Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Printable Version

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What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Maude - February 27, 2016

@Feragho ! Yo-ho, it's a pirate's life for me!

Maude was a ragged, tattered ball of excitement. Her heart was throbbing at near-deadly speeds in her throat, her breathing wheezing as her body tried to catch up with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her body trembled like an addict's long deprived of a fix, yet so close to another hit. For that was exactly what she was as she stood at the border, gleaming yellow eyes fixated on the island in the distance. The border that lay thick and heavy with his scent was in front of her. HIM.

He was here.

She found him!

Barely able to contain herself, the ragged pirate wench threw back her head and let out a piercing, exhilarated howl that sounded more like a cackle and a screech than any proper wolf's howl. The wench ran in a circle, unable to keep her body still as she waited for a response. Feragho! Cap'n, Cap'n I'm 'ere for ye! I'm 'ere!

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Ferahgo - February 29, 2016

*Ferahgo, h before g ;) hahaha. I was wondering why I didn't get a tag for this but then I seen that you flipped those two letters. Edit: forgot Maude was actually male, I had it reversed in my mind haha.

There were few of his old crew whose names he knew and remembered. He was notoriously bad for asking for names in the first place, as he generally believed his crew would respond to whatever he shouted at them. But mostly, it was because his crew was disposable. They often died in raids, were killed by each other, or ran off and were slaughtered later. Either way, few stuck around and became memorable, and even fewer did he actually care about.

So, while the frantically excited wolf seemed to know him rather well, Ferahgo did not really recognize him as he strode toward him, having heard that cacophony he had for a howl. "What do ye want?" he coldly asked, sizing him up carefully. There was, somewhere in the back of his mind, a dim recollection, something familiar, but that was all for now.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Maude - March 01, 2016

I keep spelling his name wrong ironically, lol.

Maude, seeing Ferahgo approach, bit her lip as she tried to contain her fangirlish squeal inside her. It was him! It'd been so long and here he was again. Cap'n! She chirruped, eyes gleaming with delight, ignoring the chill in his voice as he sized her up. Mad Maude reportin' fer duty! Her tail wagged as she sat down obediently in front of him, not even realizing that he had forgotten all about her. I followed ya all the way from Tortuga, Cap! It's been a while, eh? She smiled, her trademark madness sparkling in her eyes as she looked over Ferahgo's form with rose-tinted lenses.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Ferahgo - March 02, 2016

Maude. The name did ring a bell, at least, not immediately. But it dawned on him most suddenly, the pairing of a decidedly feminine name with the not so feminine body before him, and then Ferahgo groaned, raising a paw to swipe across his muzzle in a wolfish facepalm. "Maude... right, right," he muttered. Of all the luck; there were many capable crew back in Tortuga that could have come here to aid in his expansion, but of the two who made it, one ate all the rum and then disappeared, and the other, he recalled, was more crazy than the sort of crazy he expected. But, loyal it seemed, and that bought him a lot (relatively speaking) of tolerance from Ferahgo.

"Eh? Ye followed me all the way here, an' ye come empty-pawed?" The Captain sniffed and flicked his tail. "Go find me something useful. Something I can eat, or put in me coffer, and don't come back until ye do." He shooed Maude with his paw, seating himself to wait, for some undetermined amount of time.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Maude - March 04, 2016

In her excitement - her single-minded thoughts of just seeing Ferahgo once more, Maude had completely forgotten about a source of tribute for her Cap'n. She had fleeting thoughts about giving him the skin and skull of the coyote who had teased her in the woods, but the little devil had escaped her jaws. Maude, realizing her mistake, felt a blow to her heart; she had failed her Cap'n.

Her ears pressed firmly against her head, Maude nodded fervently to her Cap'n, a soft whimper exiting her jaws as she turned to leave and give him what he deserved. Aye, aye, Cap'n.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

Aye, aye," she said, and off she went to do his bidding. He did not move, his gaze cast out across the plank and the sea on either side of it. He was like a stone sentinel, for not even his head turned. How long he would stay like this remained to be seen, but for now, the Captain was patient, though he did start to idly tap his paw as the minutes ticked by.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Maude - March 10, 2016

Rolled for what Maude found here

Anxiety began to creep into Maude's stomach as she wandered about the sea shore, looking for something worthy of her dear Cap'n Ferahgo. Her throat tightened as time went by, her teeth chattered, her movements became erratic and desperate. Nothing! Nothing here was worth the Cap'n's eye.

It was with great luck that she found the bird. Within minutes of finding the day-old carcass of the juvenile albatross. It was picked at, of course (this was the shore, nothing was ignored), but largely whole. Good enough for the Cap'n.

The gender-confused pirate brought the bird back to Ferahgo within moments, triumphantly laying the bird at his feet. 'ere, Cap'n.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Ferahgo - March 13, 2016

He was about to give up on her when he spotted the earthen hues of her coat coming back across the plank. Good timing, seeing as the tides would soon rise and make accessing the ship far more treacherous.

She laid the bird at his feet, and he peered down at it. Like all offerings from the shore, it had already been picked at by other birds and probably crabs too, but it was not often he got to eat the flesh of such a bird, and so he was rather pleased. Of course, this did not show on his face, which would only suggest her find was satisfactory to him, confirmed by his words. "Fine, aye, come aboard. Find yerself a bunk and then get to stockin' the ship's galley. It's beneath the biggest tree in the woods there. Go on, git!" He snapped his teeth to usher her along, then seized the bird.

This he carried off toward his quarters, for his consumption alone.

RE: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine - Maude - March 16, 2016

With Ferahgo's critical sweeping over her prize, Maude sat still, or as still as the wench could stay, being so close to her love, waiting for his decision. Her breath, upon hearing Feragho saying the words that would bind them together for eternity, left her body almost completely - it was a miracle she could stand up straight. Upon her next breath, the air was sucked in and pushed out into her chest as she swelled with pride, excitement, ecstasy. Aye, aye, Cap'n! She barely snapped out as he snapped at her. She stood there, watching Feragho leave, a wavering smile gliding across her face until she looked out towards the ship, then back at her Captain. She was here with him.

What do to when your dreams have all been achieved?