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Phoenix Maplewood Joining pack. - Printable Version

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Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 17, 2016

Lyric slowly padded towards the Maplewood territory, with her younger one at her side they continued onwards, frosted grass tickling the pads of their paws. Lyrics pup looked up at her in anticipation. 
*Are we near it yet?* The pup asked curiously.
*I do not know child, we are merely requesting to join, they could easily deny* Lyric responded calmly, hiding her anxiety from her daughter. Minutes past, and the pack slowly faded into view. Lyric took a deep inhale and stopped in her tracks and gazed lovingly at her daughter. 
*Well, lets give it a shot darling*

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 18, 2016

Apollo had been patrolling the grounds when he caught an unfamiliar scent of someone new, and just the thought of an intruder made his hair stand on end. Hi posture grew to a more intimidating one, as if he wasn't already, and he tracked the scent down until he saw a female and what seemed to be her pup patiently waiting at the border. His body was tawny, but his eyes revealed care. Slowing his pace, he came to a stop only a yard or two away. He barked to get her attention, before closing in a bit more. He had no authority into accepting members, but interacting was perfectly fine. "Hello," he greeted, trying to be a friendly face, while holding his guard up.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 19, 2016

Lyric had not seen a friendly face in so long, she approached the wolf slowly and hesitantly, indicating that she would not attack. Although the male seemed friendly, she arched her back around Rain protectively just in case he tried anything. 
*greetings, I am Lyric, this is my child Rain. We have been travelling for quite sometime in search of a pack, we heard that Phoenix Maplewood was quite welcoming to wolves who well, are in need of a second chance.* Lyric said smoothly, trying to retain composure.  She could feel rain shivering underneath her coat. 
*Is there anyway we could talk to the alpha?*

RE: Joining pack. - Rain Willow - February 19, 2016

Rain looked up at the wolf before her, she had never seen a never seen another wolf aside from her mother before. He smelt odd.

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 19, 2016

A smile grew on the brute's face, "Welcoming, huh?" His reason for joining Maplewood was looking for a home of curse, but he definitely wouldn't have described his evaluation as welcoming. Reek was intimidating and snarky- which wasn't bad- then again, maybe his other Alpha was more the welcoming type. He had yet to meet many of the wolves in Maplewood, him being the newest to join. He'd only spoken to one of the alpha's, and two other girls. "I'll try to get one of their attentions." he assured. The wolf then let out a loud howl calling for both @Reek and @Saena, he made sure not to sound urgent or demanding since no one was hurt or in danger, and he didn't want to disrespect either of them. He looked down at the younger canine, who differed from a wolf.

RE: Joining pack. - Reek - February 19, 2016

Feel free to post a few more times before I jump back in! Reek wouldn't be able to appear immediatly.

After the successful raid on the Emberwood, life for Reek slowed down considerably. No longer did he have patients knocking on death's door, a pocket full of stress inducing obligation, or any worry that an outside threat loomed over their very existance. For the first time since living in Redtail Rise, Reek felt as if he were able to finally breathe easy. Most importantly, winter was only a hair's breadth away from it's transition into spring. Life had become increadbly simple once more.

But, with this incredible simplicty came boredom. Having lived a complicated life, these brief pauses of silence unsettled Reek in a strange way. It was as if a nagging voice tugged in the back of his head, whispering; what now? Surely, this peaceful bliss would only be temporary until the next period of tribluation came staggering into his life with the gracefullness of a drunken figure skater.

His thoughts however, were inturrupted by a summoning howl for the alpha pair, and Reek needn't dwell on this unsettling silence for long. He rose from his den and took his sweet time as he dillydallied his way to the border.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 19, 2016

Noticing the look the coloured wolf gave her young, Lyric snorted. She had forgotten how other wolves may have reacted to Rain, her being a hybrid and all. Before a question could arise, she broke the awkward silence. 

