Wolf RPG
The Bracken Woods The difference between here and there - Printable Version

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The difference between here and there - ZC19 - February 27, 2016

His lengthy departure from the montane north took many suns, but at long last he left behind the desolation of the tundra and entered taiga instead. The difference was stark. His homeland knew few if any trees, and now for several turns of the sun he had walked among them, towering giants smushed together like upright sardines in a tin. The tundra wolf felt claustrophobic just thinking about their nearness, and so his thoughts were turned elsewhere as he wound through the expansive forest in search of a clearing.

Deep within the bracken wood there would be no clearing, though, only thickening as permafrost disappeared and true soil presented itself. Prophet soon found himself cast in a deepening darkness the further he traveled. The sun was still burning high above, veiled by a thin layer of cloud, but its light couldn't reach through the conifers and he therefore was alert. Being of a crepuscular sort of creature, the black-haired wolf had nothing to fear—his eyesight unimpeded and his senses razor sharp—but still he felt the oppressive press of the forest, the hush that fell over everything, and felt uneasy.

RE: The difference between here and there - Depp - February 28, 2016

Depp had been located at Broken Boulder, expecting to place his pack-in-progress in this area, so far he had two members, technically four, but one was a pup, and the other a co-alpha, and neither counted for a full pack in Teekon Wilds. His search for potential members was almost over, and Seadog Sanctuary would finally be created and he could rule once again, alongside Sen. They hadn't pronounced each other mates, nor even friends yet, but the Sparrow had a large liking towards the girl, of course, he would never admit that to her, nor anyone.

He gathered the scent of another close near by, it seemed more wolves traveled in Broken Boulder than he had expected, perhaps the stranger would wish to join his pack, of course he wouldn't mind some chit-chat either. Perking his ears high with interest, the brute went on his way towards the scent. He didn't walk leisurely, unsure if the wolf was fast and leave the area quicker than Depp could get there, so his pace picked up.

Soon enough he had reached the sight of the new wolf, and slowed his pace to more of a swagger. He tilted his head to the side, demeanor becoming nonchalant and care free. "Hello," He muttered.

RE: The difference between here and there - ZC19 - February 28, 2016

With such unfamiliar surroundings, Prophet couldn't help but feeling a little more wary than usual, but there was no reason to believe the woods were any more or less dangerous than the frigid tundra. Wait. His ears slammed forward as the chirping of the birds faded, the forest's breath seemed bated, and the subtle crackle of brittle twigs reached hearing range. The stiff furs along the back of Prophet's neck spiked and he turned slowly, with ears cropped to the top of his head and flared wide, until he was able to determine the location the sound came from. Whatever was approaching was doing so quickly and with little care for its steps; frozen wood cracked and dry twiggy bushes rustled, and within moments he could detect the gentle thud-thud-thud of paws on the ground.

Prophet hunkered down and darted his eyes wildly about the woods in front of him, searching for signs of approaching danger, and his reaction to an unfamiliar wolf suddenly materializing out of the gloomy wood was immediate and predictable. He flashed his teeth, tail lashing, and took several quick steps back to preserve space between Depp and himself. His actions were naught but a warning; he did not wish to bait a fight, but to prevent one.

When Depp spoke, it melted some of the tension from the lone dispersal's figure and he stood a little more neutrally, though he remained guarded. To be a loner and not guarded was to be dead, after all; even the tundra, harsh and unforgiving as it was, told a wolf as much. "Hello," he replied smoothly in a voice that was low and quiet.

RE: The difference between here and there - Depp - February 28, 2016

Depp noticed the strangers wary reaction, and didn't pay much mind to it. He had always kept a neutral position around new wolves, and a generally open demeanor, and although aggressive wolves usually made their statement quickly through his non-protective image, he avoided fights and such rather well. Despite his multiple scars on his front legs, those being more from when he was younger. His nonchalant attitude usually gave off as odd and strange to others, which was completely understandable, but the Sparrow liked the curious stares so he kept his carefree aroma as often as possible. 

He let out a small huff of amusement at the cautious strangers actions, just the thought of Depp starting a fight for no reason made him laugh. Holding a grin on his maw, the wolf tilted his head with curiosity. He wouldn't comment on how he didn't come to fight, but he made it clear through body language he definitely didn't anticipate.  "I'll just cut to the chase, I'm searching for packmates. Any chance you'd like to be one?" He asked, his tail swinging slowly back and forth. The wolf didn't care what they responded with, either way he looked forward to the conversation.

