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Phoenix Maplewood Just makin it worse - Printable Version

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Just makin it worse - Esaro - February 27, 2016

Esaro finally made it back within friendly grounds. His exhaustion and injuries made it feel like his whole body was in pain. He lost a bit of blood on the way. Recently the bleeding came to a stop. Every cut and torn area had a very light scab. He stopped and took a few moments to catch his breath and rest a bit. After the short pause he decided to look at all his injuries. The obvious one was his front right leg. Nothing felt broken but his muscles were likely torn and damaged. Next was the large mark on his right shoulder. Fur was torn off and he had a large cut. His back and both shoulder appeared to be bruised as well.

Before doing anything else, he needed to give the message that Sleeping Dragon wolf gave him. That meant he would need to call Reek since he was the one who made the agreement. Esaro started to hesitated, how would Reek react to all this? He thought to himself for a moment. Maybe he could keep quiet about it. He shook his head. Anyone who goes there now will get killed. Also there was no way to lie about his injuries, they are obviously from another wolf.

Because he had to, he called out for @Reek . He sat down and kept his right leg up. He didn't lower his head but nose pointed at the ground. What would the others think of him now. All he did was chase after a rabbit and then ended up like this. He really felt like trying to lie in order to try to cover up how much he screwed up. Was it really his fault that all this happend?

RE: Just makin it worse - RIP Tavi - February 27, 2016

What even are timelines. I kinda feel like Tavi needs to witness this, sorry if she's rude!

Tavi had returned from her own adventure, but it had been far safer. Her interest in the mountains had waned somewhat after that incredible hike, but she was still game for more exploration if there was ever any spare time. Upon returning home, she'd gotten a bite to eat out of a cache, and was preparing to tuck in -- but the scent of fresh blood both alerted her to something nefarious, and made her less hungry. She was up and darting from her den in the next instance, pulling herself up the inclined path and towards that odd, foul smell. As she moved, she heard the sound of a summons, and was briefly waylay-ed by misgivings; the wolf was calling for Reek? But why? Was one of their own hurt? Next her thoughts went to Saena -- but as soon as the Alpha poppoed in to her mind, Tavi spotted the bloodied Esaro.

She nearly careened in to him in her haste, but stopped short with a skid of her feet. One look at him and she was left to stand there, mouth agape, as she studied all the injuries. He called himself a fighter? He was bleeding from too many bites to count -- and so Tavi stopped counting, and leveled her eyes upon him. What the hell happened to you? Esaro was sitting with one leg up, and looked contrite, his head bowed as if in mourning.

RE: Just makin it worse - Reek - February 28, 2016

Today, instead of another lone wretch looking for a home knocking on their border, it was a pained howl of one of the Maplewood's own that interrupted Reek's morning patrol. The howl had been solely for him, and for this reason alone did Reek's stomach churn with worry. As the pack's only recognized healer, he assumed injury. As a whole, Reek's gut rarely steered him wrong. He dropped the task at hand and left the border in a lope toward the source of the call.

With every hurried step, the smell of blood became more distinguishable, until eventually, it was all Reek could smell. His heart thrummed in his chest. He was no religious man in nature, but Reek couldn't help but allow a prayer echo in his head: please don't be Saena. They simply couldn't handle another grevious injury.

Reek felt no guilt for feeling relief to see that it was Esaro injured instead. Tavi had arrived before, and perhaps had a greater understanding of what had happened. Reek shot her an inquisitive glance, imploring her for any information she had instead of asking Esaro himself.

RE: Just makin it worse - Esaro - February 28, 2016

War with the internet, just wouldn't post anything for hours. Looks like I win :D

Waiting for someone didn't take too long. The wolf he was suppose to talk to first wasn't the first to arrive. It was Tavi. It was unexpected for her to show up here. He would have preferred someone he knew would support him. Remembering last time, she refer him as nobody. Yet here she was showing a bit of concern, as if he wasn't really a nobody. She asked what happend to him. He didn't have any way of lying even if he wanted to.

He started with what he was trying to from the beginning, even if it doesn't explain at all what happend. "I was trying to get better at hunting, so I was out there trying to catch something." He would have continued but stopped as Reek walked in. He didn't say anything, he just looked at Tavi as if she was the one going to explain. Did Reek think Esaro couldn't even explain something? The idea was starting to make him a little angry.

Esaro didn't give Tavi a chance to say anything, instead he looked straight at Reek, almost with a glare. He decided to directly to the point of the problem. "I didn't know you had an agreement with the Sleeping Dragons. now whoever just happens to wonder above river risk getting killed without question. That is what the wolf who attacked me wanted you to understand." He said in a neutral tone.

Ukko was the one who brought him to this pack. Did he not know too? Was that why he said nothing about it? "Does everyone in the pack know about this agreement?" He couldn't keep quiet about everything that bothered him, what if the others didn't know? He can't be the only one that wasn't informed. "Ukko was the one who allowed me in, but he never said anything. Did he not know too?" He asked in order to find who was really responsible.

RE: Just makin it worse - RIP Tavi - February 28, 2016

As soon as Reek arrived she shot him an 'I don't fucking know' look, which slipped quickly to a mix of shock and disgust as she glanced back at Esaro. While she would have snapped a response, he did not give her the satisfaction. As soon as he rattled off his explanation Tavi felt her hackles begin to rise. If anyone was at fault it was this idiot - not Ukko, first of all. Even if they weren't friends anymore, Tavi wouldn't let anyone talk shit about him.

