Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Welcome - Printable Version

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Welcome - Nadie - February 19, 2016

Ooc: @Mazi

Nadie padded through the snow covered brush, her feet smushing the snow quietly. She had noticed the new scent of a pack member who must have been accepted recently. It still had that not quite pack scent, some reminiscent smell of the world beyond the borders. She had set out deciding to welcome the new wolf to the Caldera and maybe make a friend.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 19, 2016

Mazi padded through the Caldera.  Still getting used to it’s wonders, as she walked through it.  She liked it here.  She was ever so happy here.  Her nose twitched at the smell off a Pack member.  Curiosity tugged at her pelt and she started to pad towards the scent wondering who it was.

After a few minutes she came upon a multicolored female.  She yipped a greeting, but stood in place.  Eyeing the other wolf with curiosity.  She found herself wondering how high ranked they were.  They were probably ranked above her though, since she had only recently joined, so Mazi made sure to maintain a submissive posture, by tucking her tail between her legs and not making eye contact.  Just to be respectful.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 19, 2016

Nadie trotted closer nonthreateningly towards the agouti female. She nudged her gently with her shoulder. "You can relax you know, I ain't gonna hurt you,"she chuckled. "You must be new I'm guessing?" She flopped down in front of the female smiling at her in a friendly way. She was honestly glad to meet her,she didn't care about that submission crap.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 19, 2016

Mazi loosened her posture up a bit, rising from her submissive position.  “Yep, I’m new.”  The female remarked.  “How long have you been here?”  Mazi asked curiously.  Wondering how much longer this female had been in Redhawk Caldera compared to her.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 19, 2016

"Couple days,"she replied. It wasn't long,she had been here barely longer than this girl. "I'm Nadie," she told her. "Who might you be?" 

Ooc: sorry it's so short! XD

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 20, 2016

Mazi nodded, as the other girl said she had been here a few days and listened as the female said her name was Nadie.  Made sense, the female’s scent was not fully with the Packs yet anyways.  She opened her maw to answer the female’s question of her own name.  “Nice name, I’m Mazi.”  Mazi responded genuinely, watching the female curiously, wondering where Nadie had come from before she joined Redhawk Caldera.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 20, 2016

"That's a pretty name," she complimented. It was unusual like her own and it was pretty in her opinion. "Where did you come from before the Caldera?", she asked curiously. She was always interested in learning about others.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 20, 2016

“I’m from in pack in a place called Yellowstone.  Ever heard of it?  It’s real nice down there... but I just decided to  leave.  Life was nice down there, but I wanted an adventure in my life, that pack didn’t offer that.”  Mazi informed Nadie.

“How about you Nadie?  Where do you originate from?”  Mazi asked curiously.  Wondering if the other female had also been in Yellowstone or somewhere close.  Mazi sat down as she awaited Nadie’s reply to her returned question.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 20, 2016

"Somewhere south of here I think. Wasn't much to mention. Kinda small,"she replied nonchalantly. It hadn't been large,about six wolves. Her home hadn't been much to mention even before it was detroyed by a larger pack.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 20, 2016

Mazi's eyes widened, clearly interested.  "What was that place called?"  Then room and gray faced female asked Nadie curiously.  Her eyes sparkling with deep interest.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 20, 2016

"I don't know the region's name but we lived in a place where humans weren't allowed to hunt. It was called Arapho."  She wasn't sure what else to say and fell silent. 

Ooc:that's a national reserve in Colorado

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 20, 2016

Mazi nodded, still a devilish glint of curiosity lit in her eye's.  "I know you say humans were not allowed to hunt in Arapho..."  Mazi paused for a moment, then continued.  "But did you ever come acrossed any humans?"  Mazi asked curiously.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 20, 2016

"Some. They carried strange things that flashed and others were there quite often. They sometimes abducted wolves and they would come back with things around their necks or saying they had been poked with odd thorns. Very confusing,"she admitted. 

