Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest New comer - Printable Version

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New comer - Síff - February 24, 2016

Liri padded through the foliage, cursing her stupid shoulder for the annoyance it brought. The fox bite no longer hurt and was healing well but sometimes it would crack open painfully as she moved. She knew in time it would harden further and no longer split while she ran but for now it was cumbersome.

She found her way to the stream that she had soon become familiar with, coming here often for water. At the moment she waded in, washing her wound once more. The cold water stung as it rushed into her damaged shoulder but she ignored it. In her annoyance she had failed to notice the wind bringing her scent to a nearby recruit. She had yet to notice he was nearby but no doubt soon she would.

RE: New comer - Gotham - February 25, 2016

The brute had been exploring, and indeed found some foxes on his way. He had killed one of them, the other he was chasing got away. But now he had a nice breakfast, complete with a place to call home. He had smelled others, but didn't feel like following anyone at the moment. He needed some alone time, unless others came to him.

As he was exploring, a dead fox between his teeth, he stumbled upon a stream. First, it didn't do him much, but then he smelled a female. great, he though sarcastically. Even if he wasn't trying, he would find others. Oh well, these were his packmates now, and he had to learn to socialize. Plus, with the condition that was that he would be paired up, it was a must. He got closer to the smell, now seeing a white,wet wolf in the water. Was she crazy? It was still winter, and this way she could get a cold. He dropped the dead fox, now standing fairly close to the female. 

What are you doing? He asked a bit rude, but worry could be heard too.

RE: New comer - Síff - February 25, 2016

She glanced over at the voice, she didn't know this wolf. One of the new males she reasoned. He wasn't as large as the other males. Somewhere between Saries and the others in size. He was still larger than her with grey agouti fur and grey eyes. She rose a brow at his tone. Rude much?

"Cleaning a wound. What are you doing?", she asked him in return. She climbed out of the cold water, most of it slucing off her thick fur. She was made for the cold, a little water wouldn't hurt her. Besides it only got her lower legs wet and her shoulder which she had splashed in the water. She would dry soon in the early morning air.

After shaking herself out she made her way over to him and sa[size=x-large]t waiting for his response.[/size]

RE: New comer - Gotham - February 25, 2016

She spotted him, raising an eyebrow. The brute shrugged, not bothered by the fact that she probably thought he was being rude. Just because it sounded rude, didn't mean it was meant that way, but hey, who was he from stopping her assuming things. If he wasn't worried so much that she might get a cold, he would've left by now.

A wound ey? And, indeed, he saw a wound on her shoulder. Now he knew, so what was holding him back from just turning around and leaving? Maybe the thought of getting paired up. He needed to be nice, otherwise the female who he got paired up with would be a pain in the ass.

Trying to find a quiet place to eat. He said, his muzzle pointing to the dead fox on the ground. Care to join me? He asked against his will. 

RE: New comer - Síff - February 25, 2016

If he thought he was being subtle he was wrong. This male didn't want to socialize, he probably didn't even like her. She could be wrong but she was sure his expressions seemed forced. Oh well, no matter. If he didn't like her, he didn't like her. She hoped she wasn't paired with him, whoever he was. Perhaps she could make an exit at the first possible moment.

She didn't bother sitting and getting to know him like the others. "No thanks. I'm not hungry,"she told him polite as ever. Just because she felt awkard around him didn't mean she had no manners. She said nothing else, letting him pick up the conversation.

RE: New comer - Gotham - February 26, 2016

He shrugged again, not bothered by anything at the moment. Suit yourself. He said, slowly ripping the fox to pieces. He was sure though to leave a piece for her if she changed her mind, as the gentleman he was. He started eating, getting the blood on his muzzle but his belly was at least being filled with fox meat. He wasn't used to this sort of food, though he couldn't complain. The place was chuck full of these monsters, so he didn't have much of a choice. Besides, now he was helping the pack and getting something in his stomach.

He finished the poor critter in minutes, a new record though he wasn't filled with joy about it. He licked the remaining blood off of his gray muzzle, returning his gaze to the white angel... That was still there. He wondered why, but now she was here, why not start a better conversation.

So, how does one call you? Or do you want me to keep referring to you as white angel? The last part slipped off his tongue just as he tried not to say it. Very smooth Gotham, now she knows you're a weird freak.

RE: New comer - Síff - February 26, 2016

She chuckled, albeit uneasily but still chuckled. What an odd thing to say, her an angel? As if. But still she supposed it was nice of him..in a weird type of way. "I am Liri,"she intoduced herself. "Who are you?", she asked in that blunt,innocent way of hers. She could be subtle but mostly she just spoke whatever came to mind. That paired with her bubbly personality often led to others thinking her dumb.

RE: New comer - Gotham - February 26, 2016

He smiled, gently but still keeping that cold face he was born with, as she chuckled. The comment had been odd, he knew, but sometimes his tongue got ahead of him. He was glad the female didn't make a weirded out face, as that was what he was expecting. It was nice to be surprised by the little things all wolves had, and it was nice once again here.

Liri, he made sure to practice her name a few times in his head, not wanting to pronounce it wrong. He had went far and wide, but never had he encountered a being with the same, or even remotely the same, name. 

Gotham, just Gotham's enough. He responded, not thinking anything of the way she had asked the question. Innocent could mean two things. Either this female was really just as innocent as she had presented herself, or she was planning something. Either one was fine, really.

RE: New comer - Síff - February 26, 2016

"It's a nice name,"she complimented sweetly. She wondered at it within her mind though, never had she heard it before. It wasn't a lie what she told him, it was a nice name. Of course she thought everyone's name was good, she was always too nice for her own good. 

"Why did you join Rosings?", she asked him. No sob stories this time though. She may have shared with Samuel why exactly she came here but she didn't feel the same inclination with this wolf. If he asked her in return she would lie. Likely he would see through her, she was a horrible liar but what could she say? 'Oh yeah I joined because my mate was a horrible douche who turned out to be older,abusive, and on top of that he had a wide and six pups already. Oh by the way have you tried the fox meat?' Yeah she didn't think that conversation would go over well.

RE: New comer - Gotham - March 10, 2016

AAAAAH, I totally forgot about this thread. I'm dumb, sorry <3

The first compliment on his name ever left the angel's lips, making him perk his ears. It was weird when someone called his name 'nice', yet he liked it. No one here knew who he was and where he came from, no one knew how ashamed he was of his names. It pained him to hear his full name though, so he quickly said; You can call me Goth for short...

Now a question, one that was not so easily answered. He couldn't say he left his own pack for being good-doers as it might make him look like a criminal. Well, yes, he had been a criminal in the past, but that was far behind him. I was dying of hunger and loneliness. I needed a place to call home and stumbled upon this pack's borders. He responded. While he wasn't lying, he wasn't telling the full story.

He didn't want to return the question, as it seemed rather pointless to him. He couldn't care less what had driven the angel to join this pack, nor did he care for the others' reasons. Have you met some of Rosing's members yet? You're the first being I've seen since my arrival.

RE: New comer - Síff - March 10, 2016

She nodded, noting that this male seemed rather closed off. Liri knew better than to pry as she had her own secrets to keep. She could however sense there was more to the story than he was letting on, simply because she often kept things from her own stories.

She nodded once more this time in affirmation," I have met all of them. The females are all very friendly and I have had no issue with any of them. The males too are rather nice." Her brief explanation of her pack mates seemed thorough enough, she had found them all pleasant to be around.