Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest A hopeful wanderer - Printable Version

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A hopeful wanderer - Saries - February 21, 2016

can't wait to get this started. Love conquers all!

Saries had been wandering for a while around the teekon wilds as what the locals called it and it seemed there were many packs around these parts. He soon came across a pack border and he stopped a few paces behind it. He knew to be respectful of another packs border and the customs of joining. He and his brother had joined quite a few packs and always had to leave because of his brother. He was sad when the time came that aquakara wanted to find his own way, though he was glad he could also choose what to do on his own.

He shook his head clearing his thoughts and returning back to the present. He knew to announce his presence so he would not be thought of as an intruder. He let out a short howl and hoped to meet someone soon. He waited getting into a more submissive stance to show he as not at all a threat. He waited at the border happy to hopefully get to join a pack and hopefully stay.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Tantalus - February 21, 2016


When he heard the howl, Aaron made his way towards it. It was male, thankfully, and his tail swung to-and-fro with interest as he moved. The man approached his side of the border with a straightened posture, watching the other from across the invisible line. "Greetings," he called, his usual hello falling gallantly from his tongue. "What brings you to our borders?" he asked then, shoulders rolling as he more comfortably positioned himself. The man was not bad looking, but Aaron wished to hear more about him.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Saries - February 22, 2016

Saries was glad to have his call answered quickly and turned towards the other wolf who was quite friendly and his welcoming tone made Saries relax."Hello my name is Saries. I've come here to ask if I could join your pack." He said if calm tone wanting to be as respectful as he could to the other wolf.

This was the other wolfs home he assumed and did want to disrespect him on his own land. He hoped to be able to join this pack for the land around these parts was very green and beautiful. This wolf was very friendly and he hoped that if he was accepted into this pack the other wolves were as welcoming as him.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Tantalus - February 23, 2016

"I see," the man responded plainly, his tail waving behind him back and forth. "And what can you offer us?" he asked vaguely, head tilting to the side. Recently, a number of wolves had come to the borders, each with something unique to offer the pack. Would he have anything different? the man wondered curiously, studying his face with interest. Aaron held his gaze tightly upon the expression of Saries, ears cupped forward.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Saries - February 24, 2016

short post, sorry.

"I work well with medicines and specialize in hunting also." He said plainly. He was glad to know this pack was serious about their recruits. For some reason something felt off though. It must have been the absence of Aquakara. He was always there for his brother when Aquakara would pick stupid fights or got kicked out of pack. The two of them were always there for each other and it felt strange not to have him there asking to join the pack also. Well he just had to get used to not having him around. He hoped though that Aquakara stayed around these parts so he could visit him.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Tantalus - February 24, 2016

"I see," Aaron responded lightly, and with a flick of his tail nodded. "We're in need of a healer, you will do fine here," the man told him. He motioned to the territory behind him, standing still. "I am Aaron, Alpha male of Rosings," he introduced, tail arching as he showed his dominance. "We work in pairs here, meaning after about a months time you will be assigned to a female as your mate," he said, not feeling the need to explain so in depth as he usually did. "Do you agree to this term?"

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Saries - February 24, 2016

Satires was surprised at sudden thought of having mate which he never could have had before. Whenever he arrived to a new pack with his brother he didn't grow to close to others, not wanting to hurt anyone when he would leave which he knew he would if aquakara had a say in it. He thought it would be a nice change to able to have friends and a mate.

"I can agree to that." he said. It would be strange though to suddenly have a mate out of blue. He hoped it wouldn't be to awkward when he would get paired. Nonetheless he was fine with terms as long as he could finally have a place to call a home.

RE: A hopeful wanderer - Tantalus - February 24, 2016

Aaron nodded. "Good," he said, turning and beckoning with his tail for Saries to follow. "Come," he instructed, beginning off into the territory. "I will show you around," the man told him, his tail waving as he went.

last post from me! Welcome to Rosings. (: