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Phantom Hollow Ready to rule - Printable Version

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Ready to rule - Sage - February 17, 2016


@Malice, @Cogitemus either of you are welcome to join!

Sage had been roaming what was most likely the grounds of her growing, not-yet-to-be, pack. She was the upcoming Beta and was excited for such a position, it fit her just right, since the girl would probably fail as an Alpha until she grew older of course. Beta was the perfect amount of responsibility to for, and she was happy with it. Being aware that a wolf had been curious in joining Moonhill she had been on the look out for this new guy, maybe she could convince him fully into becoming apart of them. Phantom Hollow was a new area for her, but she definitely enjoyed its eerie and mysterious atmosphere. It matched her perfectly. Each step echoed the slightest amount, and she listened to every sound she could hear, which wasn't that many.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 17, 2016

Since recruitment, Issun had made sure to do the duties of marking as well as exploring the territory. In all honesty, it would be hard to get used to. The yearling wasn't used to staying in one place, but he was sure that he would as time passed.

When he heard footsteps in the distance, he made his way to them. Issun soon reached the destination to find another wolf. And man, a pretty wolf she was. The female appeared to be around his age. Dark fur and eloquent stature, truly a babe in his eyes.

The brute walked towards her. His form was unchallenging and calm. "Hey there," he greeted.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

Once seeing the new wolf, and smelling the faint scent of her alphas she concluded this was Issun. She tilted her head and smiled at him, it wasn't until she finally looked him over did he realize he was quite attractive. Her friendly smile turned into a mischievous smirk. She knew this pack was a good idea. "Hello, you must be Issun." she guessed, boy she hoped she was right. Then again the young wolf couldn't care less, he was stuck with her either way. "I'm Sage." The mysterious aroma surrounded the two of them, they're dark coats fitting the atmosphere perfectly. Sage decided she would have fun with this wolf, him being Issun or not.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

He nodded. "That's the name, cutie," he responded with a small, flirtatious smile. Issun wasn't very good with ladies, it was obvious, but that didn't mean he didn't try. Besides, how could he pass an opportunity for her to like him?

The female introduced herself as Sage. "Such a fitting name for a fine girl," he purred out.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

She was intrigued by the flirtatious male, and moved a little closer to him. Making sure to flaunt her assets a bit, maybe the two of the could turn this into some sort of game, ah, wouldn't that be fun? For Sage at least, until she gets bored or distracted. But perhaps he could hold her attention. "You're quite the flatterer," the black wolf pointed out.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

He grinned as she moved closer. She seemed to be interested in him, so he assumed. It kind of surprised him a little since he never had this much luck with anyone.

The yearling chuckled. "I'm just speaking the truth, cutie," he replied. "You're a pretty little gal."

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

Her smirk grew wider, and her tail began to sway back and forth. Sages blue eyes shimmered with a compelling sense, it was obvious he was a little surprised by his flirting actually getting him somewhere. "You're quite the brute yourself," she commented. The dark fae scanned him over once more, before letting a small amusing huff.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

His own tail slowly swayed from side to side. At that moment, he didn't know what to do next. What? Are you worried or something? he thought to himself. He was contemplating whether or not he should make some kind of move. But being the type who was extremely flirtatious, the ultimate answer was yes.

He moved forward, attempting to brush his nose along her fur. The movement was cautious, since most of the time he would be attacked for this.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

So he has courage, Sage thought to herself. Gaining Issun some brownie points, such an act on a stranger was usually reacted with a snarl or worse. But, she took it graciously and she guided the movement in return. "You've got guts," she said, encouraging him to become more comfortable Noticing how he was taking a risk, but cautiously doing so. Her tail began to flick and her ears lifted slightly.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

She had let him touch her, to his relief and encouragement. She had even went as far as to return the gesture.

She hadn't signaled to stop, so he continued. He moved his nose up her neck and to the top of her head. He moved forward to nibble on Sage's dangling ear. His fluffy tail waved behind him.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

"So, Issun," she began while giving a quick lick on the side of his muzzle. "You're interested in joining Moonhill?" Sage questioned, silently hoping he was past consideration. She definitely was excited in her newly built pack, it seemed so great already, how could he not? The girl purred quietly, anticipating to swaid his answer towards more of a yes than no.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

He nodded to her question. "Full intention to do so." He had already made the decision of staying here. The loner life was not for him at all. Issun was the type that liked to be around people and give his loyalty to them. Joining Moonhill was his best decision.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 18, 2016

His eyes widened at the good news, her tail wagged for a second before regaining her composure, and looking Issun in the eyes, obviously not in a challenging way. More of a happy pup, happy to discover he hoped to join Moonhill. "Seems the two of us are bound to spend more time together," she smirked once more.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 18, 2016

Sage seemed delighted to hear that he wanted to stay. It bought a smile to his face. It felt nice to see another happy for some reason.

He smirked. "Oh, you can count on it," he replied. He would want to be more familiarized with the beautiful fae for sure.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 19, 2016

"How long have you been a lone wolf?" The girl asked, tilting her head with a curious stare. She had been born a lone wolf, and expected to stay one her whole life. But it didn't seem it work out as she planned, and she thought it was for the better. Moonhill had just started as a pack and was already the best thing that's ever happened to her.

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 19, 2016

He sighed. "For awhile actually. And lemme tell you it's not very fun." It had been a nightmare living alone, especially during most of winter. Issun was lucky to have ever survived through most of the harsh season.

"Were did you come from before you came here?" he asked, wanting to get to know the female better.

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 20, 2016

"I was born to, well..." she paused and thought for a moment. "I have no clue who my parents are, but I was born in Alaska." He expressed his feelings towards being a lone wolf and he seemed to dislike it very much, unlike her. Sage's feelings towards being a lone wolf was indifferent, not much would change besides she'd hae shoulders to lean on, right?

RE: Ready to rule - RIP Issun - February 20, 2016

Fade next post?

After her explanation, he could only assume that she had been an orphan. "That sounds rough." Issun couldn't understand how she could have made it. Without anyone watching your back, life would have been a living hell. Sage had strength, he could say that much.

Issun turned around, wanting to go patrol. "Would you like to patrol with me?"

RE: Ready to rule - Sage - February 20, 2016

"Sure!" she said, wagging her tail a bit. The girl had grown a liking to Issun and anticipated the two of them growing their relationship, however that it ends up.

wow that's short, and yeup, you wanna start the next thread?