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Phoenix Maplewood Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Printable Version

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Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - February 28, 2016

Even if resting and recovering was smarter to do, Esaro just didn't like sitting back and doing nothing. It was more like he couldn't just relax and use his injuries as an excuse to not work. To think that he would become more useless than he was before. Why didn't that wolf just leave him with his bruises on his back and shoulders. Even a large cut on his right shoulder was fine but did she really have to cripple him by ripping his muscles on his front right leg?

He can't hunt like this, or even attempt to learn anything physical. What was he suppose to do? He couldn't just give up trying because he can only walk on three legs. Maybe he could still hunt. It will be harder but he has to try. While limping around he searched the ground for some sort of sign of a small prey. So far nothing but it's surprising tiring to move but he wasn't ready to stop just yet.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - February 28, 2016

Spring awoke to feeling the same familiar chill sweep through her pelt as she met the day.  Padding out of her den, she found she was in the mood to hunt something... or attempt to hunt something.  Still she felt a burt of anticipation spread through her pelt as she headed out.

Spring finally caught the scent of chipmunk, sadly it was perched up high in a tree.  Spring felt her gut twist unhappily, but suddenly the scent of not fresh blood, but older blood fill her nose... Esaro’s scent fell in line with it.  Spring found herself shocked as she followed the scent, quickly coming upon Esaro within about two minutes.

As her eyes fell over him and his bad limp, she found her heart hurt for him.  “Esaro!  What happened?”  She asked him fearfully as she approached.  Already coming up with medical procedures she could work with him.  Cobwebs to help clear up any remaining blood... maybe some Goosegrass too.  Some horsetail of course if any of Esaro’s wounds were infected or some Marigold could be used.  Comfrey if Esaro had any broken bones.... maybe some Celandine, some Burdock root would be nice too.  She doubted she would even have access to many of the herbs that she thought of as her list stretched on and on.  First though she wanted to know what happened.  As she stepped up to Esaro’s side, looking at him sympathetically.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - February 28, 2016

He continued to search for something to catch. It never crossed his mind that he would likely never be able to catch anything. He was going to try his best no matter of his condition. He needed to improve and he had to do it fast. Sitting around just to heal wasn't good enough. He needed to do everything he can in hope that he could no longer be listed as useless. More importantly he needs to show everyone that he is worth keeping around.

As he was looking around, Spring suddenly appeared. He was about to greet her casually but then she reminded him of his injuries. It's only been a few hours but he was already used to his temporary condition. He still hurts if he isn't careful but walking around on three legs was not so troublesome.

"Uhh. well. I was out trying to get better at hunting but then a wolf from the Sleeping Dragon ambushed me. Turns out we are not suppose to hunt above river. She did all this to me before letting me go to tell Reek the next wolf who shows up there will be killed instead." He said in a way as if 'it's really no big deal'. He didn't really want to stay on the subject so he attempted to pull her attention to something else.

Since he was trying to hunt something maybe she could help him. "I'm still trying to improve, want to help me catch something?" He asked almost innocently, as if his injuries were nothing to worry about.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - February 28, 2016

Spring froze at Esaro’s words.  A look of ice passed her face.  She didn’t know about this agreement, but wasn’t it logical to not hunt so close to another packs territory.  Her gaze became haunted and distant for a second terrified that Esaro had done such a thing that could have put Phoenix Maplewood in jeopardy.  Now because of Esaro mistake someone could be killed.

Disbelief poured over her face as Esaro acted like it was no big deal and then asked her to hunt with him.  If she hadn’t had fur covering her she would have been frighteningly pale from the shock that Esaro had done this.  This just crossed the line.  She took a breath and swallowed her anger and shock.  How could you Esaro?  Spring thought quietly to herself.

She gave Esaro a very simple response.  “Lay.  Down.”  Spring commanded.  Her gaze was vacant and cold, almost soulless looking, as she trembled with anger for a few moments.  Thinking of this terrible situation that could have so easily been prevented.

Spring’s empty cold gaze then began to that disappeared and a sad expression came over her.  “How could you do such a thing Esaro?  You could have done anything?  Why this?  You jeopardized Phoenix Maplewood in a way.  This is terrible Esaro!  Terrible!”  Her voice began to take a sharper tone.  “How could you?  How could you...”  Her words fell away and she looked down unhappily.  

