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Broken Boulder Savvy? - Printable Version

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Savvy? - Depp - February 26, 2016

@Lyric Willow and @Sen, only if you want to though!

He wandered far from Horizen Ridge, but for good reason. He had no doubt in his mind that this would all turn out perfectly– well, maybe perfect but definitely well. On his travels, he decided to take a small break, him and Sen had taken different paths again, but he wasn't bothered by her absense, growing a form of trust with the female. Most of Teekon was new to him, but he was more than used to the terrain of all of its land. Taking a rest underneath the shade of a tall tree, yet his break was soon over once catching the smell of another wolf, his ears perked up, this was his chance to seal the deal another deal with a lone wolf.

Starting his way towards whoever possessed the scent, he caught another, a more different smell than wolf, but familiar to Depp all the same. Perhaps it was... Dog! What was a dog doing in Teekon? His interest loomed over his mind and increasing his speed on their scent trail. Most of  experience with dogs were when he was closer to human life, but he'd stumble upon others in the wild. Him being the adventurous wolf he was, Depp stumbled across all types of canines– and more.

He soon saw another wolf, but was unable to detect what was emanating the eccentric smell he found before. The wolf moved to reveal a young pup by her side, he tilted his head. The smell differing from both wolf and dog, a hybrid perhaps? The man gave a quick bark to announce his presence to the other wolf, realizing she would be protective of her child. Sparrow slowed his pace but was closing the space between them, but was catious and maintained a few yards.

Sorry if short or some spelling/grammar errors, I'm doing this on my phone

RE: Savvy? - Sen - February 26, 2016

Hooray for phone posts, amiright? Pfft

The woman felt quite disgusting. Dried mud was caked onto her underside and paws, just barely managing to stop a short ways past her ankles. She'd not the opportunity to clean herself as of yet, having decided instead to seek Depp out once more. Bothered was she by the itch of her skin, yet somehow she'd been able to push past it and continue on with her trek. Oh, how she'd give anything to be near the river once more, but alas, she'd taken a different route on account of having to follow whatever ounce of the male's scent still lingered. Perhaps that was what bothered her most, the fact that she was seeking out the strange man rather than a nice place to relieve herself of the dried filth. It felt strange to not comply with her selfish desires, instead putting the idea of companionship ahead of herself. It was awful. No matter, the decision had been a subconscious one, and it was much too late to alter her course once more.

When the time had arrived in which his scent had grown stronger, signifying he'd been there recently, the Gorgon wasted no time in tracking him down. What she found to be strange was that another two fragrances mingled with his own, neither of which being ones she'd recognized. Had he found some more followers? Shrugging to herself, she continued forward until she could see the others, and then proceeded to fall into place at Depp's side. Her gaze lingered on the strangers for a moment before flickering to her companion, where it then narrowed slightly. "Not a word," she'd hissed, regarding her appearance. Afterwards her eyes had snapped back to the unknown beings, analyzing them in silence.

RE: Savvy? - Lyric Willow - February 27, 2016

Lyric faced the two charcoal wolves before her, then lowered her head with her tail between her legs. Rain quickly copied her, remembering her Mother's advice.
'We come in peace, we do not wish to harm anyone here.' 
After lifting herself up into a normal stance, she continued. 
'We heard that a pack in this area were beginning to form, I assume you are the potential alphas?
If so, we wish to join you.' 
'I am Lyric, I was former Beta from WillowBank Pack from outside Teekon.' 
She ushered Rain to step forward with her muzzle, exposing her completely. 
'Introduce yourself child' Mumbled Lyric comfortingly.

RE: Savvy? - Rain Willow - February 27, 2016

Rain glanced between the two wolves before her, she couldn't help but feel apprehensive towards them. The last dark wolf she had met before had snarled and scared her, Rain desperately hoped that they wouldn't react similarly.
'Hello, I'm Rain. I'm a wolf-dog, which means I'm part dog, part wolf. My dad was border collie raised by humans.' 
Rain held her head down in embarrassment and shame.
'That's why I smell funny.' 

RE: Savvy? - Depp - February 27, 2016

When Sen approached, she seemed to realize that he would make some comment such as: "Don't you look lovely", and quickly kept him from doing so, but he still eyed her with a smug grin, as if showing off how he was completely clean,. he may not be allowed to speak of it but he could still stare. A instant wave of comfort reached him when she joined the situation, it seemed the two always popped up at the right times, everything felt easier around her. His ears perked when then female wolf seemed to beat him to the punchline, it caught him off guard, but it only made him smile more. "So, you've heard of us, huh?" If they were getting around that could mean both good and bad things, such as wolves seeking them— like Lyric — or wolves who are against it plan to destroy their plans. All in all, he kept the optimistic point of view, just him being known was an ego booster for the wolf.

