Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - Printable Version

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Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - RIP Hosannah - February 20, 2016

about two, maybe three days after this thread. aw! she'll head closer to RS after this. someone from RHC could've spotted her in the meadow and followed her too, if anyone from there wants to have a thread.

the light wanes and so she makes haste, passing through an area ripe with the scent of infidels. she thinks of the lives which could be cleansed there, but does not linger long. there are too many, and she is but one -- even with the aid of her god, the odds are against her. she does not doubt the daystar but rather, herself. there are many things for the girl to learn about this world before she plunges headlong into it. the desire to bathe in the sins of these foreigners is not something she need follow through with yet.

in the darkness she felt keenly afraid; yet she knew, as all of her people knew, that the light would come again. it was here, catching upon the moon's blank face, trying so very hard to reach out for her. the warmth was not there, but the message was clear: the path lay waiting. she tread carefully through the wood, slow and precise, moored firmly in her belief. when at last her body exited the wood, there was again the light of the deathless one.

it was early morning. so early that the sky had yet to erupt with the might of her lord; but she bowed nonetheless with her head to the south in supplication. when she rose again to face the water, to drink from the foreign lake, around her the sky burned.

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - Depp - February 20, 2016

Depp had been searching for potential pack members of his nonexistent pack, at least for the time being. It seemed Sen and him had some sort of agreement, yet he wasn't sure she made a final decision. In his time searching Teekon Wilds he'd made it to the flatlands. It was unusual to see the dark wolf roaming about so early in the morning, unless he was drunk off of expired fruit, but ever since his decision to start a pack he had been on constant alert for anyone even willing to speak of joining. 

When reaching the lake he noticed a sun kissed wolf by herself. He trekked in her direction, and slowly down to a stop leaving enough space between the two of them, in case the girl had other intentions besides conversing, such as baring her teeth. He had plenty of scars and past experience to know when and when not to be cautious, and this was in fact the time. 

His ears lifted, and his tail swayed side to side slowly. "Hello, there," he greeted, his speech being a bit slurred and his head cocking to the side with a crooked smile.

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - RIP Hosannah - February 20, 2016

she drank until she was sated, and raised her head swiftly. her golden eyes closed for a moment. she spoke a mental prayer - thanking the lord for this gift - and when once more her eyes opened, she was faced with a figure. he was a darkness; briefly she was stunned by his appearance, ears pressing back against her slim skull, but she was emboldened by her faith.

he greeted her - not warmly by any means, and held himself at a distance to imply apprehension - and she observed him. there was a rogue aspect about this wolf which unnerved yet excited her. this was her first interaction with a foreigner of this place. her mind screamed heathen and yet, she knew her purpose. 

"Shalom aleichem," she spoke sweetly, though it took effort to subdue her eager heart; she could not be afraid, for fear was sinful and would lead her away from the light. "I am Hosannah, servant of Raas, the redeemer."

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - Depp - February 20, 2016

So the girl was religious, which meant she had morals. Always good in a wolf, he wished he was more devoted to some greater good, but didn't have the time nor the thoughts of giving himself to a higher being. She spoke her name, Hosannah, it was quite a beautiful name if he had the right the say so. Her introduction had allowed him to say his own name. Taking a couple of steps forward, seeing she wasn't the violent type. "Depp," he said simply. 

She had spoken some foreign language to him, which he paid no mind to. Presuming it wasn't an insult or aggressive statement. "If you don't mind me asking," the dark wolf began, not wanting to beat around the bush, but get to the reason he was wandering around so early in the first place. "Would you consider joining a pack?"

