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Blackfoot Forest I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Printable Version

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I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 21, 2016

Heyooooo it's Renee and I would love for Amma to meet some of you guys! Tagging some people she hasn't met yet, @Faramir @Amara or some of the girls?

Amma was out and about, going to meet some of her pack mates. She was interested in meeting some of the other high ranks, for instance the other alpha, but she'd settle for meeting any of the others. She sighed as she walked on, she almost just wanted to take a break and lay down, but she was too curious. Aaron had been very nice, but what about the others?  Instead she just picked up her pace and continued on.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - February 21, 2016

*A wild Caitie slides in* helloooo 

Faramir was eager to try and meet everyone in the next few days or shorter, because it was nice to just have a conversation other than first time pleasantries he saw someone in a week or two. Plus, he wanted to get to know the females in case he chose/was chosen to be mates with one of them. He wasn't too sure what was happening there, but nonetheless he was determined to meet everyone. 

He walked along until he ran into another flash of white, but this one smelled different than Liri. There were a lot of light colored wolves in this pack. "Hi, what's your name?" he called out to the new white one.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 21, 2016

*A feral Renee shnecks around in the shadows, watching the wild Caitie* Hey boo xD

Soon Amma caught up with a male, a handsome male with dark fur and white unders. His eyes were a deep emerald green, like the forest around her. She dipped her head to him respectfully then looked back up, yellow eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Ammalyn, call me Amma. I think I'm the newest one here, so sorry I don't know who you are. It was  basically her way of saying, 'I probably should know your name but I don't haha so what is it'. Amma was a funny girl, always up for a laugh. If she was paired with a boring not funny mate, she might just have to leave.

But handsome male didn't seem monotone yet. If they were paired together, she wouldn't mind. She didn't make it hidden that she was looking him over either. He was a looker.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - February 21, 2016

He soon got the full view of the spunky female, and was excited to meet another outgoing wolf around here.  Her fur wasn't fully pure white like Liri's, but mixed with cream and graced with golden eyes. He grinned at her babble of words, and her apparent interest in his looks. 

"No worries, I'm Faramir, the Beta," he said, adding in 'the Beta' as almost an after thought. He was excited to get to know this energetic female.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 22, 2016

Oh the beta. Ok. Amma was in the presence of a high rank. She probably should've been a bit more submissive. She bowed her head, though it was a bit late so it may have seemed kind of awkward. She gave him a smile then sat down. She might be there for a bit, talking and getting to know him. This was one of her favorite parts about being new to a pack, all new wolves to meet and get to know and trust. She decided to start out with the simple questions.

Sooo how long have you known Aaron? I'm assuming you two are friends and all? She asked, cocking her head a little to the side.

Sorry for my short post syndrome right now xP

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - February 23, 2016

no worries it seems to be affecting me as well

He laughed and sat down with her. "Don't worry, I got it as a default," he said. She seemed as excited as he was to meet everyone, so the mutual energy made him grin. She started with the quickfire basics, to which he replied and shot back more of his own. 

"I haven't known him that long, but I consider him a friend. How about you? How'd you find this place?" he asked, partially admiring her cute head tilt.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 23, 2016

Amma liked Faramir. He was really nice, and he seemed to be able to keep up with her bubbly personality. That was good. That was the kind of thing she looked for in a friend, someone who could keep up. Well my story isn't that exciting I guess. I left my old pack because I was getting too old for them and I wanted to find a mate maybe and have my own pack. I didn't know about the whole mate ship thing they do here until Aaron told me, but it fit so I stuck with it. And I love it so far, that Lover's Grove place was real nice.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - February 23, 2016

I counter your short post with a shorter one

He listened, amused, to her little spiel. Faramir could easily keep up with her somehow. "Yeah, it's beautiful, perfect for any ceremonies" he said with a smile. "What trades are you looking to grab? I'm aiming for storyteller and something with pups or helping others." 

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 23, 2016

LOL I almost wanted to purposefully post shorter than that just so I can counter you but I can't fit what I want to type xD

Amma nodded to his comment about the grove, she agreed 100%. Pups again. Everyone here seemed be all about them babes, and Amma wasn't sure if she was ready. She'd love to have pups someday, but was she willing to be a mom now? She had thought about her trades some and had one for sure. Storyteller, nice! I'm only sure about one, I want to be a botanist. I love flowers, that's about it really. Also maybe warrior? I don't know I just like the idea of being strong enough to protect a family. Oh well.

So you want to do something with pups? I'm assuming your gonna want some of your own? She asked, not meaning for it to sound as awkwardly flirtatious as it did.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - February 27, 2016

"Flowers, huh? Good place for them," he said, grinning at the irony. "Warrior sounds cool," he commented. 

He wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father yet, but naturally he went along playfully with her. "As it is, yes I do." Faramir said with an overdramatic wink.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Ammalyn - February 28, 2016

Well of course he wanted pups, he had joined Rosings. This pack was all about family and mates. She wouldn't mind being a mother either.  Well I'm sure you'd make a great dad. I would like to be a mom, not now of course. Probably someday though. But I don't want a lot of kids. Maybe one. Or two. She smiled at the thought, one or two. It would be just enough for her.

RE: I'll talk to you in front of people at school tomorrow - Faramir - March 03, 2016

*attempts to get back on wolf with creative block*

He nodded strongly in agreement. "Definitely not now, plus none us know our mates yet" he said, smiling playfully. Although the thought of a bigger litter always entertained him, he didn't exactly know how to manage them. But the majority of the pack was still relatively young, so hormones were probably still going to run a bit rampant when it came to being assigned to another. "So how many wolves have you met so far?" he said, wondering who he should try and meet up with next.