Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood Just Around The Corner - Printable Version

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Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 21, 2016

Spring padded through the Maplewood, examine it’s beauty.  Spring was just around the corner and she was very excited to see what that would bring with it’s life, flourishing herbs and plants.  Maybe even some pups... she wondered what that would be like and what kind of parents her Alpha’s would be if they were to have pups.

Spring continued through the Maplewood padding towards the northwest border to check for any intruders, although she guessed there were none, because she probably would have already caught their scent on the breeze, it was always good to check, because life could be pretty unpredictable.  She paused in her steps though at the sight of what she thought was a raccoon. Spring froze terrified for a moment, remembering how one raccoon had killed off her whole Pack in Canada with it’s rabies, but she slowly came into focus realizing that what she had thought was a raccoon was only a dead raccoon shaped shrub with white and grayish looking branches due to snow.

Spring stood there for a moment letting her fear and phobia cool down as she fought for control over it.  She hoped she would never see a raccoon in her life again.  It had killed off her first Pack in Canada through it’s vicious disease that that Raccoon had carried, with it’s foaming mouth, virus blood and killing machine traits.  Raccoons were still something Spring feared.  Maybe one day that fear would go anyway.  Just maybe not today.  Spring then resumed her pace, her fear covered up now.

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 22, 2016

Having completed her task and recited the message from Wildfire, Tavi returned to her usual routine. Her feet carried her to the den that she once shared with Ukko -- but it was filled in. Derp, she'd forgotten about doing that. With a sharp breath (and a little eye-roll directed at her own forgetfulness) she decided it was a good time to find a new place to sleep. There were enough dead trees and fallen logs in this woodscape that she'd easily find a spot for herself.

With this in mind, Tavi began to scout her way through the Maplewood. She didn't get too deep in to the foliage before she witnessed something... Odd. Having spotted a familiar wolf among a copse of trees, she almost ignored them on her way through; but the wolf paused as if there was something wrong. Curious, Tavi approached behind her, and gave a sharp bark when she got close enough.

Everything alright? It wasn't in her nature to really care about anyone outside of her own family, but.. Since talking with Reek, she felt that a sense of responsibility had been placed upon her. And with Desna currently off on her own personal journey, Octavia needed something to keep her occupied.

RE: Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 23, 2016

Spring spun around at the sound of a voice, searching for the source, she did her best to hide her brief fear best she could.  She recognized this storm gray female from the hunt.  She paused for a moment before speaking.  Pondering her words.

“Yes, of course... I’m fine.”  The female responded, of course it was a lie.  She was still a little spooked after remembering the terrors of her past, and she was also a little embarrassed to have been noticed in her moment of fear.  She was quick to change the subject.

“You look familiar... you were at the hunt right?  You were paired up with Esaro I believe...”  Spring paused for a moment thinking, remembering.  “You both flanked the deer right?”  Spring asked, wanting to be in the clear of knowing who this female was.

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 23, 2016

Tavi is being a bit of a butt. Do whatever you want to get her attention back!

Whatever had bothered the girl, it was gone now. Still, Tavi took a moment to look around in case there was something in among the trees. The question - plus the mention of Esaro - returned Tavi's attention to her immediate surroundings. Yeah, that was me. It was a good hunt. A brief smile flit across her face, but it was a vapid thing, meaningless. If there was no immediate danger, she'd be on her way. It wasn't like Tavi wanted to make any friends - she was lonely since Ukko's departure, irritated by it, but not ready to replace him yet. Without another word, she began to slip away from the girl's side and head off between the trees.

RE: Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 23, 2016

Spring nodded with a polite smile as she listened to the female’s answer, but then was surprised seeing Tavi leave so... suddenly.  So she simply started to pad after the other member of Phoenix Maplewood.  Deciding to be a little stubborn and not let this wolf just leave all the sudden with no explanation whatsoever.  

“Where are you heading?”  Spring barked questioningly, cocking her head slightly to the side curious to know what the storm gray female was up to and why she had slipped away so quickly... so suddenly.  Spring perked her ears, awaiting an answer.