RE: The difference between here and there - ZC19 - February 28, 2016

His feathered ears drifted downward, pressing nearer to his scalp but still turned outward in piqued curiosity and alertness. The forest's hush pressed in on him and his nameless companion, giving Prophet plenty of reason to remain wary, even if Depp's own behaviour seemed mirthful. There was even a sound, a puff of air accompanied by a grin, that caused Prophet to tilt his jawline curiously, if only because he didn't see what was so funny about it all. Two dark-haired wolves squaring off in a forest seemed more like a struggle for survival than a joke, at least from where he was standing.

What was a bit of a joke was Depp's straightforwardness, which elicited a mirthful snort from Prophet in turn. "We've never even met," pointed out Prophet, "so that would be unwise." For a variety of reasons, he silently tacked on, not least of all the fact that he believed himself to be a logical individual, and blind faith in others was simply not something he possessed. Depp could've been anything, from a crooked murderer to a spineless coward. While the offer was certainly gracious and unexpectedly flattering, it wasn't one that Prophet would accept.

RE: The difference between here and there - Depp - March 07, 2016

Depp wasn't the type to delve into things, if he were offered such a deal he'd likely jump for it of the spokesman was convincing enough. All in all, Prophet was smart to not get himself into any possible trouble, with the Sparrow sticking to his motives he's ended up in many situations he'd rather not have been in. He wasn't offended, already being used to rejection in the past, it definitely not being uncommon. He took a deep breath, and nodded. "Understanding enough." His grammar wasn't always the best.

He didn't lose the charming smile, that always being a key feature when meeting a stranger, and his tail flicked side to side. "What if you to dive more deeply into who I am?" The dark wolf asked, even if he was to dislike who he was, it wouldn't be hard to maintain some form of relationship with this stranger.

RE: The difference between here and there - ZC19 - March 08, 2016

The stranger's broken english was foreign to his ear, which turned forward as confusion dug furrows across a sloped brow. He got the gist of what Depp was saying but had to think on it a moment before being confident he had understood. In spite of understanding, Prophet's lips curled at the corners into a light smile as he asked, "why would I want to do that?"

It was not said cruelly or even dismissively, but coloured with a hint of curiosity. Arranging his paws for a more comfortable stance, he licked his chops. "Sir," began the pragmatic wolf, "with all due respect, even if we spoke for hours here, we would hardly know one another, and nothing would change. We are unlikely to meet again." His trust was hard won, after all, and he wouldn't go seeking a wolf who hadn't given him a reason to.

"So for what reason should we become acquainted?" One didn't readily make friends in the north except with their comrades. To make friends outside was a harrowing thing. As a lone wolf now, Prophet knew friends would be a valuable asset to him should he seek a pack, but he was picky, clearly.

RE: The difference between here and there - Depp - March 14, 2016

Depp didn't mind his strict answers and took them with heavy consideration. The two seemed very different, him being more eccentric and risk taking, while his opponent seemed to look at the facts and stay on the safer side. He didn't mind the males decisions and if anything would encourage him on them, respecting his way of thinking. But he did seem a bit pessimistic, it couldn't be too difficult to maintain a relationship of some sort, then again maybe the wolf didn't want one and it just was hard for the pack builder to take a hint. After thinking a bit longer, it did seem difficult to keep a hold of "friends" when being a nomadic wolf, knowing none of his past friends were in Teekon. Luckily he didn't speak rudely and more curiously, even if he were too it wouldn't bother the male much a harsh word was never too bad a thing. 

"I've lived the life as a loner, you must know of its difficulties. The life of a friend—or pack, dare I say—seems quite the benefit, don't you agree?" He tilted his head to the side, offering his point with a neutral expression. "You must find some despair to continue alone, unless you have plenty other friends and you just aren't looking for more, I truly don't understand why you would object my offer of friendship." He had involved the word "friend" more than enough, even if what he was speaking of was more of a acquaintance-like act, he preferred a more open way of saying it.

RE: The difference between here and there - ZC19 - March 18, 2016

"Agreed," Prophet said, because he could agree that the life of a pack wolf was more desirable than life as a loner, "but it is not my goal at this time." He was here to see the world, not pledge himself to the first pack he crossed on his travels. Depp's persistence was admirable in some ways, but in a lot of ways, it didn't jive with Prophet's personality and sealed the deal for him. He hadn't been ready to follow a wolf he hardly knew by his own admission and he was even less ready to follow one who was pushing the point a little too much for Prophet's liking.

If Depp and he should ever cross paths again, he would seek to learn more then. Presently he didn't see the point. With no intention of joining the man's pack and no guarantee they would ever meet again, Prophet wasn't interested in putting too much energy into getting to know someone. It wasn't a personal affair, either; there were simply hundreds of wolves in the world, and for him to put time and effort into getting to know them, he needed a reason. Depp had not given him one.

"I must be on with my journey," he said, sweeping his limbs forward in a slow walk even as he turned his head to say, "good day to you," before drifting into the dark woods once more.