“Lay down now and let me treat your wounds.”  Spring murmured in a slightly softer tone.  Then cast her golden orbs around searching for any herbs she could use to treat Esaro with.  Her gaze landed on a pile of moss.  That could probably be well suited as a replacement for cobwebs to stop bleeding.  She padded over to the pile of moss in the ground and picked up some in her jaws before returning to Esaro.  Thinking of any other herbs or herb replacements that could be in this barren winter land.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - February 28, 2016

In way he expected her reaction to not be that good. But this was the first time he'd seen her very serious, it was scary. Esaro obviously understood that what he has done causes trouble for everyone which would explain his attempt to act like it was nothing. Clearly that attempt failed, leaving an unhappy Spring for him to deal with. He quickly laid down on her command, He really didn't want her to get even angrier at him than she already is.

She started complaining about how terrible his actions were. It's like his actions caused a much larger problem than it actually was. But Esaro didn't want to take all the blame for it. Honestly, it wasn't truly his fault. He felt the need to defend himself. He rose back up to a sitting position. "But it can't completely be my fault. I didn't know about the agreement. All I was doing was chasing a rabbit and ended up crossing that river. I didn't even catch it.." He said in his defense. Wouldn't it really be the Alpha's fault for not informing?

"My wounds don't hurt that much, I'm ok really." Due this Esaro's inexperience with injuries he just didn't want to stay put. "I can still try to hunt something." He said as he insisted on wanting to improving his skills instead of sitting back to let his wounds heal. As she searched around he tried to get up back on his three legs to start moving again.

I offer the permission to force him back to laying down if you so desire :P

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - February 28, 2016

Spring placed the moss down and then curled her lip exposing her gleaming fangs as Esaro tried to defend himself.  You should just take the blame Esaro, pushing it aside won’t benefit you at all.  The multicolored female though angrily to herself.  She took a deep breath once more, in attempts to calm herself.  But her calm was quickly vanquished as Esaro tried to push everything aside and go hunt, saying his wounds didn’t hurt.  Esaro’s wounds looked serious and even though she was anger with him, she knew his wounds should be treated now before infection could set in... or maybe there was already infection.

Spring narrowed her eyes as Esaro tried to stand up.  “Lay down Esaro.  Let me treat you wounds.  Okay?”  Her voice was an icy whisper and she locked eyes with Esaro showing her higher dominance.  Do not disobey me right now, you must be treated.  Her cold frozen icy gaze seemed to say.  As she clenched her jaw.

Spring had never felt so angry or betrayed in her life.  She eyed Esaro with distrust waiting for him to lay down, because his wounds needed to be treated now.  Whether she was angry with him or not.  If he kept on pushing treatment aside, he could get infections from his wounds... and then possibly die slowly, a painful death due to infection.  Spring didn’t want that to happen to anyone.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - February 28, 2016

Esaro hesitated for a slight moment before laying back down "alright..". How serious was all this? He tried to think it through. He broke an agreement he knew nothing about. the only serious matter he could think was that if enough else goes there they are as good as dead, end of story. So to make sure everyone stays safe all they need to do is avoid going above river. Spring was really giving him the impression his injuries were much worst than he believed.

With Spring around he can't go hunt. He was just going to have to stay there until she was done. Then he remembered that Spring was teaching him about herbs and such. Maybe this was a perfect chance to learn something. It would make him feel a little better knowing he would make some progress at something while he can't do other things. But it felt a bit awkward to ask for a lesson while she was angry at him. He gave it a try and ask softly "Um, would it be alright if we could start a herb lesson right now?"

He took the time to look at his right paw. It did look pretty bad, maybe even worse than before, it was hard to tell. "Are these wounds really that serious too?" He said slowly realizing all the trouble he was causing everyone. He was starting to feel guilty. He never wanted to cause trouble for anyone, he was even trying to make himself better. "It's kinda hard to believe trying to catch a rabbit made all this happen. I never imagined that I would end up causing much more trouble than I already do, not just to you, but now, everyone. I doubt sorry would even help me now." He said as his spirit started to surround itself with negative thoughts. He was so useless that now it was dragging everyone. It felt like it just would be a surprise if the pack decided to throw him out.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - February 28, 2016

Spring sighed a little more contentedly as Esaro laid down for good and although she did feel the urge to teach Esaro of herbs.  She knew now was not the time to be thorough to him about all she was treating him with, but she could give him a brief summary.  “I’ll tell you what I’m using on you.”  She briefly responded.  Then looked down unhappily as Esaro continued to feel sorry for himself.  If he kept feeling that way, nothing would get any better at all whatsoever.