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 23, 2016

The girl moved a few feet before realizing.. She wasn't alone. The other girl's voice hit her ears, and Tavi had to force herself not to jump; she hadn't expected to continue the conversation. That, and she wasn't exactly keen on having a tag-along. Nowhere, she responded dryly - and then with a brief glance at Spring's face, gave in to the girl's attempts for friendly chatter. Something told Tavi that she wasn't going to be left alone unless she earned it. I mean, I have no idea. Just looking around. I uh.. Need a new den. Hopefully that wouldn't lead to more questions, but it depended on how much of a gossip this chick was. Tavi wasn't skilled at the whole "girl talk" thing - she much preferred a bit of roughhousing among the menfolk. Less talk, more action.

RE: Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 23, 2016

Spring was about to ask why the female needed a new den when the she probably already had one easily, but Spring mad sure to stop herself from asking that question to the other female.  Instead she gave the storm gray female a small warm friendly smile.  

“You don’t seem like a talker do you?”  Spring remarked to the storm gray female who seemed to be disinterested in the conversation.  “Well, if  you aren’t into talk what are you interested in?  Hunting?  Sparring?  Checking and marking borders?”  Spring asked the other female, not trying to pester her with more questions.  Just simply interested in what she enjoyed subject wise.

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 24, 2016

Thankfully the girl did not ask about Ukko - although Tavi was convinced the entire pack knew of his abandonment by now. They probably thought she would be following him in to the wilderness or something, like a lovesick little girl. Not that she loved Ukko. Lets.. move on.

Yeah, I love peeing on things. Its the best. My favorite pastime. Tavi responded before thinking, her tone a bit sharp, but really it was a curious conversation to be having. May as well have some fun with it. In fact, maybe I'll give up on my pursuit for a new place to sleep and go find something to drink. Gotta rehydrate, y'know? My bladder is world class, best bladder in the Maplewood 2k16.

Maybe that'd shut her up.

RE: Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 24, 2016

Spring gaurd arose at the other females words.  She stood up a little taller and meet the females eyes with her own.  Her gaze obviously stating with dominance that The storm gray female had crossed the line and better watch how her what she says.  She was done with this female right now, making all these rude comments and gestures.  Spring already knew that she was higher ranked here due to the fact that she was Gamma and there weren't currently any Beta's since Ukko's leave.  Plus she was one hundred percent sure this female was not one of the Alpha's.  The storm gray female didn't seem mature enough or ready enough for one of those positions anyway.  A low growl seeped from Spring throat that said submit now.

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 24, 2016

Evidently this girl couldn't take a joke. As soon as her words were processed by the blonde, there was an immediate shift in the situation. Spring was suddenly growling at her, which just amused Tavi to no end. Did she not have a sense of humor at all? Had she said anything similar around Reek - maybe even Saena - they'd have realized it was just a joke. Obviously nobody was addicted to pissing on things

This was different than talking to Reek. Even worse, it was different from talking to her brothers and sisters. This girl just couldn't take a bit of fun. Jeeze, calm down would you? I was kidding. Still, Tavi's physical response was something she couldn't control. Her hackles spiked intermittently, and she had to remind herself not to lash out with the girl so close. She wasn't going to submit to this girl, whoever she thought she was; the look in Tavi's eyes said as much.

RE: Just Around The Corner - Spring - February 25, 2016

Spring decided to take the female’s response as a apology and did her best to ignore the female’s also dominate position, her pelt pricked with unease.  Spring was still a little started by the raccoon thing, so she had not recognized that the storm gray wolf had only been playing around.

“See you around then.”  Spring said in a neutral tone.  Then padded away feeling a sharp unhappy tug in the pit of her stomach although she did feel a little guilty too she knew she would probably apologize about their ‘first meet.’  That was another one of her weakness after all... she just could not hold grudges that well.  Unless of course someone was hurt or killed to start the grudge.

This will probably be my last post here, unless you want to continue the Thread.  It was a very interesting conversation between Spring and Tavi. xD

RE: Just Around The Corner - RIP Tavi - February 25, 2016

I'll fade with mine! That was fun. :)

The way the other wolf gave in served to bolster Tavi's self-image; she managed to overpower the other woman without even shedding blood (or really doing anything). With a quick word, the girl turned and departed - and Tavi was left with a brief feeling of superiority, before resuming the search for a new den.