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Porcupine Ridge misery - Printable Version

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misery - Relmyna - February 19, 2016

ever since the would-be usurpers had been repulsed, vuk had taken to visiting diane each day, to see how she was healing. the rest of her time was spent in hunting, and pondering jhala's words on the handsome beta male.

though she did not know it, the patterned girl was only a handful of weeks from her first heat. while she had been granted no permissions to breed, vuk did allow herself a daydream from time to time of what motherhood might be like, though she practically did not dwell upon that.

dawn found the girl upon the ridge, gazing out over the broad expanse of woodland spreading in all directions.

RE: drowning the sugar skulls - Novak - February 19, 2016

Novak had been taking a break from learning the territory of his new pack, and began to just wander aimlessly, alone in his thoughts. After who knows how long of walking with no direction, the silvery male caught the scent of a stranger- though he could tell it was someone of the ridge. Making his way towards it, finally being torn from his lonely thoughts, the male saw an ivory colored girl looking upon the ridge, seeming to be in her own thoughts as well. He slowly began to make his way towards her, but stopped at a respectable distance, unaware of how comfortable she would be around him. The brute cleared his throat to gain her attention, and flicked his tail back and forth.

RE: drowning the sugar skulls - Relmyna - February 22, 2016

he was silver and cream, with bright blue eyes -- vuk turned to eye him with a passing interest that turned to her usual friendliness. lengthening her gait, the girl trotted to greet her packmate, nares flaring to take his scent, circling him somewhat that he might do the same. he was a newcomer, with the scent of the leadership only faintly threaded through his coat, but it was there all same, and thus her acceptance came easily.

RE: drowning the sugar skulls - Novak - February 24, 2016

"You must be Vuk," The tawny wolf proclaimed, using Diane's way of describing her and putting two and two together, he had much to thank for this wolf. His friend said she had helped her with injuries from the occurrence with their neighboring pack, and even though he lacked information on what the white wolf had done, he was still grateful.  "I'm Novak, the newest member of the ridge." His introduction was simple enough, justifying his lack of the packs smell on him.

RE: misery - Relmyna - February 27, 2016

i changed my title to stay with vuk's threadlog theme ... lol

she was momentarily surprised when he referred to her by name, but the scent of diane lingered upon his nape. "yes," she answered, plume waving behind her hips. hopefully he would not expect her to deliver long lengths of speech. vuk chuffed lightly at the man, inviting him to trot alongside her up the ridge, for she had spotted a herd of deer the day before and wished to see if they still remained.

RE: misery - Novak - March 01, 2016

His prediction was correct, but he didn't pride himself on the topic. He just inferred things rather easily from his logical mind and personality. Her response was short and simple, but a response all the same, he adapted well to conversations of all kinds, especially to short answer ones, him grasping onto the social build easier than long conversation consisting of metaphors he had yet to come across or words he'd never heard—but yes was a word he did know, and so he accepted it graciously. Vuk had invited him to walk with her, and he took the offer by walking up to her side, and nodding.

RE: misery - Relmyna - March 02, 2016

the pair moved side by side along the edge of their territory in a shared and comfortable silence. novak. vuk of course had been practicing her words, and so she gathered her nerves. "how .. you come to ... ridge?" hopefully he would not mock her broken and accented speech; she shot her packmate an apologetic smile before facing ahead, cupping her ears for his answer.