*She is a mutt, Father was a domestic.*

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 19, 2016

Apollo lifted his body when she snorted at him simply looking at her young, he understood she was to be protective. But incase she took her protectiveness too far his pose was more intimidating, but he gave the young hybrid a smile. He would never think of hurting the young girl- or Lyric for the matter. He knew Reek wouldn't rush if he were called for, but perhaps Seana would show up. Perhaps this could be some sort of way to prove himself to one, or both the alphas. "I knew that was something special about her," he gave Rain a small wink, before refocusing on the other wolf.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 19, 2016

Lyric winced and realised she had been a wee bit too intimidating. She felt like a fool, why must she always assume the worst of others? Guess it was her past, she couldn't help thinking about how her own family had reacted to the news of her pregnancy, and this wolf was acting so kind.  
*I'm so sorry, I'm always so scared they might ridicule her, or worse. Thank you, that means a lot to me*  Lyric nodded at him kindly and weakened her stance, more relaxed. Maybe not all wolves were that bad after all?

RE: Joining pack. - Rain Willow - February 19, 2016

Rain liked this new wolf, he seemed nice, although he still smelt funny. Taking a step forward, nose twitching she looked straight at his eyes and licked the end of his nose.
*You taste funny*

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 19, 2016

Apollo opened his mouth to speak until the young fae had unexpectedly licked his nose, and his ears lifted in shock. The brute rarely received affection, let alone foresaw it. He looked down at her with a shocked expression, before regaining his composure by clearing his throat and straightening his posture, a little embarrassed it took him so long to respond. "I'm sure I do," the male rolled his shoulders and lifted his head to look back at Lyric. "Why would Maplewood require you? What skills to you have?" he knew Reek wouldn't accept a wolf- and a hybrid pup- if they couldn't provide.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 20, 2016

'I was beta in my last pack. Was known for my hunting and foraging skills, I'm quite agile and fast, able to kill quickly and discretely so any other potential prey in the area won't flee.' Lyric paused and turned to Rain.
'With her father being a border collie, she has natural herding instinct. If prey tries to escape, she can easily drive them back to a better position for the kill.' 
Looking down at the young wolf-dog, Lyric acknowledged triumphant look on her face, she was obviously proud of getting a mention.  
Lyric was about to continue until she was interrupted by a certain little pup.

RE: Joining pack. - Rain Willow - February 20, 2016

Rain stared at the to elder wolves talking, she heard her mother speaking about her herding skills, she couldn't help but feel proud. Continuing to watch this wolf, a question came to her mind. 
'What's your name? You never told us.'   

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 20, 2016

She spoke of her skills, and definitely had the potential for Phoenix Maplewood, but he was still wary if her and Rain would be accepted, knowing it was difficult to join this pack. Before he could acknowledge her prowess, the young pup spoke again asking for his name. "I'm Apollo," he said, before continuing with Lyric. "What happened to your old pack?" he asked. Perhaps it was killed off, or she was running away. The brute wondered if she had met this "Border Collie" before or after her reign as Beta.

RE: Joining pack. - Rain Willow - February 20, 2016

Rain was pushed by her mother gently, she told her to go and play by the trees.  Wandering forward, Rain caught a scent in the leaves and began to roll through them.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 20, 2016

Lyric looked to the ground ashamed, she hated talking about the subject but its bound to come up sometimes. Gently nudging Rain with her snout she tells her to go play over by the trees, she didn't want her to hear this right now.  Taking a deep breath, she tells her tale. 
' To put it straight, I was Dismissed. I mean, falling pregnant without my packs permission and if that wasn't bad enough, with a domestic dog. They cast me out as soon as they had the chance. It was a very strict pack, so many rules too, no contact with outside packs, no exploring when not asked, the list goes on. I was so unhappy there, so when we were out on a group hunt I strayed off from the pack and explored by myself. Stupid move. I found myself in a human farm of some sort . That was when I met him. That was also when everything went wrong. '
 Lyric whined softly under her breath.