You ungrateful little shit-- without thinking she lunged for him, tail lashing, teeth set in a grimace; but whether it was because Reek stood there or she simply did not want to waste the energy, Tavi did not follow through. Instead she stopped herself at his shoulder, gray fur like static, and stated, - you get the crap beat out of your weak ass and blame someone else for it? And Ukko of all people? Your friend? Fuck you.

She pulled back to Reek, clearly furious, and hoped he would let her finish the job the Sleeping Dragon wolf had started.

RE: Just makin it worse - Reek - February 28, 2016

Reek need not wait for Tavi's explanation, because soon Esaro was already rattling off his own tale of the events that had befallen him. Typically, Reek did not feel angry when members of his pack fell astray and wound up on his borders injured, but upon hearing what Esaro had done, Reek flared with anger. How careless could he be? His eyes cut into slits and his gaze beat down upon his subordinate, full-bore.

Action, however, seemed unnecessary. Tavi was already upon him and Reek shared in her anger, albeit for different reasons. He did not aim to stop her, nor would he hold her back... Esaro had finally claimed his one way ticket to Reek's shit-list. Reek had made the terms of the arrangement with Sleaping Dragon clear to his pack, everyone else knew except for the insolant boy. Ukko, Saena, Tavi, etc... had all been privied to this knowledge.

As Tavi returned to his side, Reek finally spoke. "They all knew. Everyone but you," he chided harshly. This had been the one thing he had said not to do. Everything above that river was forbidden fruit, and Esaro had just committed origional sin. "I howled when I returned from meeting their leader, if you didn't hear... well, the fault lies with you. Now, I've got a beef to smooth over. Thanks kid." Of course, Esaro could have been away when Reek made his annoucement, but he figured information this vital would have disseminated to him somehow.

Reek shook his head with dissapointment. "You need to face the consquences of your actions. Your injuries will be your penance." Reek would offer nothing more, especially not his sympathy.

RE: Just makin it worse - Esaro - February 29, 2016

Esaro was truly aiming to blame Ukko somewhere for the recent event. To make him regret the thought Tavi jumped into Ukko's defense. When she lunged at him Esaro turned his head away, closing his eyes and getting ready to take another hit. It was taking much longer than he expected for something to happen. Was he dead already? He opened his eyes and returned to looking at the others. Tavi just finished stepping back and Reek began to give answers.

So everyone knew about it but him? Did he just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Just because he missed this information he ended up like this and it doesn't end just there. What he has done created an even larger problem, something everyone else would have to deal with. Can it really be all his fault? Was it the rabbit that actually planned all this? Instead maybe he could fix all this. Somehow make it better. Before he said anything on the matter he just couldn't hold back and said something towards Tavi. His voice was faint but loud enough for her to hear. "A real friend wouldn't abandon another."

But he wasn't done talking. He returned to a normal tone. "Maybe there is still a way for me to fix this. I could... hm I could." He said desperately trying to think of a way to fix the mess he created. There had to be a way right? It would be fair for everyone if they had to deal with it instead of him.

RE: Just makin it worse - RIP Tavi - February 29, 2016

Tavi was past the point of simply being angry. She couldn't even look at Esaro any longer, and instead lingered near Reek's flank with her eyes trained squarely forward, unfocused. Her tail continued to twitch every so often, her seething energy revealed, but she said nothing. When the idiot boy spoke again she heard him, flashing him a very dangerous little glare, but she did not take the opportunity to rip out his tongue - as much as she'd like to. Esaro struggled for words for a bit, and that was enough. Tavi couldn't stand being here. She wouldn't leave Reek to deal with this alone (not that it was her call) but there was a clear disconnect forming. To Tavi, this kid wasn't one of her maplewolves. He was barely even a wolf.

She would stay for as long as Reek took to dismiss the poor bastard, and then make a hasty retreat, heading away from the woodlands in favor for a romp in the wilderness to clear her head. This was a better option than sticking around, since all she'd want to do is pummel the stupid boy's face in to mincemeat.

RE: Just makin it worse - Reek - February 29, 2016

There was nothing he could do, the damage Esaro had caused had already been inflicted. Unfortunately, in life— there were no takesies-backsies. The treaty Esaro had broken would remain broken; Reek knew his lead would come under question. Tavi may have twitched with anger, but Reek remained perfectly stiil and allowed himself to stew bitterly in silece, that is, until Esaro shut his mouth. "You will do nothing," chided Reek. "You've done enough damage."

Reek would not treat his wounds; Esaro would need to find another healer— one who found sympathy easier. In the moment, he was fart to angry and his modus operandi would have more than likely hurt the boy more than it helped. "Go find Spring," he commanded. Before Reek's lips could curl back in angry snarl, he dissmissed the boy with a flick of his head.

A tired sigh passed Reek's lips. He shot a glance to Tavi and shook his head as if to say; what the hell is this kid's problem.

RE: Just makin it worse - Esaro - March 01, 2016

Esaro was left with a bitter feeling when Reek told him to do nothing. He wanted to help fix this but was completely shut down as if Reek believed he would only make it worse. Instead he dismissed him, telling him to see Spring. Esaro wasn't going to argue in any way, he delivered the message like he was told to do. Without making anything worse than it is he decided to leave right away. With his injuries he wasn't able to leave quickly. It was like a normal paced walk except he was limping away.

But instead of going to see Spring he wanted to try to do something right. He needs to continue practicing and improving. He can't let this injury stop him from that. He believed it would all heal on it's own. His injuries hurt and would likely make it harder for him to catch anything but he has to improve now so he could be useful somewhere. He just has to try.

Last post, I honestly hope Esaro will survive all this :P