“Esaro.”  Spring began then paused for a moment.  “Stop feeling sorry for yourself... okay?  It won’t do anything at all.”  She swiveled her ears listening for any sounds around her, before turning her gaze back to Esaro.  She picked up the moss and draped it over Esaro’s injured right paw, starting the healing process.  

"This moss will be used in replacement of Cobwebs.”  Spring began to explain to Esaro.  “It will be used to soak up the blood.”  Spring hesitated.  “This might hurt a lot.”  Spring warned Esaro.  Then pressed down on the moss, to help soak up any unnecessary blood so she could see the wound clearly.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - February 29, 2016

Esaro was more at ease knowing she was willing to teach him what she is doing. He no longer felt like trying to stand against her in attempt to trying to improve his abilities. Learning what she does here could be just as useful as hunting. He would became less of a burden in the future, or maybe whatever he does will just make him more and more of a burden to others no matter how hard he tries. Spring was encouraging but also discouraging him at the same time.

"I know but since I came back with these injuries everyone got mad at me, even you did. Is Laika and the others going to get mad at me too?" He said as he noticed a pattern. In a way this was all an accident but at the same time all his fault. He really didn't want to make Laika mad at all and was considering not saying anything to her. "I really don't want her to be mad at me. I know it's because of me that this all happen but it's also an accident, it just happend just like that."

Spring explain that the moss she put on his paw was to soak up blood just like cobweb would do. She warned him that it would hurt so he braced himself. As she pushed onto the moss the pain definitely got worse. By reflex he was trying to pull away but at the same time keep still. The whole act made his leg seem like it was twitching. Once she was done he wanted to ask a question. "Doesn't injuries normally heal on their own?" 

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - February 29, 2016

Spring listened to Esaro’s questions then pondered how to answer them.  She sighed at his Laika question, Laika would yes be extremely angry with him of course she decided.  She then opened her maw to answer the many questions that Esaro had given her.

“Laika will be mad at you, yes.  So you might want to tell her soon.”  Spring paused for a moment.  “Or she will chew you out from the inside if someone else tells her first.”  Spring told him grimly and metaphorically.  She flicked an ear absently.  “And no... Esaro injuries like yours can not heal on their own magically.  If you tried that you could die from infection.”  Spring did her best to clarify, then cast her gaze around for any useful herbs.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 01, 2016

He really didn't want Laika to be angry at him but if what Spring says is true, Laika is already going to be mad at him no matter what. All that needs is the time for the information to reach her. Would being the one to tell her what happend really be better? He'd prefer not facing another angry wolf. Spring encourages him to tell her before someone else says something or else it would only make things even worse than it is now.

This is the first he hears that injuries do need to be treated, he had always believed they would always heal on their own. He's done so many mistakes that it was impossible for him to want to defend his ideas. He accepted her answer as it is, he didn't have the will to ask questions even though he had some.

Esaro let out a deep sigh as he rested his head on the ground. "So this nightmare isn't over yet. Is there any way for me to make her less mad when she hears everything?" He asked hoping that maybe there was a way to make it easier to deal with.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 01, 2016

Horsetail... five glorious strands of beautiful horsetail!  Caught Spring’s attention.  She did her best to listen as Esaro asked his question, her attention obviously divided between him and the horsetail laying only a lucky ten feet away next to a tall Maplewood.

Spring nodded a yes in response to Esaro’s question.  “That’s right.  Spring paused for a moment, and started padding over to the horsetail, calling out the rest of her response to him.  "and figuring out how to make Laika less mad is up to you an only you Esaro.”  Spring told him in a less forgiving tone.

