Wolf RPG
Iktome Plains Dawn of an age. - Printable Version

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Dawn of an age. - Coeus - February 27, 2016

A young, lone wolf wandered into the Iktome Plains; he was disoriented, hungry, and afraid. He had been out of the Yachats sanctuary for at least two moons. His pack had driven him out, due to him being "overly independent" already. It wasn't his fault he was introverted, he's been this way since he was a pup, shying from his kin to play alone. 

This young wolf's name was Coeus, and if he didn't see another wolf soon he'd more than likely go crazy, even a hostile wolf was welcomed.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Sadie - February 28, 2016

Hello there! Don't mind my pirate coming in and stirring things up for excitement c:

She had left the territory for once when she first joined. Being a scout wasn't her main excitement, but just getting out to stretch her legs was. Calypso had pushed Sadie to leave for a while and rejuvenate her faith, as well as her temper and purity. Sadie was a god forsaken pirate, but she still had to cleanse herself every once in a while for the sea goddess.

To start off every morning of the cleanse, she would pray to Calypso in front of the roaring tides and waves, a place that brought the wolfess closest to the goddess. Next she would eat a meal and leave some as an offering. If the goddess approved, the wench could move on with her day. If she didn't, Sadie would have to search for more items.

Luckily, Calypso was pleased and gave Sadie a small breeze giving her the signal to move on. Trotting lightly along the damp shoreline, she had already spent a night out of the territory and was already feeling better in her body. It was something inexplainable, being alone for a bit could really change someone quickly. Sadie would surely enjoy her time away from the scurvy group, it was a bit relaxing to not be called a wench 24/7.

She had already picked her meal up and ate it, a few fish lying around with some crab meat and mussels. The pickings weren't too slim around the area she was in, she made a mental note to come back here again when she was to leave for a cleanse. However, her ears pricked up at the sight before her.

A wolf, a large wolf to put it simply. He had to have been double her weight! Sadie knew if this wolf wanted a brawl, that wouldn't end too well for her. Although she was rough, she was smart about her tactics. He seemed rather quiet, the woman decided to introduce herself. What would be the wrong if she did anyways? If he tried to chase her off, she could always outrun him and swing back around just to annoy his ass off.

With a little chuckle to herself, the freckled wolf trotted closer to the large one and parted her jaws to call out to him. "Ahoy! Who ye be lad?" She asked loudly, continuing to make her way over to him.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Well, this was... An unprecedented answer to his hopes. A young wolf was coming towards Coeus, they seemed smaller than him, but that didn't mean a thing if they were a smart fighter.

This new wolf is speaking in some sort of... New dialect? It was relatively new to Coeus anyway. It was pretty nifty, funny little words like "ye" and "ahoy", he had never heard such jargon. 

It would probably be a good idea to be as nice as possible, if this female was in a pack, she could easily summon them up and take Coeus down. Coeus trotted up to the other wolf and bowed his head, "My name is Coeus, eighth son of the Yachats pack and as of late... Loner, may I ask your name stranger?" he asked, voice slightly deep and non-threatening as he could muster.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Sadie - February 28, 2016

The "lady" continued her way towards the large male, almost feeling compelled to run just from his sheer mass. She wouldn't be surprised if he could swallow her in one gulp. Her nervousness however was driven away when he spoke kindly and gently towards her, a swift bow of his head made her chill out the tiniest bit.

His name was Coeus, what a strange name to the pirate's ears. She had never heard of such a name, but liked how unique it was. He also spoke about being a son of eight, now that was something new! Eight siblings all together?! That was crazy! He did throw in being a loner, Sadie had guessed that already.

He held no specific pack scent, but how could she know? His scent was off to put it simply, not really blended in with the Teekon scent yet. She smiled crookedly, but it managed to look actually... nice for once. She never smiled like that before, her smiles were often ugly and made to intimidate.

However, this time she felt a bit calmer to meet someone. He asked for her name, she replied to him gently. "Sadie Sea Salt matey!" She exclaimed cheerfully, her tail having a bit of a wag to it. "Are ye looking for a home?" She asked, her head tilted in the slightest manner. She wasn't quite sure if the ranks were filled up for the Bonechewers, nor did she know if the captain was okay with her coming back with a recruit.

Well, if Coeus wanted to join, she would stand for him and have to protect him against the other pirates. She however feared that his kindness to her (of the knowledge she had at the moment) would be the death of him...

RE: Dawn of an age. - Coeus - February 28, 2016

This female was certainly smaller than what Coeus anticipated; she had to be less than half his size. Though if she wanted, she could probably take him down, unless all wolves were small in these parts she would have to be pretty good in a pinch. He couldn't have been the only large wolf around could he?" 

Her name was an interesting one, "Saddie sea salt", that was new, a lot of things in this area were new, but regardless Coeus gave her a small smile.

Kindness was a virtue to Coeus, if he was kind or, at least, showed some compassion to most strangers he came across, it would repay him ten fold, that or he'd be torn to shreds. In this case, it was a shot in the dark between . 

