Wolf RPG
Iktome Plains Super Psycho Love - Printable Version

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Super Psycho Love - Maude - February 22, 2016

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Cursing. Yandere-ness (gross, violent obsession).

The waves beat slowly on the drum of the shore, a soft steady heartbeat that burned with thick salt and brine. Maude had known that heartbeat her whole life; while other lucky pups had known the heartbeat of their mother or father or kin, she had only known the heartbeat of the sea - and the heartbeat of her loves LOVE. She only loved one, ONE. ONE. The others had been children, fools, weak little bastards compared to him. They were nothing. But he was everything.




Maude had travelled miles to find him - she would travel to, no she would go over World's End in order to find him. In order to have him for herself. BECAUSE HE WAS HERS AND NO ONE ELSE'S.


The brown-furred wench gritted her teeth together, feeling as if her jaws would snap from the sheer force of her bite. She burned to think of what little slut wenches had taken him already. Feragho had always attracted the pretty ones, the whores. She often thought of what she wanted to do to those BITCHES: tear the crooning, lying throats out, gouge out the teasing, shifty eyes, mutilate their hex-spewing rears. I'm comin' for ye, Cap'n. Ye don't 'ave to worry no more about dem wenches. Oh no. Maude'll be there for ye. She'll protect ye and treat ya right...oh yeah.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - February 29, 2016

@Maude i hope tachy is ok?

ever since wednesday's excursion into donnelaith's fold, tachyon had been hypervigilant. he thought of lusca less and less and deirdre more and more. the sable wolf that had simultaneously coldly snubbed and commanded him was all but a jagged memory as he thought of a million reasons why donnelaith was worth fighting for. and so, he had dedicated most of his waking moments to reinforcing the borders with his scent. his fur was ragged and his body still quite undernourished -- but the borders were well supplied with both his scent and his urine.

he had inadvertently wandered, wondering what was just beyond the cusp of donnelaith. he found himself upon iktome plains before he knew it, though he did not know of the name it possessed. what was curious about the place was the strange wolf it attracted -- tachyon's ears fluttered forward as he caught trailing mumbling. curious, the pale wolf hiked along the sandy promontory, his gaze befalling upon maude. he wasn't entirely sure this wolf looked friendly -- if anything, she looked like a heretic. it was too late to turn around -- she had likely seen him -- and even if he had wanted to turn around, she was traveling directly towards donnelaith and he felt his duty to intercept her. "oi! the donnelaith druid called out, trotting down the stripped sand until he was nearly among her. "where ya going?"

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - February 29, 2016

Maude's attention snapped from her own muttering thoughts to the wolf who had disturbed them. Her eyes began to light up with annoyance at the thought that her precious thoughts of Feragho had been disturbed, but instantly relaxed. It was nothing, just some...landlubber. He smelled of trees and wood and dirt, disgusting smells to a seawolf like her, yet the scent of salt tinged him too. Wrinkling her nose at the mix of sea and land, Maude looked at the ash and smoke wolf with golden eyes like hers, and snarled slightly, her yellowed fangs baring, What's it to ya? Huh?

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - February 29, 2016

tachyon slid to a halt as the wolf turned to face him with bared fangs. tachyon's own fur ruffled distinctively, the silver guard-hairs along his spine rifling upwards in an impressive, quill -like display. instinctively he felt his posture heighten, though it was more out of defense than any semblance of superiority. "it's to me because you're heading directly towards a pack." he didn't supply that he was part of that pack -- instead, his gaze combed curiously over the sea-wolf. it didn't take much to assume it was decidedly unfriendly. tachyon was not quite riled up enough to retort with his own brand of snarkiness -- instead, he remained neutral despite his involuntarily pricked hackles.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - March 01, 2016

Maude was frustrated. She wanted to get away from this conversation as soon as possible and get back to finding Feragho. He was her goal, her one purpose, she didn't need to waste her time talking to this half-landlubber, bastard of a seawolf. Maude, a pirate by nature, paid no true mind to borders. She came and went where she pleased, but now, she wanted no trouble. She couldn't get herself hurt if she wanted to see her Cap'n again. Oh? That so, eh? Maude faced him, her eyes raking over the slightly raised hackles. Good ta' know. Thanks fer the info, matey. I don't care much though.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - March 03, 2016

the pale wolf's demeanor remained visibly ruffled. there seemed in his golden gaze a semblance of mistrust, as if the stranger-wolf's worthiness was as dubious as its gender. tachyon raised his heavily furred tail slightly, his gaze askance as he reassessed the wolf, who seemed visibly ruffled. "at least now you know - may save your hide later." the pale wolf inferred, striking forward as if to march off. a flicker passed tachyon's expression as he rethought his approach -- quickly he rephrased his original inquiry."where are you headed then?"

