Wolf RPG
Fairspell Meadow I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Printable Version

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I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Lyda - February 26, 2016

@Thatcher <3 Flash forward about 2ish months

The young coyote escaped the grasp of an abusive Master. Her coat was now scarred. She now lye down, curled in a ball, masking what had just happened. She got up to smell something she could eat, as for only a few days after she met Thatcher she had been fed herbs that calm her hunger, and the food she was giving was usually rotten leftovers. Her pelt stayed to same, beautiful, but with a few dents. She was skinny, and now he had to chance to eat. She had a clear moment, and jumped. The mouse dangled from her jaws. The coyote dug a hole, and quickly buried it. She would have to catch more later on. She went back to her resting place, and laid down, watching the meadow flowers.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Thatcher - February 26, 2016

Thatch went out on a little walk, not knowing what he might find. He'd had a long and stressful day and it was time for a break. It seemed he was getting nowhere with his training. He had to get stronger, better, he had to fulfill his goal. After a while of walking through a familiar meadow, he came to a familiar scent. One that for some reason he didn't have a desire to kill. Lyda. He'd met the girl before, and she moved pretty fast, but he wouldn't mind talking this time. He had stuff to get off of his chest.

He quickly found the female, she looked hungry. He thought about hunting for her, but then screwed up his nose. I don't think nice thoughts. What's wrong with me today? He thought with a soft growl of frustration. The red male came out of the tall grass and into the flowery clearing where Lyda stood and he barked to her in his normal flirty and wicked sounding tone. Hi there, Lyda right?

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Lyda - February 26, 2016

The voice made her jump. "Don't hurt me!" she yelped. The girl flipped over to expose her stomach submissively. She looked up to see the wolf she saw a while ago. "Thatcher?" she said before standing. Her newly dull and terrified face brightened up as she walked forward.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Thatcher - February 26, 2016

At first he seemed to have terrified the coyote girl, but then she lightened up realizing it was him, and she walked towards him. Thatch cracked a bit of a smile. There two things he liked best about Lyda. First was that she was comforting, and kind of understood his situation. Second was that she feared him, and he loved being feared. It made him feel strong, and only the teensiest bit guilty. He came to a stop in front of her and sat down, wanting to talk.

So how have you been? Nobody's done anything to you lately? The ruddy sun colored male asked, feeling slightly protective over her. She was actually older than him, by an entire 6 months. But she was smaller, which made him feel like he had to look out for her. It was strange, the feeling of... care. Diiisgusting. You're disgusting Thatch. You ought to murder this girl and throw her body in a lake that's what you ought to do. Said his evil consciousness, the insane half. But something primal inside him interjected, No Thatch, you ought to help her because she's nice and she cares about you! It was like a little satan and angel stood on his shoulder, fighting for dominance. Unfortunately for his usual personality, the angel won.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Lyda - February 26, 2016

The girl risked it once more and reached up to lick under his chin. "Well, I actually just escaped a kidnapping. I just ran free early yesterday. she said sadly, and sat down with him. "I guess now I understand why my mother took my birth so harshly. she said. Rape wasn't something you should wish on anyone, but luckily she wasn't in heat, so the horrible day would only be shared by her own memory.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Thatcher - February 26, 2016

Hearing about what someone had done to her made his fur bristle. His mother had been raped, if she hadn't bared Lars Vartalla's first litter of pups, she would've never been alpha of the pack anyway. She was always so nice, taking beatings from Lars just to make sure that Lars wouldn't take it out on poor little baby Thatch. That of course didn't stop the horrible alpha male all the time though. His father still got to him sometimes. Thatch could barely believe that he'd ever longed for his father's approval. Now he only longed to see, no make his father bleed.

I'm sorry. You should really try to stay away from those kinds of creeps. Hang around the nicer ones like me. He gave her a grin, her licks making him feel warm. Warmth. Yuck. Forget warmth, let's go north where it's real cold. Said satan. Nah let's go south where everything is warm and fuzzy. Said the angel. God damn his insane head. He gave her forehead a quick lick before asking a new question. Do you want to hunt with me? You look hungry? I know I could go for a quick kill. He said, glad that he'd come up with something... Ahh perfect. Hunting was like, killing for a good cause. I hope you two are happy. He thought to his heavenly and demonic companions.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Lyda - February 26, 2016

The girl smiled. "I will hang out with the nicer ones." she said. She purred gently at the lick she was given. Lyda had be highly deprived of the affection she needed for a while, so the lick sent her to a better place. She nodded quickly at the question. "Yes, yes please. I would love to go hunting, I'm starving. They didn't feed me at all besides rotten bones." she said.

RE: I'm forced to deal with what I feel - Thatcher - February 27, 2016

Oh sorry Lyda my suck rolls have spoken. No food for them :(

Thatch listened to her words, but didn't respond. His mind was already set on the hunt. Surely there had to be something they could catch around here. Surely. Soon the boy caught on to the scent trail of a rabbit. Good enough for now, though it would hardly be enough for them both. But he didn't need to eat anyway, he mainly was hunting for the fun of it, and also to find something for his friend.

He soon found the rabbit, it scuffled around in the tall grass of the meadow, eating at some sort of seeds embedded in the ground. He grinned maliciously, excited to rip into its flesh and tear it to pieces. Watch this. He boasted happily to Lyda, before he sped out of the bush towards the unsuspecting creature. He bulldozed into it quickly, pushing it to the ground with force. It struggled under his weight, not dead yet. He turned up to look at Lyda, a proud and wicked grin on his face. Stupid little shit that he was.

He was about to brag about his quick kill, when the rabbit writhed around quickly, managing to thump the side of his head. Thatch snarled in frustration, recoiling from the hit, and letting the rabbit have just enough leeway to free itself. He yelped angrily as it scrambled into its warren below ground. He glared at the hole, willing for the rabbit to reappear at the surface. Unsurprisingly, it didn't, and Thatch turned to give Lyda a sad and embarrassed look. He looked like a pup, pouting about his failures. It umm... Got away. He said sadly, looking down at the ground.