Wolf RPG
Fairspell Meadow Fine mom - Printable Version

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Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

@Lyda, sorry it's kind of short xP

Thatch trotted along, enjoying the bright sunny day. Today would be a great day to kill dad. He thought the cheerfully grim thought as he stopped to smell a flower. It didn't smell like blood, but it did smell nice. Thatch wasn't always crazy, sometimes he could be sweet. But that was only when he let his guard down. So seeing that he was alone, he sat down and rolled around in the bed of flowers. If felt good to let go, to forget his rage and hatred. And this beautiful day was just perfect for that.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

The coyote had been heavily on the look out. She had just escaped the grasp of a female, who Lyda wasn't fond of. If she had to be kidnapped, she wants a male to be her master. She came upon an area of flowers, and looked around. Her eye caught the rolling movement in the flowers. She looked over sharply, and darted behind a large stump. If the mystery wolf was a male, she would act differently. She slowed her breathing and controlled her shaking.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

Thatch heard a rustle to the right of him and he froze. He wasn't scared, just cautious. He was rolled upside down, if his visitor wanted to attack him his soft spot was wide open. Yet he didn't feel vulnerable. He always his his fear very well. He looked out of the corner of his golden eyes to see an upside down coyote. He smiled, Sweet, someone to mess with. He rolled over and looked up over the grass at the female giving her a wicked grin.

Helloooo, I'm Thatch. How are you doing today? He asked playfully, putting a dramatic emphasis on 'you'. He didn't plan on killing the female. Instead he just wanted to talk, maybe get some info out of or scare. He was a bit insane, but not in a disabled way. Just a lot a bit over the top.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

The coyote hunkered down as the wolf approached her. She then moved to a highly submissive pose, exposing her stomach to the male. She was not told to speak right away, so she kept silent. She stretched out her neck, exposing her neck to him. She gave a small whine, asking him to allow her to speak. She hadn't seen a male in a very long time. She closed her eyes, waiting to be scanned and sniffed. Her tail wagged softly, and she held a tiny grin. She thought her pelt was going to erupt in flames as he moved closer to her. She opened her eyes quickly to look at him, then shut them once again.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

The coyote didn't speak, but instead moved quickly into a oddly submissive form. This was the same posture he himself had used when pleading for his life against his father. Had he really seemed that threatening to the little female or was she just extremely submissive? He shrugged away the thought as she extended her neck. He screwed up his nose in confusion, not really having much idea of what she wanted from him. So he went ahead and sniffed her, getting used to her scent. She seemed excited, as if she was waiting for something to happen.

What does she think I'm gonna do, screw her? And people call me insane. He sneered at his own thoughts and then stepped back to sit down in front of her. She was pretty, for a coyote, but nothing that Thatch would be interested in. He was practically still a teenager, and hadn't reached the stage where he started to really care about girls. Can you speak? Because if you can't I get the feeling our conversation is gonna be very one sided. He made a punny joke, smiling in a friendly manner.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

The girl slowly stood up, keeping her head and tail low. Her body stayed in a hunkered position. She quickly looked up at him, then back down at her paws. "I can speak sir." she squeaked. She jumped a bit at his movement to step back and sit down in front of her. She took a tiny step closer to him before wearily sitting down in front of him.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

She remained in her hunkered and submissive position, but at last spoke. Thatch was surprised to hear the words sir, directed towards him. He'd always kind of just been, 'kid' or 'you there useless'. It felt nice to have some power at last. He grinned at her, trying to make her feel comfortable, which wasn't something he did often.

She seemed timid, very frightened at his movements. She must've been abused at some point, or hurt. Maybe she's been a slave. As cruel as Thatch could be, that wasn't how he rolled. He bowed his head slightly, showing that he would mean her no harm, then spoke. So, you have a name? He watched intently, his golden eyes focused on her.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

His grin made her terrified at first, as the only grins she has gotten were at the moment she was ordered to do something terrible. She looked into his eyes, to only see goodness. She gave a small, ghostly smile. She moved a bit closer. "I am Lyda. It means obey." she said. She wasn't proud of her name, and she rarely told the meaning behind it.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

Aww poor Lyda! I want Thatch to be sassy and rude, but it's really hard to be mean to this poor baby xD

Lyda moved a bit closer, seeming to relax a little. That was good. Being relaxed around Thatch meant one of two things. Either he actually did like you enough to let you relax, or he was tricking you and was actually planning on slashing your throat out. Fortunately for Lyda, he liked her. Most wolves and other creatures he had met had good lives, with kind homes and loving families. Those were things Thatch didn't understand. The only loved he'd known had come from his murdered mother. But Lyda seemed to know pain too, so he felt comfortable. Plus if she turned out to be not who he thought she was, she was a wimpy coyote who he could easily take down.