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - March 04, 2016

Maude paid no mind to the warnings of landlubbers - this land obviously had no knowledge of pirates if they think warning everyone of borders was effective enough to keep them safe. Some wolves may respect the mutual lines that drew them apart, but Maude and her lot were all about breaking boundaries. When she came across this invisible line, she would decide for herself if she would heed them or not. She didn't need this wolf deciding for her.
Up north I suppose, Maude had not seen any signs of Ferahgo here, and she supposed she needed to continue northwards if she would find him.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - March 11, 2016

it was unfortunate tachyon was unaware of the true thoughts maude held -- all the same, he felt it was his duty to impose upon this wolf until he knew it was well past donnelaith's borders. he was fine and dandy with hell-raising so long as it was not done to any wolf affiliated with donnelaith or those he loved. "well then," he offered quietly, seemingly unaware of how obtuse he was being -- "let's keep each other company."

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - March 16, 2016

A scowl crossed Maude's mug at the offer. She was not intent on having any landlubber company - she couldn't bear to smell dirt and trees no longer. But a thought crossed her mind that stilled her previous intention of denying the wolf's request. Perhaps, if she led him to Ferahgo, he could take this bastard in as a slave, or ransom, or whatever Ferahgo needed. Perhaps, if she knew where her beloved Blackbeard was. Conflicted, Maude muddled over the thought of bringing this wolf along - he would know this shore much better than her, perhaps he could lead her to Ferahgo. Finally, Maude relented: Come along then, matey.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - March 17, 2016

he had expected the wolf to firmly deny his subtle suggestion -- if it could even be called that. he was surprised that the darkfurred wolf seemed to go along with his ruse, as if nonplussed to travel alongside a complete stranger. it had taken her long enough to respond that he was sure she was dredging some sort of clever shut-down. "alrighty." he called out after the wolf as she started to walk away, trailing only a few feet behind her. he was unwilling to let her out of his sight until he knew she was not aiming for donnelaith -- since the rash of attacks sustained by his pack, tachyon knew paranoia was just a way to ensure the safety of his family.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - March 19, 2016

Maude tossed her head, silently and begrudgingly telling him to start walking. Her golden eyes were ignited, the coals that were her rage, her madness, glowing slightly, though not a flame. She cursed herself internally, but it was too late now. She had to accompany him, until she saw fit to dismiss him. Or something allowed her to leave his company. Until then, she could at least learn a bit about this damned place her Ferahgo claimed for himself. So what's t'is place called then, mate?

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - March 21, 2016

if nothing else, tachyon could appreciate the unique companionship this wolf presented. her strange accent and odd dialect was fascinating, and tachyon tried his best to memorize the vernacular she used so he could perhaps someday tell a story to deirdre in such an accent. for now he he hung back, trotting a little off to the side of maude as they progressed up the strand. "this is iktome plains - ahead lies donnelaith, the pack -- then there is sea-lion shores, named for, well, sea lions.. further north there is a coven of sea-witches in ankyra sound." he did not mention bonechewers, simply because he possessed no knowledge of their existence or name. "who are you looking for?" tachyon leveled the question unexpectedly, turning his golden gaze to the wolf as if to accentuate how serious he was in finding out.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - March 28, 2016

A series of names flashed through the air and Maude's sickened brain worked quickly to dissect them all. Where would Ferahgo be of all the places? Sea lion shores? Did Ferahgo tolerate sea lions or like their flesh? She couldn't remember. But sea-witches — ah! There was a sign! Perhaps Ferahgo went to consort with them. Was Ferahgo the superstitious type? Had he left Tortuga in order to hear the scrying of powerful sea witches, or gain their power for himself, or plunder their coven for sea-witch slaves.

Maudie couldn't decide which was more likely for the Cap'n to do.

Gold met gold as the landlubber asked who her quarry was. Maude responded unflinchingly to it, her voice taking on a frighteningly manic sing-song tone as she spoke his name. Cap'n Ferahgo Blackbeard, t'fiercest pirate Cap'n in all o'Tortuga!

RE: Super Psycho Love - Tachyon Sr - March 31, 2016

slight pp of them walking past donnelaith? is that okay? lmk if it isn't :D

tachyon's ears pulled back at the over-enthusiastic response, his golden gaze resting sharply on the wolf as if expecting a blow to follow. as unsettling as this wolf was, she had yet to threaten him explicitly. but the gusto in her words -- tachyon had only one word: weird.

he padded alongside maude still, but as they passed donnelaith's hearth his interest in accompanying the wolf dwindled. "dunno him." he came to a stop, his tail slightly above his hocks and draped in the air as he looked down the strand. "this may be it for me -- got things to do. good luck finding this blackbeard fellow." while he was genuine in his wishes that maude would find this wolf, he was somewhat perturbed by the wolf's demeanor and would certainly have plenty to reflect upon during his jaunt home.

RE: Super Psycho Love - Maude - April 01, 2016

Maude had seen that look too many times to count. It was a familiar response to her love, but Maude never paid it any mind. They were just jealous, she thought, no, she knew. But whatever, the wolf's presence would not be missed. Maude looked in towards the forest where the wolf stopped. She was not fond of forests, even one this close to the sea. She looked back towards the wolf and nodded her head. Al'ight then. See ya, mate. She said, turning north once more and headed off in search of her one true love.