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 20, 2016

Apollo felt bad for forcing her to bring up her past, since it obviously troubled her greatly, and it made him feel even worse would he had to explain her chances of joining Maplewood. "I don't mean to make things worse, but you do know I can't ensure that you'll be allowed to join this pack with um... Rain." he was about to say mutt, but realized that could be offensive in some way. Besides, he was growing to like the young mix.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 20, 2016

' I know, I know, there's no harm in trying though ' Lyric said comfortingly. She glanced at her child, who was now stalking a caterpillar up a leaf stem. You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Turning back to Apollo she said.
' Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, what are the alphas like? Or alpha?  '

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 20, 2016

He let out an amused scoff, mainly because he lack in information about his female alpha, and his encounter with his male. "We have two Alpha's in Maplewood, male and female, I have yet to even meet Saena because of me joining just recently, and if Reek makes his way here, I warn you he's a bit snarky and aloof." Hopefully the male alpha wouldn't be so hard on Rain as he was on Apollo.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 20, 2016

Snarky and aloof? Didn't sound too bad compared to her last alpha, who was a warped and deviant old coot, Constantly manipulating and spouting cruel insults at everyone. 
'I have a feeling I could handle him, I think I've known worse.' 
'You said you were new though, why did you join?' 

RE: Joining pack. - Lunar Eclipse - February 20, 2016

Ooc: hope you guys don't mind me joining. Hi friends :)

Lunar loped closer to the border. She'd heard the howl but hadn't thought it her business to answer it. When she heard Apollo's call she was intrigued. She wasn't exactly a high ranking wolf,she had no say in who was let in the pack but she wanted to meet them in case they were accepted. When she arrived she saw Apollo talking to a brownish red female. She wagged her tail at the sight of her friend and chuffed a low greeting to the wolves assembled. She stopped next to him. "Hi!", she greeted enthusiastically. That was when she noticed the oddest little wolf she had ever seen. She hadn't ever seen oddly colored wolves until she came to Teekon but this wolf was the strangest. She was beautiful it was certain. She was small with a nub for a tail and splotchy red and white fur. She had one blue eye and one brown. Her head cocked to the side looking at her. What kind of wolf was she?

RE: Joining pack. - Rain Willow - February 20, 2016

Rain looked up from her playing and saw the prettiest wolf she'd ever seen. (granted she had only ever seen two in her life) She liked her a lot, her fur looked like the snow drops in the grass. Rain's tail wagged excitedly and barked a greeting. Wading through the grass she approached her quickly.

RE: Joining pack. - Lyric Willow - February 20, 2016

Lyric observed white wolf approach her and Apollo. She greeted Apollo and herself and turned to Rain. She looked obviously confused at her appearance, Lyric expected such reaction. Rain stared back at the wolf entranced While Lyric began to walk towards Rain. This new wolf seemed friendly but she couldn't take any chances. Just as she was about to shield Rain she sprinted towards the new one, much to Lyrics fear.

RE: Joining pack. - Apollo - February 20, 2016

Hey! Just a warning, but try to keep in mind the post order. I know I sorta disobeyed it, but only because Rain is more a secondary character in the situation, in case you don't know what the post order is, it's You, Luna, and then Apollo. Just saying this so you don't get in trouble like I did. :D

When Luna approached the large wolf smiled wide, seeing a familiar face. He and Luna had met before and he had enjoyed their time together greatly, he would make sure the two's relationship would grow a bit more. "Hello, Luna." He greeted, wagging his tail slightly. "I joined Maplewood because I was tired of loner life, I'd always been one and never enjoyed it." He answered.

RE: Joining pack. - Reek - February 20, 2016

I'm going to close this thread down to any more new joiners for now. Large scale threads with multiple characters are just too difficult to keep together sometimes. From here on out, there will be a strict post order: Lyric/Rain Willow -> Lunar Eclipse -> Apollo -> Reek.

The time spanning between hearing Apollo's call and Reek's subsequent arrival had been brief. However, with no urgency suggested in the timbre of his subordinate's voice, Reek made no hustle or haste to their little rendezvous and simply arrived on his own time. He may have been an impatient man himself, but Reek held no qualms with making others wait around for for the alpha, who by his own admission typically arrived to the party fashionably late.

He approached the collective of wolves with tail held high and posture suggestive of his rank. There would be no question as to the source of authority within the maplewood. His eyes danced from wolf to wolf; starting with his subordinates, Apollo and Luna, and then to the unfamiliar face of Lyric before finally settling on her child, Rain.

Reek's brow scrunched.  He had half-breeds between coyotes and wolves, but whatever she was, was something he had never seen before. "What the shit is that?" asked Reek, uncouth as always.