That's an unfortunate name. Your parents must've sucked. He sneered, though it wasn't his usual cruel or bitchy sneer. It was more along the lines of  'I know how you feel'. My parents sucked too. Well my sisters and my dad. Classic story, evil dad killed good mom, son kills evil sister, son tries to kill evil dad and fails so he gets exiled for trying to avenge the one woman who cared. What about you? You got a story? His explanation was brief, but to the point. It was his life after all.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

The girl's eyes brightened as she looked up at the wolf. An actual smile played across her face. "Really?" she said, moving closer, now nearing his chest as she looked up. "My mother was raped, and gave birth to me, alone with no siblings. I reminded her of being raped, so she tried to kill me. Luckily, I got free, and I ran, now ending here." she said, dipping her head down, looking at her paws. Her ears flattened, and she just wanted to run away, as she to, took her mothers life. She moved about, letting males take her left and right. 

Haha! Keep going Lyda!

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

Lyda is really cute to me, I just want to hug her xD

Lyda was real close now, almost up in his chest. She looked up at him, she was smiling now. She had a cute smile, he liked her. Her story was pretty bad too. He got really excited as she told her story. But once she finished she seemed to shrink back again, like something was keeping her from letting loose. Thatch let loose all the time, he wasn't afraid to share his emotions with anyone. 

Well good thing you got away. See where you are now? Sitting here talking to me! He joked sarcastically, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. Buuuut, don't you ever wish you could get revenge on your scum bag dad? I know I do, all the time. He ruined your life, don't you ever what to taste his blood? And there he went, getting a little carried away in his fantasies. He didn't mean to seem scary all of a sudden, but sometimes he came off as a creep.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

She took a big risk by lightly touching her nose to his chest. "I would love to, but, I can't by myself, and I'm not sure where he lives." she took another step closer to him, before looking up at him, her eyes showed emotions, both sadness and cheer fought to take place. She stretched her neck up towards his face, it seemed both emotions settled to show nothing but hope. Lyda purred gently before placing her head back down, realizing she wasn't showing any respect to a man

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 24, 2016

Suddenly Thatch felt a spark on his chest. Like something had clicked. She was flirting? Or wasn't she? She wasn't making any sense, and that was coming from a guy who did things just because he felt like it. He was very confused, but her touch sent tingles up his spine, not the bad kind though. He felt his body tremble, a feeling he hadn't felt much before. Something about her... Different. It made him squirm, made him uncomfortable. He must be getting sick.

Well, I'm sure one day you'll... He paused, suddenly feeling anxious in a way he hadn't felt before. He gulped in air, feeling very strange as she got closer and gazed up into his eyes. Umm, what're you... What're you doing there? He squeaked, a feeling of uncertainty flooding over him. For a few minutes there he had forgotten all of his evil thoughts, and he didn't like that.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 24, 2016

The girl lifted her head to see the man changed drastically. She give a small, sweet, smile. Lyda purred lightly before moving now her head to his chest, and scooted closer to him. "What?" she purred. She gently ran her tongue over his chest, just to see how he would react before continuing. She liked the way he was confused, not knowing what to do. Thought deep down she knew if she acted this way around anyone else, her pelt would be scattered all over the Wilds. She moved closer, their fur mixing. This was oddly unnatural for her.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 25, 2016

The little coyote was very seductive. If he were older and maybe not insane, he would've been all over her by now. But he was still young, and definitely crazy. He purrs sounded sweet, he felt again the tingles through his body as she licked his chest. His fur fluffed out as he started to feel slightly defensive. He'd never shown real affection before to anyone but his mom. Now that she was dead, he had assumed he'd never show affection again. But his body betrayed him, and he leaned down to lick her forehead.

