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Blackfoot Forest he had a wife - Printable Version

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he had a wife - Claudia - February 22, 2016

when you have time!

upon leaving aaron, claudia travelled back to madeleine's arms and relayed what the man had said. she was met with an imperious sniff -- it was unlikely that the redfurred woman would allow such a young girl to be married! the height of inconvenance, her guardian had said, and that had been the end of it.

yet madeleine's grim pronouncement did not fetter the girl from going hence and seeking out the man herself, whom aaron had said to be handsome. into the lover's glen she went, and there she arranged herself fetchingly, grooming down a couple of stray furs before calling sweetly for @Faramir. if aaron she could not have, she must endear herself to the next best thing.

RE: he had a wife - Faramir - February 23, 2016

A sweet-sounding, young howl reached Faramir's ears as he had just pounced on a fox he had been stalking in-between meeting everyone. It was rather fun, getting to know all these wolves in such a short time. Licking his chops of blood, he followed the sound to the newly discovered area, Lover's Grove. 

He saw a white figure, who was not like Amma or Liri. He assumed it was Claudia, then, because he didn't recall any other pale females. "You called?" he said, coming up behind he young girl. Faramir wondered why such a youngster would call him specifically.

RE: he had a wife - Claudia - February 23, 2016

"oui," the girl answered brightly, overjoyed that he had attended her so quickly. "i did." her light-blue eyes fell upon his strong form, the question in his gaze, his commanding stance -- aaron would do well to betroth her to this man. but claudia did not lead with such an assumption -- she wished to be seen as much more womanly than her body suggested.

"i wanted to know if you wished to stroll with me, monsieur faramir. i have not met you before, and monsieur aaron is quite pointed, that the inhabitants of rosings must get to know one another." her hint had been subtle, she assumed; claudia then turned the full intensity of her smile upon faramir, her eyes lit with gratitude and another unknown emotion.

RE: he had a wife - Faramir - March 03, 2016

The pale furred girl turned in such a sweep of Frenchy politeness and puffed up language that Faramir almost had to glance away to hide his amusement. He knew how young she was, so the concept of her attempting to seduce him was nearly hilarious. He would probably never consider the still-growing French girl as a mate, he respected her (and the wrath of her nanny) far too much. 

He tried not to lead her on, but his personality made it inevitable. "But of course, Claudia." he said, her name he tried to replicate with the accent and failed miserably.

RE: he had a wife - Claudia - March 04, 2016

had claudia known she was so transparent, she might not have acted such a little fool. as it was, faramir's attempt at her own accent only endeared her more to the man; she grinned brightly. "it was a good attempt, monsieur." good indeed. she walked beside faramir in silence, gathering her thoughts. "how do you feel about this mateship ... thing ... that our leader intends to do?" she asked, her tone lilting with her query.

RE: he had a wife - Faramir - March 06, 2016

Faramir took his honest-to-god guess at what monsieur meant and stuck with it. They strolled on for a bit before the damsel spoke about his assumed reasoning for why she called him in the first place. "Well, I think it to be a bit sudden, but I guess if we all know each other it wouldn't be." he said with a shrug. He still carried the responsibility of choosing his own, which nagged him in the back of his mind everyday.

RE: he had a wife - Claudia - March 08, 2016

it was sudden indeed, but claudia desperately wanted to be included in the very unique aspect of rosings. "i very much agree, though madeleine does not think me womanly enough to be married." the girl laughed, as if it was such a thing was unheard of! she looked to faramir then, decided not to be overt, and continued on. "i assured her i was indeed."

RE: he had a wife - Faramir - March 09, 2016

Faramir laughed in response. A sure-willed girl she was indeed, good for the pack to have. "With determination like yours, it is bound to happen sooner or later," he said with a joyful glance at the French maiden. He got what she was (heavily) implying, but he would never openly refuse her right off the bat.

RE: he had a wife - Claudia - March 14, 2016

faramir sought to flatter her, but claudia was unimpressed -- however, she left off it for now, and walked alongside him in silence. "do you like being a leader, monsieur?" she inquired, keeping pace with the taller man. how handsome he was! and so stoic -- she, not for the first time, cursed her young age and how it affected her so.

RE: he had a wife - Faramir - March 16, 2016

He hadn't really thought about being a leader yet in this pack- Aaron took care of most of it, and not too much went on in terms of trouble. "Well, it's not too bad at all, I haven't really had to necessarily 'lead' yet, though." he said, wondering if that would come up sooner or later.

RE: he had a wife - Claudia - March 17, 2016

claudia did not know what else to speak on that would hold faramir's attention -- she busied herself perfecting the elegant cadence of her step, strides long and fluid, her child's body fluent in the language of eloquence, yet not budded with a woman's charms. it remained to be seen if ever it would, given the childhood trauma of which she nor madeleine spoke. and it had all been a dream, perhaps -- louis' dark face looming over her, accompanied by a golden wolf whom she had never known in the waking world.