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Swiftcurrent Creek little miss sunshine - Printable Version

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little miss sunshine - RIP Fox - February 27, 2014

Although she'd had quite a rocky start, Fox felt she was finally settling into her leadership role. She had managed to cool off after the thing with Tuwawi and Njal, and the appearance of practically an entire pack at her borders had barely phased her. She would have to keep an eye on them for sure. Perhaps she would send one of her warrior prospects to test their borders and see how secure they really were. For all Fox knew, the lot who had shown up here was the whole pack. And if that was the case, they had nothing to worry about.

The Alpha breathed a sigh of relief, letting herself crash to the ground and sprawl her back legs out behind her. She was panting, despite the not-quite-spring temperatures, and she wondered what life would be like come summertime. It was only going to get warmer from here on out (or so she suspected), and she imagined her duties were not going to get any easier. She would have to take care to watch Jinx, especially with her litter due in the coming weeks. And then there was Njal, who had brought in a trespasser (no matter her relation). Fox could only hope that it was a one-time fluke. Surely it was not something he would be so stupid as to repeat.

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Njal - March 01, 2014

Hi 'scuse me I am a bit high right now (woo adjusting med dosage) so if this is full of crap I will edit!

When the thought of the Eta rose in her mind, he was coincidentally striding along near the Alpha's position; fresh from a recent border patrol and eager for more, but Njal slowed when he caught her scent, and then stopped when her ruddy fur came in to his view. The halt was brief. He would have to face her at some point - and only wished, at the back of his mind, that the girl had gotten through her tantrum and would be easier to talk to. He chuffed softly in his approach, deferring to her with the sinking of posture and a warm glow within his usually chilled gaze. Njal did not look her in the eye this time, as he was also not so heated as to try and challenge her.

"Fox," He greeted with a warmth to his voice, which fled almost as soon as the sound of her name fell away upon the winter air. There was stillness thereafter; an uneasiness from him which could easily be perpetuated if she caught upon it as well. But Njal was here to move past the indiscretion. And the Alpha seemed amiable enough, at least for now. "I would like to apologize." He began softly, with his eyes upon the snow at her paws, "You were right to be angry. It will not happen again." Without more of a script prepared, Njal fell in to true silence. He wanted to repair their relationship as much as possible, not understanding how he had truly hurt Fox to begin with.

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Fox - March 01, 2014

When Njal came into view, Fox wondered what he had come here to say. Perhaps he was going to berate her, or maybe he was here to challenge her for the throne. With his mate now here, he would surely want a litter this year. The thought put distaste in her mood, but she reigned it in for now. She was willing to give him a chance to say whatever it was he had approached her with. Although she'd had budding feelings for him in the past, his actions had quashed those in one fell swoop. She thought him foolish now, even if it was only on some small level.

“Good,” she replied, once he had apologized and vowed that he would not act in such a way again. She had made no move to get up from her spot, her belly pressing into the cool ground. “I hope Tuwawi knows I do not dislike her.” How could Fox dislike her on any kind of personal level? She knew nothing about the girl.

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Njal - March 01, 2014

His posture did not cease; Njal would remain penitent until such time that he felt such efforts would no longer be needed. When Fox calmly responded he felt his nerves ease slightly, his body become less rigid. He gave a small nod of acceptance to her statement. "I wish your meeting could have been better." Was all he had to say to her, then. The man shifted his weight, and then slipped in to a seated position upon the soil next to her - near her shoulders. He loomed without meaning to, but still looked away from her, and towards the snow in the distance. "She will work hard for you." A quiet promise. A truth which he knew Proudheart would act upon.

"Do you dislike me, for what I did?" Njal asked a moment later; not really wanting an answer yet, he was unable to hold back the urge to ask. As difficult as their last conversation was, Njal could not imagine having Fox as an enemy. They weren't outright enemies by any imagining - she was in power, and had dropped him in rank, which was all. But Njal did not want any negativity between them.

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Fox - March 01, 2014

Fox grunted at his first two statements. She had no doubt that her lookalike would work hard. If she had not thought that the fiery girl would, Fox never would have allowed her sanctuary here. Njal then asked a question that felt... raw. Fox, while conniving at times, had no use for lying to him. “I think you were a fool to bring her in unannounced.” Surely he already knew that, and she was curious as to what kind of response he was looking for. It was not as if she was going to spill her guts about how she had felt about him previously. Fox may have been stupid, but had never considered herself a fool.

“It has made me think less of you, but I believe you can redeem yourself.” Just by coming to her and admitting his mistake, it was beginning to smooth things over. He would have plenty of chances to prove his worth again, and Fox was willing to work with him, so long as he continued to act properly.

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Njal - March 01, 2014

He gave a brief nod when her answer was received, and then began to think of other things. It was good that they were mending things now - with Proudheart here, there were possibilities opened to the man that previously where not there. Before her, he thought of this place as a simple family, but with no ultimate goal in mind. Now, there was a future for him. He could build a family here - with Fox permitting - although he did not broach the subject with her here and now. There was more work to be done before he dared to ask her of something so monumental.

Njal was caught by her second statement and turned to regard her - without challenge, of course. With his eyes trailing across the girl's forehead and neck, to rest on her shoulder. Anywhere but the eyes, so as not to accidentally challenge her.

“It has made me think less of you, but I believe you can redeem yourself.”
"Thank you," He responded swiftly, his voice a low rumble.
"I will serve you in whichever way you ask. As will Tuwawi. We are loyal to you and Swiftcurrent."

With that stated, Njal had nothing more to add. He considered lingering in her company - but at the same time, he was unsure if Fox would want him to. Without further discussion the man got to his feet and began to leave her to her basking; giving a small nod of appreciation and farewell as he departed. Off to do another sweep of the borders.

[njal exit stage left]

RE: little miss sunshine - RIP Fox - March 02, 2014

Fox did not think that he would do anything, despite her harsh words of truth. Thankfully, she was correct, and he promised that he would continue to serve her and the creek. He made promises for Tuwawi as well, though Fox would have to see that for herself. She had some faith in the girl, and she was willing to give her a chance.

When Njal turned to leave, Fox did not try to stop him. Besides, she was far too comfortable in the present to remove herself from the cool earth upon her belly. Again, her mind wandered to the summertime, something she barely remembered from last year. This had basically been her first winter, after all. While she was still a child in the eyes of many, Fox definitely considered herself an adult now.