Wolf RPG
Phantom Hollow Welcoming at heart - Printable Version

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Welcoming at heart - Renn - February 23, 2016

Little meeting thread for those MH members Renn hasn't yet encountered properly :) Maybe @Mitanni @Esteban @Issun or @Silver ?

Since first arriving in the strangely haunting forest of Phantom Hollow, the black yearling had found herself swept right into the thick of pack life. She enjoyed assisting her alphas of course but maybe she just needed a breather, slow down a little and socialise with her fellow equals. A robin chirped loudly in the brush, it's little tweet reminding the young wolf of her very first spring she had experienced when she was just a tiny pup. Wagging her tail slightly, she trotted through the frosted landscape to emerge in a clearing every wolf should have come familiar with by this point.

Raising her head, she settled down beside the fallen log, the vantage point her alphas used to address the pack for meetings, and let out a loud but welcoming yip. Hopefully her pack mates in the vicinity should hear it. Renn had a sweet, rather level headed personality but she wouldn't be surprised if some were put off by her lack of tact and maturity... Oh well, she'd have to try her best to engage.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Silver - February 23, 2016

Not too long ago the silvery girl had been accepted into a pack with open arms and promises to pull her own weight. She would prove herself for sure, but for now she focused on fitting in and meeting everyone. Despite her cold past and relatively callow attitude, she was quite kind. She had decided to explore the land, not focusing on finding her sister but instead to just settle in.

A loud and welcoming yelp filled her fluffy ears, the lanky girl made her way over to the noise and decided to greet whomever was there. There she saw a wolf settled down, Silver made her way over a bit cautiously and tilted her head towards the other. "Hello?" She asked, she practically face-pawed when it came out more as a question than a statement.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Renn - February 25, 2016

Almost as soon as the youngster had announced her presence, a silvery shadow emerged from the undergrowth. She thumped her tail, hoping her actions weren't threatening, and rose to her paws to trot over and greet the female. "Hello there," she greeted, her optics wide with interest and curiosity, "I'm Renn. It was a pretty basic response but as the other seemed a little unsure, she decided to keep it simple.

"Your name?" To be honest, she felt pretty guilty having not seen this figure around before. She certainly hadn't been around when the pack was first formed. Nevertheless, it would be good to get to know the wolves she would now be harmonised with.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Silver - February 27, 2016

Apologies for hold up!

The wolf Silver had encountered looked young, but very kind. Her posture wasn't one with threatening actions or intimidation; no it was a gentle posture. The light colored girl smiled and nodded her head to the younger wolf, who said her name was Renn.

Simple, but easy to roll off the tongue. Her name was asked for, Silver acknowledged quickly. "Silver" She replied simply, deciding to sit down on her haunches. "Have you been here long Renn?" She asked, tilting her head the tiniest bit.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Renn - February 28, 2016

Nodding her consent, the dark female relaxed back onto her haunches, her tail thumping the dirt slightly. "Nice name," she smiled, "It certainly does suit you." Her eyes scanned the glossy silver pelt of the other, absorbing what information she could gather simply from her stature and appearance. She was strong, maybe a little wiry, but held the elongated limbs and the pale fur of a runner from the north. Either way, her frame would be a helpful asset to the pack. There could never be too many hunters!

The females attitude also intrigued Renn. She seemed straightforward and precise but also a little wary, much like a wolf with a purpose. "I've been around these woods since the pack first moved in," she answered, unsure if that's what the other meant by her question. Nevertheless, she shrugged and continued. "I haven't seen you round here before," Renn tilted her head slightly, "Are you a new recruit?"

RE: Welcoming at heart - Silver - March 01, 2016

With a compliment about her name, the wolfess smiled gently towards the darker one. She was quite nice, Silver almost envied that about her. Silver was nothing but a murderer and a liar, and when compared to this wolf at the moment, she was probably the face of evil.

However, her thoughts were removed since her question was answered. Renn had been here since the pack moved in, and had never seen the other woman before. Silver couldn't blame her, she was new and that was that. She wasn't going to spill the beans about why she joined or why didn't she join the other packs. If her god damn mouth would keep itself shout, maybe she would've been accepted...

"A new recruit indeed. I was in need of a home and I stumbled upon Moonlit Hills" She replied, her blue eyes gleaming around. "Are you happy with this pack?" She asked curiously, her head tilting. In no means did she mean to rebel against the pack she was in, but she was just curious about other's opinions.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Renn - March 07, 2016

With a slight tail wag, Renn returned the friendly gesture from the other wolf. At least her attempts to socialise seemed to be hitting home. Maybe, if they trusted each other enough, they could set out on cooperative hunts. The idea brought a spark of longing to the dark females temperament but she kept it in check and focused on the others query.

"Of course I'm happy here," she responded, grinning slightly and swishing her tail, "The forest is lush, if not a bit spooky, and Malice is a wonderful alpha." She cocked her head to one side, unsure why the silver female had brought up the subject. "Why'd you ask?"[b] [/b]She wasn't trying to be rude, it was merely her curiousity taking over once again.

RE: Welcoming at heart - Silver - March 07, 2016

Renn's reply made the silhouette smile, she was quite happy. However, the agreed silently that the forest was a bit spooky, especially going in alone. However, the feeling would fade away soon enough once Silver was adjusted accordingly. She nodded her head towards the dark female, a gentle expression in her eyes.

She also agreed with Renn about the remarks of the alpha, she was quite kind and a diplomatic superior. It almost seemed quite fitting for her to be the leader.

The other then asked for the reason behind the question, Silver chuckled softly. "Just curious, I'm quite happy here too. Though, I agree with you that the forest is a bit... eerie as I should say" she replied towards Renn, her lanky tail wagging lightly.