Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Why so serious? - Printable Version

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Why so serious? - Thatcher - February 26, 2016

Thatch wandered around the wilds, he had been wandering for a while it seemed. When would he find a home? He had a mission to complete! Train, get stronger, kill dad, then do... something else. But killing dad was number one! His final act. The thing that he would do if it was the last thing he did, because dad had killed his mother. His mother, save for a strange little coyote girl he met, had been the only person who ever loved him. But the coyote girl didn't count, she didn't love him. She just liked him. And he also didn't completely hate her. So they could be friends.

He had made his way to the Sunspire, a tall and scary mountain. Not scary to Thatch though. He was having a hell of a time, weaving over and under boulders and pretending like he was gonna jump off a ledge before shying away. He loved the idea of death. It was funny, even his own. Though if his life was ever really in danger, it might be a bit more intimidating. He stopped at a little clearing to rest, he doubted he'd run into anyone up there, but who knew?

RE: Why so serious? - RIP Tavi - February 27, 2016

oops long reply is long. i ramble when im exhausted i guess ??? but she does have a ways to travel....

Tavi had slept soundly through the duration of the night, likely because of all the work she had done during the daylight hours; but when she woke, half expecting to see Reek beside her (and dreamily thinking it was Ukko, returned from his sojourn for some reason), she was a bit deflated by his absence. It was nice to share space with someone again. But, rethinking things once she was properly awake and mobile, she figured that the Alpha would be busy from the crack of dawn till whenever, so it made sense that he'd be up and about. Maybe he had a date with Saena or something. 

Paying the entire event little attention, Tavi slunk through the territory -- and after a quick word to one of the wolves doing a patrol, she opted for some wandering. It would take a few hours to return to the mountain range, but she had wanted to scout it out more thoroughly. Before, the pack had been all business -- and it wasn't like she had any pressing matters to attend to within the maplewood -- so this time, she'd go a bit beyond the path of the raiding party and take a gander at the nearest ridge.

It did take a good few hours for Tavi to reach the forest beyond the wetlands, the Emberwood if she recalled correctly. While there, she took a moment to scope out the area -- juuust in case anyone was hanging around after being told off by Saena and the raiding party. It was clear that nobody was around, which actually kind of bummed Tavi out. Her route then took her south, and on a whim she veered towards the nearest mountain. It occurred to her while passing along a marled ridge of shale and clay that she hadn't really had a rest in a while. As she came to a halt, Tavi realized that she had travelled an immense distance without tiring; perhaps living with the maplewolves was good? She'd never been this fit before -- she'd never explored that much either, having so many other things to do, or get in to, when her siblings were around back home.

Tavi pondered as she ambled along, passing through the shadowlands between Apikuni and the Sunspire, oblivious to the presence of anything other than herself and her many thoughts.

RE: Why so serious? - Thatcher - February 27, 2016

Oh sorry I wasn't sure how close you would want it to PHX x3

Thatch heard a sudden sound up ahead, another wolf maybe? Perfect, I was getting bored anywho. He thought with a wicked grin before crawling behind a rock to watch a female wolf as she pondered something. The looked like she was deep in thought. A thought popped into his head, and he thought it would be hilarious, so he prepared to pounce out at her. The look on her face would be priceless!

With one quick butt wiggle, the young male leaped from behind his hiding place landing on the rocky path in front of the silver girl. Boo! He laughed wickedly at his own joke, waiting to see how she would respond to him.

RE: Why so serious? - RIP Tavi - February 28, 2016

its all good! helps with her outriding anyway. :D Also feel free to dictate her attack! She doesn't have to hit him if you don't want. Or we could dice roll, idk.

And just like that, she was shocked back to the here-and-now, as a caramel-toned stranger came leaping out of nothingness at her. The first instinct of any wolf worth their mettle was to snarl and duck; in a situation of fight or flight, Tavi would likely hang back and try to escape before doing anything else. But the typical reaction did not occur with her this time. Maybe it was because she was feeling so high-spirited? Or maybe it was the endorphins from her long hike boosting... something within her? Either way, when that stranger's face appeared in her vision and he tried to startle her with a loud and snickering voice, she did something else: she charged ahead a step, closing whatever gap was between them, and snapped her teeth hard against whatever she found in that space. Tavi's desire was to defend herself from a threat, and her teeth sought out flesh with that one succinct blow; if she caught anything in her jaws then she'd immediately begin pulling down in an effort to make the stranger submit -- it was time for action, and maybe after that, she'd find out who the fuck this was, and why this was happening.

RE: Why so serious? - Thatcher - February 28, 2016

No it's ok she can hit him, he deserves what he gets xD

Thatch should've been expecting her attack, but he wasn't. He was too busy laughing and having a good time. When all of a sudden he was yanked down by sharp jaws. Her teeth caught on his chest, buckling his shoulders so that his front half fell to the ground. He snarled in pain at the female's attack, breathing heavily for a moment. But then it turned into a grin and a chuckle. He was impressed, she was stronger than she looked. He continued to grin, but bowed his head down to be submissive. 

You are feisty. The caramel male muttered, looking at her from below, big yellow eyes trained on her green ones. He decided then and there. Someday he'd come back and murder her. For sure. She was on his hit list.

RE: Why so serious? - RIP Tavi - February 29, 2016

He was down, but she did not want to tear him to pieces. The reaction was swift but not brutal. As he spoke though, Tavi's hold grew tighter as her jaw clenched, almost forgetting that she was pinning him with the power of her neck and shoulders. The voice sounded young, and that startled her in to releasing him. In doing so, she got a better view. He was just a kid. Couldn't have been more than a yearling.

The hell is your problem, dude? she queried with an exasperated look, I could've killed you. But she wasn't so hard hearted; not like the boy, who had already made up his mind on what to do to her when the opportunity struck. With her body tense and tail lashing at her hocks, Tavi withdrew a step or two, giving both of them space so that she could breathe, and he could recover. It was probably a bad idea, but Tavi did not want to hurt a stupid kid no matter how much he deserved it.