Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle Plunder me not! - Printable Version

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Plunder me not! - Sadie - February 24, 2016

Anyone welcome, I prefer not to have Sadie die yet :D

After her check with the captain, the mexican wolf had sulked for the night. Why did she have to be a woman?! She barely received respect from her old family, she was called a wench by many of the crew, she was looked down upon! The only good thing she could do was find treasure and stow it away. The girl grumbled to herself quietly as she walked down the shore, searching for more conch shells. 

She had kept the first one for herself since it was so nice, the captain had enough treasure as it was! Of coarse, she would take that secret to the grave. Sadie continued her way down, seeing a few shells here and there and scooping them up into her jaws. Hopefully another pirate would come along and maybe help her out.

RE: Plunder me not! - Habit - February 24, 2016

The two weeks the Habit spent of the island were quiet. He tended to keep to himself, pondering in solitude in the futile hope that the reason he had had washed to shore whould reveal itself to him. Initially, he had hoped his amnesia would only be a temporary problem, but as the days passed on and on, the hope that memory would retun became a dying dream. Nothing returned but vague feelings; anger mostly, but the Habit shrugged it off.

He took residence where the sand of the tidal flats met the dense woods of the Isle; it's proximity to food was impeccable. Mostly, the Habit spent his time eating— scavenging for clams and caching the ones he did not eat in silence. By now, the castaway had regained his strength and his build returned to it's normal size. 

Pulling himself from his hole at the sight of the woman he had met on his first day on the island, the Habit felt compelled by some subconscious force to meet her where she walked on the beach. He rose to his feet and crossed the tidal flats until he was near her. She seemed to be searching for something; bits, bobs, and trinkets like the day they had met. The Habit's curiosity as to why the wench had returned to do the same thing weeks later had been effectively piqued. "Shell I gave you not good enough Freckles?" he asked, voice coarse like the sand they tread. "I'm insulted." Of course, he meant it in jest, yet his delivery was completely deadpan.

RE: Plunder me not! - Sadie - February 27, 2016

Sadie's mouth was full of small trinkets, she was quite proud of her finds. She however was on search for a large shell like that Habit had found her before. It would be easier to hold all the shells in for her, besides it would just look nice presentation wise. Seeing another shiny rock, she scooped it up quickly and held it with her lips.

She continued to travel down the shore, however a familiar voice rang in her ears. "Shell I gave you not good enough Freckles?" The freckled woman turned round and saw that the owner of the voice was Habit, the wolf who had helped her earlier. She laughed with a hoarse voice, coughing out the shells and dirt, giving him a crooked smile.

"The shell be fine lad, I just need to find more is all" She said, turning her attention before starting to paw at the damp and then digging lightly. The wet sand had to hold onto something, Calypso might've hidden something for her. So, why not look?

Habit spoke up again, deadpanning his words. "I'm insulted."

The wench couldn't help but chuckle at his words, shaking her head as she got deeper in her digging. "Sorry ye feel insulted lad, what could a wench like me do to make ye fell better, huh?" She inquired sarcastically, laughing hoarsely more while she dug. Well, her digging wasn't for nothing, she found a slightly bigger muscle and pulled it out, deciding to crack it open in slurp it up in one bite. Licking her chops, she lifted her head towards Habit and waited for an answer.