She made it quick with her points, from no harm, to name, to point. Just what him and Sen needed, and he was also confirmed that the pup, was indeed, a hybrid of wolf and dog. Rain seemed aware that she smelled strange, which was always good to know how you're different. You could take it as good or bad, Depp took his differences as positives and so should the young girl. Lyric claimed her last pack and rank, but if she were put at such a high rank and had to care for a pup, why did she leave? Perhaps, she was kicked out, which didn't bother the Sparrow at all, he took mistakes in the past as a good sign. Seadog was meant to be a sanctuary for wolves, and wolf hybrids (at least now it is), hell, they'd accept any canine, in his view not is, maybe not his companions. "Why did you leave your first pack?"

RE: Savvy? - Sen - February 28, 2016

Ayo, @Depp, you double-posted~

Depp's smug expression had not gone unnoticed, earning him a glare. Later on, she wold get back at him. The way in which she would do so was not yet known, but it was bound to happen. The way he looked at her was something worthy of low-level revenge, and oh, how she would be more than happy to even out the scales. Presently, however, she knew she could do nothing. The strangers across from them prevented her from acting so immaturely, for never would she give someone the satisfaction of seeing her with more expressive features unless they were deserving of it—and the unknown females most definitely were not.

However, the postures then demonstrated by the duo had her smirking, the gesture having appealed greatly to her. When the mother began to speak, she listened, silently taking note of that which was said. It surprised her that they'd been heard of, having not expected word of their intentions to be spread so quickly, but one never would have guessed it by looking at her. All the while she remained neutral, even her smirk having fallen away in favour of a more professional composure. It was necessary, she believed, that she present herself in such a manner. Not only did it improve overall appearances, but it also allowed for her to stick to her ideals—it was a win-win, to her. Even still, when the child had then opened her mouth, the woman could not prevent her gaze from narrowing ever so slightly.

Never before had Sen met a hybrid, and she couldn't say, with honesty, that she was impressed. The child looked strange, hardly a wolf at all, really, causing the Gorgon to deem her as being the result of a poorly made decision. The fact that the younger was still a child also bothered her, the idea of children roaming around having never really sat well with her. And, if there were to be any she'd be capable of tolerating, she had assumed it'd be her own. Of course, none of this was voiced or shown through body language, as the serpent didn't want to risk the mother and daughter leaving—that would leave her with extra work. "Why do you want to join us?" the woman asked, rightfully curious. "There's plenty of packs that have already been established—strong packs, too—so why choose us?" Her intentions were not to steer them in another direction, but rather to figure out what it was that they had planned for themselves.

RE: Savvy? - Lyric Willow - February 28, 2016

Overcome by the flurry of questions, the wolf decided to answer the male's question first. 
'I didn't leave my last pack, more like dismissed without question' She tried to laugh it off pathetically, while nodding towards her child. Her pack were not exactly impressed by her choice of mate. She then turned towards the female wolf.
'We've tried to join three other packs before we came to you, but all denied us, just because of my child. It's ridiculous'  She added bitterly. 
'I understand if you won't accept her either. I just don't know where to go after this. We're so tired.' 
Lyric could feel her legs shaking under her mass, she hardly ever slept any more, she would sit up at night while watching Rain, making sure no threats could even wander near her pup.  
She'd lost her other children, she was determined to make sure Rain would be safe.
Suddenly feeling faint from exhaustion, she stumbled slightly before quickly picking herself up again. Rain looked up at her anxiously, asking if she was OK.
'I'm fine darling, ' She said hushing her. 
No pack would welcome her if she had nothing to give, so she quickly elaborated on her skills. 
'I'm a fine hunter, being agile and fast I can quickly kill with no mess and commotion. Comes in handy for not scaring away potential pray nearby. And Rain here can herd excellently, you see border collies were known to herd animals into a desired area. She'll be great at making sure prey cannot escape' 
Looking desperately at the duo before her. 
'So, what do you say? Think you could handle us?' 

RE: Savvy? - Depp - February 28, 2016

I'm just assuming the post order is Lyric/Rain just like the one in Pheonix Maplewood

Depp instantly moved forward when she began to tumble over, in what looked like a faint, but before he could do much she balanced herself out and relaxed, and quickly spoke of her skills, he assumed because she gave a moment of weakness that Sen and him would rethink her entering the pack, but he didn't mind of the hybrid nor the wolves past. It seemed she'd had a difficult time finding a place to call home, and he felt the smallest amount of sorrow. He looked at end, curious what she had been thinking, the two would have to stick to its haven-like mentality. "I wouldn't mind taking you two in, what do you say, Sen?"