She picked up every single strand of the horsetail and then padded back to Esaro with it in her maw.  She dropped it at his paws.  “Swallow this.”  She commanded, with a sigh, sitting back on her haunches as she waited for Esaro to eat the horsetail.  “It will help stop infections.”  Spring then informed him.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 02, 2016

He didn't get any sort of solution from Spring, instead she told him he alone could find the answer. That meant he was just going to have to think on it. Maybe he could give her something, but have that in mind is what got him into this mess in the first place. Trying to go get something felt a little to risky now. He didn't know if it would break another agreement he didn't know about. Was there anything he could say? He wasn't too sure if words could even make things better at this point. "I guess I'll just go tell what happen as soon as you are done here." He said as he finally made the only possible choice had that he could do.

Spring then dropped some grass in front of him. It was a strange looking grass though. It was like a mini tree with short branches. He looked at it with a confused look. She told him to eat it but hesitated. Grass didn't taste good and other herbs he tasted always left a bad taste. This time he had to eat one. "You want me to eat all this weird looking grass?" He asked before trying to eat it anyway, figuring it's best not to argue about it for too long.

He wouldn't be able to swallow them as they were. He would need to break it to pieces. He place his uninjured paw to hold it down while he tries to chew and break before swallowing. Of course this plant also had an unpleasant taste. If he hadn't cause such a mess for the pack he would have complained. But he understood that he wasn't in any position to really argue about anything. He obviously wasn't enjoy this but he was doing as he was told.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 02, 2016

Spring watched Esaro eat the horsetail, making sure he ate every last bit.  “That weird looking grass will help stop infection Esaro, don’t speak of it that way.  Be grateful you get it.”  Spring sighed.  Then thought for a moment, suddenly a vital question popped into her mind.  

“Where do you feel the most pain right now?”  Spring asked the multicolored male.  Then she sat down, curling her tail neatly over her paws as she waited for Esaro to respond to her important question that could possibly be very important to Esaro’s survival.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 03, 2016

He understood the grass was to help him, it was difficult but he managed to finish it all. Now he was feeling thirsty he wanted to go drink some water. It didn't appear that Spring was finished so he stayed where he was and decided to ask a question while at it. "Do you know what the grass is called?" She never told him the name of it so he figured maybe she didn't know the name.

She asked where it hurt. first he was going to say his paw because she had pushed moss on it but where it was really hurting was at his right shoulder. He turn his head into order to try to see what it was but he couldn't see it properly but it would look like a huge cut, obvious torn by teeth. "My shoulder seems to hurt more though." He said to give her an answer.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 03, 2016

Esaro was probably right, his shoulder wound was looked terrible.  She sighed, thinking of what she could do to help him, but decided till she did think of what to use she would answer the male’s question about what the name of the herb he just ate was.

“Horsetail.”  She replied distractedly, feeling fear worm in her gut.  Her anger with Esaro was held off for know, right now she would focus on figuring out who to solve the problem of his ugly looking shoulder wound.  What could she use?  She clenched her jaw as anxiety coursed through her.  How could she possibly solve this?

Spring racked her mind for answers, finally she came up with one, although it would not cease his pain for a while, the therapy and rehab would hopefully heal it over time.  “Esaro I want you to do your best to keep off that shoulder best you can, but every day at noon I want you exercise it by rolling it first.”  Spring demonstrated the movement by simply moving her shoulder up and down in a circle motion.  Then I want you to try to hunt, putting as much weight as you can muster, not as much as you want, as much as you can but not to the breaking point.”  She paused for a brief moment.  “In a few days time I want you to inform me on how your stretches are going and I will provide you with more stretches depending on that.”  Spring explained.

“Any questions?”  She asked, wanting all of this information to be entirely clear to Esaro so he would know one hundred percent on what he had to do, as keeping this shoulder useable or intact could very well depend on these strengthening rehab sessions.


RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 04, 2016

Seems Esaro has a pull to having the Caretaker trade. or maybe Naturalist too at the same time :P soon he'll be able to claim it.

So what he just ate was horsetail. Turns out Spring knew a lot about herbs, that is likely why she is able to teach it well. It made him wonder exactly how much does she really know. Could he ever learn as much as she did? He was able to remember most of the information she has given him. It was like a list in his mind that was slowly being completed for each time she tells him about herbs.

Spring have him instructions for his injuries, strangely he was able to understand all of it with what she said and showed. To show that he understood he nodded. Thinking she was done he decided to get up again before asking questions. Except his question had nothing to do with his injuries.