Suddenly he was barely himself anymore. He rolled over exposing his stomach, feeling very vulnerable. But for some reason his body wouldn't let him sit back up. It wanted him to lay down and let her kiss him sweetly. His mind fought back but he couldn't move. What is happening to me? I can't actually like her? I don't like anyone!

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 25, 2016

The coyote was surprised when he ran his tongue over her forehead. She leaned up to lick under his chin. Lyda got worried when he fluffed out his fur, but chose to ignore it, and she continued to lick his chest. He quickly pulled away, and before she could look up at him, he was on the ground. She let her tail wag gently as she stood over him. She lowered her muzzle to his chest, giving it licks, followed by soft nips. She moved her affections to now to his neck. She purred, and moved up to lick his cheek and muzzle. The girl was giving foreign affection to someone who she ended up liking. She continued her licking, but moved it back down to his chest. She looked up at him for a second, worried she was going to be punished.  

Affection wasn't something that came naturally, but what she was doing felt right. He seemed paralyzed under her touch, and she liked having a bit of power for once. Her kisses moved down his chest, closer to the side of where his hips was. After a bit, she stopped, and moved forward. The coyote threw her legs over him, allowing her to now stand over him. She continued her licks and nips on his chest and neck. She reached out her tail, and twining it with his. The girl moved her licks back up to his cheek, and now she stretched forward to lick his ear. She purred in his ear, before moving back to his neck. Her actions would hopefully please him greatly, and gain some trust out of him. 

Lyda wanted to stop, but she couldn't. She needed to stop, because she wasn't letting a male take control. Her pelt would erupt in flames each time she got closer to his face. She stopped for a moment, and moved her muzzle into his neck fur, breathing in his scent. She rested her head only for a moment, before gently laying her body down on his. She didn't press all of her weight on him, but she was already skinny, so she didn't weigh much. The girl continued her ways, licking and nipping at his neck.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 25, 2016

Thatcher felt strangely good. This was something he'd never felt before, affection like this. He'd been kissed by his mother, but this was different. This was lustful, seductive and... Uncomfortable. Every lick felt both good and scary. The boy didn't know what to think. It felt natural yet unnatural. She flung her legs over him, and he suddenly felt panicked. What if she got hostile, he felt so helpless right now. He'd only just met the girl! He squirmed under her weight, slowly she made her way down his hips. She continued to kiss him, but that was enough for him.

He nipped at the air in front of her, warning her off before wiggling free from underneath her. Too intimate, he was barely an adult, and he had bigger things to think of than affection and lust. He stepped back from her, body still hot from her touches. Im sorry, but I can't. He spoke to her, not sure what to say now.

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 25, 2016

The nip made her turn and run a bit, but she was still in view. She finally found someone she liked, and it was brutally ripped away from her. He ducked her head, and began walking away, slowly though. "I'm sorry, I just, kinda liked you." she said, stopping to give him a moment to either come to her, or speak.

RE: Fine mom - Thatcher - February 25, 2016

Awe Thatch's sad girl skills scared Lyda away noooo xD

Thatch watched her run away, a bit afraid. Normally watching other creatures run away from him cowering was hilarious to him, but for the first time he felt a bit guilty. What sorcery is this? He decided he should leave. It would be best. He had a mission. To train so that someday he could kill his father. Nothing would stand in his way, even if she was sweet and made him feel fuzzy. Yuck, feelings.

He trotted towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek. Maybe someday we could have something. But I'm a killer, not a lover. I suppose we could be... acquaintances. Good luck, Lyda. He gave her a small smile before turning away,  to find a new home. He might even miss the small woman, but he would forget about her.

Last for me! Maybe in the future we could have another?

RE: Fine mom - Lyda - February 25, 2016


She leaned into his lick, before giving him a sad look. She would see him again, and he would be a lover, she would make him. The time they would be spending apart would be a personal hell. She purred and kissed his cheek back. "Goodbye Thatcher." she said sadly, before turning to disappear in the brush. She took one look back, seeing him walk away. She did the same, her head hung low.