"It just so happens I am in need of a home though I would not want to impose on you or your pack." He answered, his wiry tail swaying lightly.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Sadie - February 28, 2016

The large male was in fact, in need of a pack. However, he politely stated how he wouldn't want to impose. The lass chuckled hoarsely and shook her head. "Lad, ye wouldn't be 'emposin on us" she started off, her head lifted to scan around the area to make sure no other crew member was around. "However, the pack I rest in isn't a pretty sight lad. An unruly bunch of scaly wags and bilge rats, scurvy wolves with no intention to be kind." She stated, almost ashamed to be a pirate.

Calypso's cleanse really made Sadie think of how she was using her life. Why was she a pirate? The crew was almost dying out, few remained loyal to the captain. Again, she thought about Coeus' safety. A wolf like him couldn't survive in her pack, nor would he want to join. A high level wolf like himself wounds want to hang around dirty pirates and thieves. Not that he couldn't defend himself, but she worried a bit about his mental state. Would they pick on him?

"I doubt a nice lad like yeself would want to join a group of pirates like me" Sadie said to him, deciding to sit down and face him, her rusty fur blowing in the salty wind. Her ears flattened themselves a bit in shame. If Coeus wanted to see the group, she would bring him as a guest of hers and protect him.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Coeus tilted his head, not a pretty sight? Unless they were bloodthirsty monsters, they couldn't be all that bad. Heck, if it meant getting a bite to eat he could try out being a "scallywag.".

 Coeus got a toothy grin on his face, his tail wagging enthusiastically. "I'm not familiar with "pirates", but you're very pleasant to be around, and if you're crew is as delightful as you I'd love to meet them!" he beamed, tail still spazzing behind him. 

He trotted up to her and placed his larger paw on hers; it was a reassuring gesture the wolves from his old pack would use to try to comfort one another in times of stress or worry. She seemed almost sad to mention her old pack, and Coeus wouldn't have that! She was far too nice, from what she has shown.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Sadie - February 29, 2016

Coeus didn't seem to mind, though he was unfamiliar with 'pirates'. He came closer to her, a grin on his face and tail wagging. His paw rested onto her's gently and reassuringly. Sadie returned a crooked smile and sighed lightly.

"Ye a good lad, a rare sight for me sore eyes." She tossed to him, her tail wagging against the sandy ground, whispered of the wind blowing in her fluffy ears. Calypso whispered little nothings into her ears, the pirate decided what to do next.

"Alright Coeus, I'll take ye to the pack yonder. But I warn ye, they aren't welcoming" Sadie spoke to Coeus, her voice insisting that he was to listen carefully.

"If the cap'n come by to talk, be short and respectful. He don't take kindly to anything otherwise. As long as ye can please 'im, ye be fine" she said to him, golden eyes scanning over his face.

Coeus was a wolf who actually held a heart still. The Bonechewers were heartless and cruel, how could a wolf like Coeus blend in? Not to mention his size, could he live on the rations of crabs and birds?

RE: Dawn of an age. - Coeus - February 29, 2016

Saddie was certainly far nicer than she led on, she is a "pirate" but she is kind and has even offered Coeus a home, the others might have been rough around the edges, but who isn't? They were still wolves, and no wolf is perfect, and no wolf is above anyone else. Though Saddie's crooked smile was refreshing, back home a smile was rare everything was to be in order and crisp, you were either bred to hunt, lead, or fight no silver lining if you were disobedient you would be exiled indefinitely as was Coeus' case. 

Coeus bowed once more grateful for Saddie's compassion. "I must thank you in advanced; I hope that your "Cap'n" and crew take kindly to me, as I will to them." Coeus wasn't one to antagonize others, even on the battlefield he'd show compassion to his enemies; murdering his own was never his answer.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Sadie - March 01, 2016

 I'll go ahead and post a thread near the border of the Bonechewers for Coeus and Sadie to enter in with c: Fade after your post?

Well, this wasn't how she even planned this to go. The lass thought a lad like Coeus would laugh or attack, but instead he stuck around and listened to her. He didn't judge, not a single second did he judge. He instead wished to take up Sadie's offer to be in a crew, a very surprising move.

Why would he want to join a bunch of rouges and thieves when he could have better? Well, maybe his need to be in a home was much greater than to Sadie's knowledge, she couldn't judge him.

Seeing his bow of the head to her, she cackled softly and stood up, shaking off the sand and the salt and hearing his words of thanks and hope, she started off with her walk, tossing her head back towards him and giving him a sweep of her muzzle to follow.

"This way lad, we be on our way to the ship" she said, salty wind tickling her ears.

RE: Dawn of an age. - Coeus - March 01, 2016

Coeus not skipping a beat followed the female pirate, not a clue what lied ahead, danger, or a new path to enlightenment, regardless he had not a care. Being a pirate would probably be fun, that or it'd be risky and painful, but yet again regardless he didn't care. He trusted Saddie, and deep down he KNEW she wouldn't lead him astray.

"I'm right behind you madam!" he beamed, following her into what was to him, "the unknown"