Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood Knock Knock - Printable Version

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Knock Knock - Gasoline - February 26, 2016

The man stopped a ways away from the border of Phoenix Maplewood. He lifted his head to howl, letting his presence be known. He shuffled his back feet closer together to hide the fact that he was missing a vital part to make him a male. His voice had trained itself to grow a bit deeper. He waited to meet who was 'in charge', so maybe he could possibly join this pack.

@Reek @Saena

RE: Knock Knock - Reek - February 27, 2016

Being vague because reasons.

Having awoken in a den that was not his own, beside a wolf who was not his wife, Reek felt numerous conflicting emotions flopping around his gut. While he hadn't technically done anything wrong and his promise to remain faithful to his mate remained somewhat intact, Reek couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt in his chest. Still, he was conflicted. As a wild animal, Reek was not one to shy away from his most innate desires. A creature of instinct, the alpha of the maplewood was guided by his gut and natural law. On the otherside of the coin, however, lay the deep connection he shared with with his mate and his unwillingness to do anything that would bring her emotional harm.

Reek was faced with two options; deny his attraction, or risk losing the family he had worked hard to build. The choice should have been clear, but Reek felt he was at a crossroad; unsure. Either way, Reek figured, whenever he saw Saena next, he would need to talk to her about the holes in their relationship that had led to Reek's current frame of mind. But, today was not that day.

In his confusion, Reek stuck to the borders to think in solitude until a howl broke his thoughts. He traveled a ways to it's source; a burly and androgynous looking wolf. Reek raised a brow and invited the new arrival to speak.

RE: Knock Knock - Gasoline - February 27, 2016

Gasoline was greeted with a weary looking wolf, but it was quickly pushed to the back of his mind. "Hello, I am Gasoline. I would like to join your ranks." he said, being faulty blunt. He kept his badly at a submissive posture, and waited for the man to introduce himself, or at least ask some questions.

RE: Knock Knock - Reek - February 27, 2016

The strange wolf was met with a scrutinizing gaze. Biologically female but strangly masculine in appearance, Reek saw that she was ablebodied (despite not being so easy on the eyes). But, an able body only went so far. This pack was his family, and if she wanted a place within it, Reek would need to know if she'd be a good fit amongst them.

"Figured as much," he said. With these new joiners as of late, Reek felt as if he was reading from a script when he interviewed them. But, that was border patrol; the same ol' same ol'. "What do you have to offer my pack?"

RE: Knock Knock - Gasoline - February 27, 2016

The man thought for a moment. "Well, I have skills in healing and counseling, so if you needed one more than the other, then I could do either, or actually, I could try both." He said, letting his tail wag a bit.

RE: Knock Knock - Reek - February 29, 2016

Since Lauren was banned, I guess I'll just tack on an ending here.

The stranger offered reasons to let her stay amongst the wolves of the Maplewood. Reek, however, needed more. The two went on to have a lengthy discussion about plants, their uses, and healing techniques; but eventually, Reek drew their conversation to a close and concluded that Gasoline would not be a good fit for his pack. He turned her away and she was gone.

Reek resumed his morning patrol. Now uniterrupted, he could ponder the confusing feelings Tavi had left him with once more.