He understood if she would be apprehensive of the wolf-dog, but him being more familiar with strange wolves and canines he looked at Rain just like anyone else searching for a home. Although Depp was who began Seadog, he didn't want to accept anyone without Sen, thinking it unfair to her. He didn't move his eye from his co-alpha, waiting for her answer.

RE: Savvy? - Sen - February 29, 2016

Even without an elaborate explanation being given, the woman could assume what the reasoning behind the other's dismissal from her previous pack was. It was an uncommon practice, the production of hybrids. In Sen's opinion, it sullied bloodlines and created awful beings, the only acceptable ones being those who looked more wolf that anything. In the back of her mind, she knew it was none of her business who others chose to spawn little menaces with, but even still her opinion was reluctant to be pushed aside. While she would not let it effect their chances of obtaining more members—the idea the pair had in mind for Seadog wouldn't allow that at all—she couldn't help but consider various ways to avoid the child.

Silent was she as words continued to be spoken, offering hardly anything more than a faint twitch of her ear throughout the entire first half of what she assumed to be a speech. At the end there came a demonstration of just how tired the mother was, her body appearing to have lurched forward right before she'd caught herself. It was a clear sign of physical exhaustion, or so was what she'd assumed from personal experiences back in her days as a yearling. Still, it did not inspire even an ounce of sympathy towards the small family. What had gained her attention was the skills they'd claimed to possess, both easily being deemed beneficial for the pack-to-be. It was a good thing, too, that they were each capable. Had their abilities been lacking, the woman would have been entirely disinterested in them being granted access, sanctuary or not.

As a question was directed her way, the Gorgon offered a gentle shrug of her shoulders. "I'm fine with them joining us," she'd then added shortly after, choosing words over silence. For as long as they were useful and peaceful, she would have no reason to insist upon their departure. Thus, the mother and daughter were given Sen's seal of approval, however fleeting it might eventually grow to be.

RE: Savvy? - Lyric Willow - February 29, 2016

A wave of relief rushed over Lyric, she couldn't even believe it. Expecting just another polite rejection, she was taken back at the idea of seriously being accepted.
'Thank you, I promise you won't regret this decision' 
Looking over to Rain, she saw her quietly examining a dandelion, it was the type of sight you couldn't help smiling at. 
'Did you hear that little one, the nice wolves are letting us join' 
Rain's head lifted up from her studies as her stubby tail whipped back and forth. 
'Really? Where will we stay? What are your name's?' Questioned Rain.  She had always been curious as she knew so little about normal wolf etiquette.

RE: Savvy? - Depp - March 01, 2016

This will be a very short reply, mainly because I'm getting a little excited and rushing to finish the construction of the pack, and before we can do that we must end all required threads

The brute hadn't really noticed the young wolf much in the situation, her being quiet and content in most of the time he was there, son when she was spoken to, and spoke herself, he was taken aback but only for a split second. He, once again, had skipped introductions, this being a common occurrence with him, and was never the one to speak his name first, it almost always being vice versa. He cleared his throat, the yearling had been excited upon hearing their acceptance and it couldn't help but warm his heart a bit. Of course, he would never speak it out loud, not only because that being strange and out of context, but because Depp wouldn't often admit such things. "I'm Depp," he said simply.

He had to reenter his recent members once realizing her had forgotten if the two had already introduced themselves.. After a second or two he had remembered Lyric speaking her name soon after them spotting each other, and telling her child to do the same. Relief struck him, knowing his pause wasn't because he hadn't been because he was rude and didn't ask their names too. "This is Sen," he gestured his head towards his neighbor, "As I've already mentioned." Neither of them had formally introduced themselves, but he did know that he had said her name when asking permission to accept the two others.

RE: Savvy? - Sen - March 03, 2016

Last post from me~

The relief was obvious upon the other's face, making Sen wonder just how many failures they'd had in the past. Of course, she didn't bother with actually voicing her curiosity, for the want to know was not strong enough for her to drop her disinterested facade. It was pure silence from her end thereafter, leaving Depp to speak for the both of them. He'd given their names, answering one of the questions the child had asked, but nothing was said in regards to the first. Wondering if her companion was only thinking of what to say, the woman had waited for a short while longer before it dawned on her that he had no plans of saying anything more. With a discreet sigh, she turned her gaze towards Rain, mentally wishing to turn entirely and prod at the man until he spoke instead. Alas, she refrained from doing so, deciding to get it done and over with herself.

"You'll be staying within the territory we claim," she stated, voice monotone. "After we've claimed it, you can go off and explore the outside land all you want, but until then you're expected to stay close enough to hear us when we call for you." It took only a second after for her eyes to slip over to the mother, making it known that the very same was expected of her, too. Once an ounce of certainty had slithered it's way into her body, the Gorgon made a move to leave, stopping just long enough to say, "I'll be going now. Anymore questions can be directed towards Depp." And, with that, the shadow was gone.