly to Mitanni. She seemed like a good possible option, but he made no bets upon her joining. The Teekons were filled with other packs- more established ones as well. 

"All female," he then felt to add, "Other than myself, of course," he grinned mischievously to the male. He did not know this man at all, but judging by his appearance and outgoing persona, perhaps he would be quite fond of having a pack filled with women.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

All female, eh? A bit of a challenge, a welcome one at that. Faramir grinned with an underlying smirk. "Ah, and I assume you've already had your pick?" he said with a cheery laugh. Although that did leave him the position of Beta, which only made him more excited to join the good-looking male in his pack.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

The man gave a grin, giving a gentle shrug. "I've had my pick at queen," he told him, implying that the alpha female spot was indeed taken, "but I'm working on the rest," he added with a wink. Men.

The man then paused, eyeing the male curiously. "I must warn you, however. I do not plan to carry out the usual rankings of this pack. Ranks will be established in pairs- and those pairs will also signify mates," Aaron explained this with caution. The other females seemed quite okay with- other than Claudia who he believed too young to be placed with a mate. With a gentle flick of his tail, he watched the mans expressions. What would he think of this? Perhaps he would be alright with it as well.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

"But of course. Unless I get to them first. Who could deny such a winning personality?" he said playfully, winking in return. 

It came as a surprise to learn that this pack would be rank mates, but frankly he was fine with it. "It sounds alright with me," he said with a shrug. It was almost disappointing, though, the chase was half the fun. At least this way he could learn about the woman he would be placed with.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

Aaron smiled, pleased to hear that the male was on board with the whole idea. He paused then, looking him over once or twice more before dipping his head. He could see a bit of disappointment in his face, eyes glinting ever so slightly. He gave another smile, this one filled more with mischief. 

"I am glad to hear, and it would be my pleasure to offer you a place among our ranks. We will be officially claiming this land soon," he woofed, taking a moment to pause; it was clear, however, that he was not done speaking. "You may also to pleased, and perhaps not at all surprised, to hear that Rosings will be in need of a Beta male. If you so chose you technically fill that position automatically," Aaron informed him, flicking his tail. With a final glint of mischief to his sky-blue eyes, the man spoke again.

"You would also be granted second choice at a co-beta... with my permission, of course," he added. For the most part, he planned on handpicking his pairs, but Faramir reminded him too much of himself to deny him the chance for making his own decisions. "I do however recommend waiting a little bit before taking any claim. We will surely find more females among our ranks- perhaps better for you to choose."

weep. I changed Aaron's personality to more solemn and this is the most I've had to type out for him in a few threads :L you go dood.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016

Faramir was more than glad to hear that he would automatically be Beta. That was a quick ascent though the racks into leadership, if he did say so himself. "It would be my pleasure to be Beta," he said with a happy glint to his eyes, which would only grow when he heard of the next piece of information.

"But of course I will wait to choose, I'll have to see what they look like first!" he said, throwing his head back with a great laugh. "I agree to your terms, though. Thank you." he said with a mischievous, but glad, grin.

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Tantalus - February 16, 2016

The man grinned, his tail wagging as he moved to stand. "This is wonderful, Faramir," he dipped his head to him, delighted that he had gained another member to his pack. Perhaps this would be enough wolves to stake their final claim to the land- he would decide later. For now, he planned to eat.

"I've never had fox before, have you?" he asked the other curiously, bending his head to sniff the creature. "Would you share it with me? I'm quite intrigued by it's appeal- and the forest is almost overrun with the damn beasts." Before waiting for a response, Aaron settled himself back down, this time lying down. He took his pick of the meat (a nice meaty part just below the ribs) and began to tear at it, chewing thoughtfully. 

He'd had better.

final post from me!! <3 super excited (: Need to finish up Maja / Amara's recruitment threads and then I'm done!

RE: So dance along to the beat of your heart - Faramir - February 16, 2016


"Likewise," he said, being serious enough to dip his own head in thanks. 

They finally got to the matter of the fox getting cold. "I have, they're not too bad." he replied after nodding and bending over, snagging some bits. They laid and chatted for a while, munching on fox, and finally headed into the forest to explore more of the unclaimed claim.