Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest We are coming home - Printable Version

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We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Ooc:love conquers all <3

     Liri wandered closer to the border,the distinct scent of other wolves on the land. She was careful to keep outside the border itself. Did she even bother trying again? Was it worth it to find a new home? What if these wolves turned out like Remo's pack? The thought sent a shudder through her. 

      With a deep breath she summoned her courage. She sat back on her haunches and raised her head back. She howled,her voice clear and high. Her breath fogged in the air as her call died out. Now all that was left to do was wait. 
      She lay down,her fur keeping her warm against the snow. It was beautiful this place,she'd give them that. Even if the wolves turned out to be not so great she could always try again.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016


Another howl sounded not too far from the male, and his ears perked with interest. Two in one day? This was not impossible, but quite exciting! His tail began to wag as he made his way towards the sound of the melodic tune; one that surely came from a female.

He arrived and, much to his pleasure, he found a snowy girl who looked to be healthy and young- perhaps of breeding age even. Pity, he thought, she was quite lovely and everything he'd ever imagined in his mate- one made of a pure white coat, that is. But alas, he'd become rather smitten to the gorgeous amber-eyed woman whom he'd taken as his co-alpha... He gave a gentle smile, his gallant heart never disappointing him in the likes of women. He had a soft spot for them, of course, they had so much to offer.

"Greetings," the male stated. She was low to the ground and clearly posing no threat, such was submissive enough for him. "What brings you here?"

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Liri stood as he approached,not to her full height which wasn't much admittedly,but remaining half crouched in a submissive position. She lowered her head,her eyes meeting his pale grey paws. Looking him in the eyes might be taken as a threat. Her tail hung low,tucked down in submission.
      His voice was kind as he asked why she was there. "I would join if you'll have me. I can hunt well,"she said to him softly. She wasn't lying,she had to learn to hunt when she left her home. She had become good at it while being onI her own.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016

Hunting. It was not a hard task, most wolves could do it. Perhaps she was skilled even further in the task, however, and so he gave her the benefit of the doubt. "Can you hunt foxes?" he asked her. It probably sounded a bit absurd to the girl, but it was extremely important here. Until they could lower the numbers, most of their diet would consist of the red creatures who were, quite naturally, eating the rest of the prey in the territory. His tail waved behind him, heightening itself as he watched her expressions.

"Do you possess any other skills?" he then asked, tilting his head. They would be in need of a few wolves skilled in specific trades- but he did not mention to her which ones he needed- he didn't want to sway her response. Besides, he appeared to be convinced enough with her appearance.

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Liri nodded despite how odd the question was. She had killed foxes before, coyotes as well. On her own she hadn't had a pack to keep the scavengers away. She had to fight them off tooth and nail just to eat her own kill.
    "I used to watch pups and elders for my pack. I'm not sure you have any little ones running around though,"she said to him. She knew some basic healing,most everyone did but she was mostly skilled in aiding she wolves during birth and raising pups.
    She hoped that would be enough to get her in the pack,she was tired of being alone. Of course it wasn't exactly her choice. It would be up to him if she fit the bill now.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016

She nodded, and he did the same in thought. "This is wonderful, most of the forest is covered in foxes- we will begin to destroy their number in the upcoming months," he told her, explaining his seemingly awkward question. Her next answer pleased him. This wasn't exactly what they needed, as he himself was skilled in the same, but he was excited to hear that there would be another set of paws to help with any litters that would come to the forest. He dipped his head.

"Wonderful. May I ask your name? I am Aaron, and this is Rosings." 

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Liri allowed herself to look up seeing as he asked her name. She was careful still not to meet his eyes instead fixing them on his shoulder. "I am Liri." Her accent came out a bit with the quick flick of her tongue as she said it. 
     She'd never fully gotten rid of the northern accent instead it shined through when she said certain words. She hated it,it always made her look like a foreigner. She supposed she was although she had been in Teekon Wilds for awhile now. 
     He had mentioned a lot of foxes in their area,perhaps if she joined she could help with that problem. They were pesky creatures who liked to scavenge caches and had been known to kill wolf pups if they found some small enough.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016

Aaron dipped his head to her again, studying her face when it raised. She seemed confident, but not overly so. There was a clouded cover that seemed to block her gaze when she spoke, and he wondered of her irritation. Did she not like her name? Or perhaps it was the accent that she had accidentally let slip- he paid it no mind for he too often slurred his words with his more southern roots.

"Liri," he repeated it, "A beautiful name," the man added his tail waving. "I am pleased to offer you a spot among our ranks, but only if you are openminded enough. Our pack works in pairs, and in a months time you will be arranged with a male from our pack as your mate," he told her, watching her face with interest. Would she care? Perhaps she would leave- or perhaps she wouldn't care. He didn't know, and simply waited. 

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Her blood seemed to freeze at the mention of mating. She felt cold suddenly,like the life had been sucked from her. She willed herself to remain emotionless. She nodded her head respectfully. "Thank you." She was grateful for a spot amongst his pack. 
     Her stomach rolled and she considered speaking her mind. She decided to go for it,maybe he would listen. "I won't oppose a mating...I only ask that you pair me with someone who isn't cruel." She didn't think that was overstepping boundaries. It seemed a reasonable request.
    Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She wouldn't let herself be abused again though. She wouldn't survive that again. If she had to she would run again. She hoped he listened though,she was tired of running.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016

The man stood thoughtfully for a moment, studying her face with nothing but pity. "You have been abused," he stated, not asking. Her words were meaning enough, but the way she appeared, even if just briefly, when he asked brought a frown to his own face. Her face dropped almost immediately, self-conciously. She appeared sick and frightened- but not at the scene in front of her... no it was something from her past. 

He did not assure her that he would not pair her with someone cruel. He was cruel in his own way, everyone was. But his head dipped respectfully to her request, and he motioned with his head for her to follow him. "We do not tolerate such actions here," he told her sweetly, turning and assuming that the white woman was following.

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Liri looked away,she didn't want his pity. She wasn't something that had broken,bent maybe but she had yet to snap. She didn't know how he knew but he did. She said nothing,neither confirming it nor denying it. Although her silence was all that was needed. 
    Relief flooded her at his words and she let out a small sigh. It felt as if finally she could breathe. They don't allow it. Maybe now she could stop running. A small seed of hope bloomed in her. Maybe being mated wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps she would love him,whoever he was.
    She followed after Aaron,her stance relaxed now that the inquisition was over. She remained respectful but a certain tension was missing. She padded after her Alpha to start her new life.

RE: We are coming home - Tantalus - February 18, 2016

The girl followed, and he gave her a gentle nudge with his nose, taking in her scent as she padded beside him. He hummed for a moment in thought before giving her a friendly smile. "I will show you about, it is a pleasure to have you here in Rosings," he said, tail wagging behind him as he began to show the pale woman his magnificent home.

Welcome! (: I'll get you all ranked up <3

RE: We are coming home - Síff - February 18, 2016

Ooc:last from me. Thanks! :)

     Liri smiled and nudged him back,exchanging scents so she would recognize it when she smelt him. Him rubbing on her made her smell more like Rosings and less like the outside world. 
    She smiled at the thought,she had a pack now. She nodded her thanks for him showing her around. Glancing around her new home,she felt a grin break over her face. She was home.