Ooc: she's talking about tourists with cameras and rangers who would put trackers on wolves or innoculate them :P

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 20, 2016

Mazi eyes widened in horror and her pupils turned to slits as she heard about the abductions.  "That's horrible!  I can't believe that actually happened!"  Mazi exclaimed beyond horrified.

Will humans come for us in the Redhawk Caldera?  Mazi wondered.  Though decided that if they did, the wolves of this Pack would take them down.  Humans would be no match for the Redhawk Caldera Pack, Mazi decided silently to herself.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 20, 2016

She shuddered in horror,remembering the ghost stories pups would tell trying to scare each other. Humans scared her immensely. She shifted her thoughts away from humans. "Do you have a trade?"

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 21, 2016

Mazi ears perked as she was asked if she had a trade.  The agouti and gray masked female wishing she did have a trade, although the truth was that she simply did not, although she was interested in getting one.  It was on her bucket list.  She was sure she would accomplish her goal hopefully before the end of her life.

Mazi shook her head.  “No, I do not have a trade.  Not yet.  One day I will though.”  The female responded with slight regret hinting in her voice, since she really wished she did, it would be a good accomplishment to have.  One to be proud of, maybe one day she would get to be prideful over having a trade.

Maybe Nadie had a trade though, Mazi thought almost subconsciously.  If Nadie did have trade what category would this trade be in?  “Do you have a trade Nadie?”  Mazi asked the other female, bouncing the question back at Nadie and now sat down.  Awaiting an answer.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 21, 2016

"Nah,"she drawled slowly,"but one day I hope to. I would like to be a hunter and mercenary." She was a good hunter, stronger than most females but slower. She hoped to put her strength to the use of taking down prey or defending the Caldera. "You got an idea of what you want to do?",she asked curiously

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 22, 2016

Mazi listened to Nadie as she told her how she was interested in getting a trade in the hunter or mercenary trade.  She debated on what she wanted to become for a moment when Nadie asked her.  She instantly had an answer... she had thought about it for a while now.

“I’m interested in getting the Mercenary and Counselor trades.”  The agouti female responded passionately.  “Sounds like interesting trade your thinking of, one of the same as me too.”  Mazi paused for a moment.  “Are you good at the arts of offense, defense and hunting?”  Mazi asked Nadie.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 22, 2016

Nadie smiled,her tail thumping the ground. Maybe they could work on mercenary training together! How fun would that be? She laughed,"You could say that. I was never very fast but always stronger than the other girls. My father often said I was the son he never had." She was feminine in other aspects but she had the build of a male,if she ever wanted a mate she would need to find one larger than herself.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 22, 2016

Mazi laughed.  “You must have had a fun Father.”  She remarked with a smile, missing her own.  Maybe one day they would meet again though she although doubted that, since he was running a pack with her Mother and there was really no way either would see each other since they were each so dedicated to their own packs.  Mazi dismissed her thoughts about her own Father.

“And yes that would be very fun to accomplish our Mercenary trade together.”  She pondered for a moment.  “Do you want to spar?”  Mazi asked curiously, hoping Nadie would accept.  “It would get both of us one step closer to our hopefully future mercenary trade.”  Mazi yipped reassuringly, giving her tail a wag.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 22, 2016

Nadie stood with a smirk rolling her shoulders,"Let's do this!"

left it up to you if you want them to do this in the same thread or start a new one.

RE: Welcome - Mazi - February 22, 2016

Can we start a new one, is that okay?  If we start a new one this will be my last post here.

Mazi nodded.  “Okay, let’s go find a good spot for the spar then.”  The agouti female decided, giving a happy wag of her tail.  “Follow me!”  Mazi began to head east searching for a good spot for a spar in the Redhawk Caldera.  Hoping the two would fin done soon.

RE: Welcome - Nadie - February 22, 2016

yeah sure. You can start the next one since I started this one :P

Nadie followed after Mazi excitement filling her veins. She wanted to see what her friend was made of.