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - RIP Hosannah - February 21, 2016

sorry im very tired, this got weird!

morality itself was not always a positive thing - similarly, it was not a consistently negative trait either. the fact that religion often utilized a sense of morality was only coincidence; for hosannah specifically, her morality had limited ties to the spirituality that drove every moment of her life. the same could be said for any zealot -- they do what they must in the name of their pantheon, no matter the cost, and rely more-so on their spiritual attachment than any heartfelt goodness  versus evilness. such a mundane juxtaposition was not so forthcoming in the mind of this girl.

there would, however, be the ironic connection between light and dark.

she could recognize those not of her kind, though. and this stranger -- this depp -- stuck out to her as a shadow. something that fell beyond the rays of the daystar; malleable yes, but at what cost to herself? was it worth it to pursue this stranger in the hopes of teaching him of the light? would her god be so forgiving of the sins this creature may have perpetrated? she had no answers -- but these thoughts whirled through her mind in fleeting succession. she heard his voice and knew instantly that he was tempting her, as shadows were known to do, thus the servant identified the first of the afflicted.

"I have one," she spoke quietly, as if ruminating over each word chosen. "As I have told you, I am a servant of Raas, he who extends a great power to those of his flock. By His hearth I am warmed, by His will I am fed and kept safe." the words falling from here were like that of a babe. she spoke as plainly as she could, and the innocence which swelled in each syllable was obvious. hosannah believed fully in what she said despite evidence to the contrary, as depp would see it.

even alone, she knew that her lord had not forsaken her. however, she did not send him away outright. there was work to be done.

"If you were blessed to walk with god, would you forsake that opportunity for a mere mortal?"

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - Depp - February 28, 2016

Her words were a bit confusing for his more slang filled language, but he knew he was asked a question. Trying to put the words together, he held a mischievous look so he wouldn't seem dumb. "That seems like a large decision, it'd be difficult—for me that is—so I'm not sure." He said, still thinking about her question. Depp had enjoyed most of his life on earth, and he felt as though religion had many restrictions, which he wasn't fond of. He considered that walking among a God, perhaps a heaven-like deal is what she spoke of, would be boring. A perfect life? What would there be to do if your life was perfect?

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - RIP Hosannah - March 03, 2016

she smiles at his response, as her question was rhetorical, but his struggling to answer makes her heart swell.

it is not. hosannah responds. the decision, for her, had been easy. but then, the priesthood had always been there to guide her. the fact she was on this quest - and far from them - emboldened her. there had not been a seer of her caliber for many generations. to be placed on a path to righteousness and glory, to bring the light of the daystar to the attention of so many heathen lives, this was why she existed. had she not been born in to the world of the priesthood, hosannah knew her spirit would have withered and died. 

what prompts you to create? she asks of him; and while she is curious about the home he hopes to make, hosannah is more interested in what drives him. you ask strangers to join your cause, but do you have a cause at all? if survival was the only reason for his pack, then it would surely flourish as much as any other - but what set it apart? surely it would benefit from a higher power.

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - Depp - March 07, 2016

Her words toned now a bit, making him relieved greatly, and the question she had betrothed made him smirk, never minding sharing a bit of reasoning. "I wish for it to be a sanctuary for those needing it, taking ones who need the home and are likely not to be accepted by others." It was a good cause all in all, Depp may be a stranger, deviant, man but he did have good in him. He left out the fuel for all this, that being his father, who was an alpha of his own pack. That pack being a bit of a sanctuary but for pirate-like wolves and criminals, stealing from other packs and shooting them down to few members. He strived to walk in his father's footsteps, edited to some form of course.

RE: Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist. - RIP Hosannah - March 08, 2016

cue hosannah's rude departure lol! fade after your reply?

a common goal, she mutters softly, finding that her time with him has passed swiftly - and she is suddenly eager to move on. a leader would be difficult to impress, their egos were too mighty, although this one seemed... sweeter than most. a strong kindness pervaded his desires. hosannah had no need for the unruly or the forgotten, so the conversion of this boy and subsequently his followers was not something she keenly desired. but have faith, and your efforts will not be wasted. she would not show the light to this boy, no. but she played nice - or as nice as she could, having lived a hermitous life among the clergy of her home - and without further comment, withdrew. the conversation drifted from her as she walked, failing to say farewell, but clearly minding herself and not the boy now. eventually she would slip away, whether he spoke or not, and would be gone.