"Spring, how did you learn so much about herbs and treating injuries?" He asked. He very much enjoyed the idea of making someone better. Back then he would have never thought of it. It motivated him much more to want to learn. He decided to share what he was thinking. "What you know really is something that can save lives right? I really want to be able to save lives too."

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 05, 2016

Esaro’s question brought back some very painful, still pretty fresh memories, all the layers that she had always kept up just seemed to shatter.  Her shoulders slumped and her eyes faded to a rather depressed look.  “My Mother taught me, she and everyone else from that pack are dead now.”  She almost said:  and it was all my fault.  But she stopped herself.  “After they all died, I just taught myself, by testing herbs on myself.  Luckily there were no poisonous plants.”  Spring’s voice was rather flat, monotone.  Her once enthusiastic self had just broken to show the truth beneath.  She pinned her ears, as memories seemed to flood her.  Horrible horrific memories... she squeezed her eyes shut.  Go away!  Go away!  Go away!  She screamed in her mind, trying to push all of the memories away, but more just came rushing like a waterfall.  Finally they retreated and she opened her eyes.  

She slowly began to morph back into the Spring she had been moments ago, loosing the depressed look in her eyes and straightening her posture once more.  “Sorry.”  She murmured, there really wasn’t much more to say after having a mental breakdown.  Then she nodded.  “Saving lives is quite a gift I suppose.  I’ll have to resume my lessons with you and Luna soon."

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 05, 2016

The event in her past seemed to have caught his attention. He avoiding saying anything until she was done. There was a moment where Spring didn't seem herself. It was a little frightening but it felt more sad than anything else. Esaro was surprise to hear that Spring was self teaching. Was she really able to figure out everything on her own? He admired her for that, Not once has he ever tried self teaching. All he has done so far was listen to others and try to repeat it.

What happend with her pack is almost similar to his in a way. But it felt like there was many differences. He looked at her, believing that she was lucky in a way. "No one in my pack tried teaching me anything." He said still having the pack subject in his mind. "I don't really know why but my pack did end up turning against each other. After all the chaos I was found by Ukko." He was sharing a bit of his pass as she did. His mind switched over to the self teaching which was the other subject that interested him.

"So you've been learning about herbs and stuff on your own too? I wish I could do that." He said believing that he wouldn't be able to do something like that. He sounded like it was something hard to do.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring listened to Esaro brief definition of his pack, it made her sad that he came from such a cruel sounding one.  Why hadn’t they taught one of their own?  She shifted uneasily when he talked about the herb self teaching.  It was impressive in someway she guessed, but it was not something that was all to... safe.

“I’m sorry no one in your pack taught you anything that’s very... disappointing.”  Then she paused, hesitant for a moment, then continued.  “Self teaching is a nice skill, yes.  But it can be dangerous, for instance, I could have poisoned myself and died... luckily that never happened.  I just don’t think it’s all too...”  She searched for the right word.  “Safe.”  She really hoped Esaro understood, although she was still currently upset with him.  She did not want him to kill himself, and self teaching about herbs could end you up that way.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 05, 2016

"I'm sure they had reasons, but there's no way for me to know them." He had feeling that there was some problem in his old pack that made it impossible for him to be taught anything. When it came to talking about problems he was always left out of it. It likely explains why he was able to be happy for so long, that is until all that had to end. They probably thought he wouldn't survive a winter on his own. Esaro was sure that if he returned they would all be surprised.

So self teaching was dangerous? Somewhere he managed to learn that there are poisonous plants. He realized Spring has been endangering her life. "Are you still trying to self teach?" he asked while getting an idea. "Maybe I can help you with that so I can learn too." He was aware that it was dangerous but how else could they learn about herbs that they both didn't know?

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring shook her head.  “No, I’m done with my self teaching days, Esaro.  I already know so many herbs I can’t even count.  Self teaching... it’s just... not a good idea if you don’t want to risk a pointless death.”  She responded, with a nervous twinge to her voice, really hoping Esaro would just get her point.

“Although you can self teach yourself less dangerous things... such as battle tactics, hunting techniques and the best scouting routes.”  Spring admitted to Esaro.  All the while trying to change the subject to a less life threatening way of self teaching.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Esaro - March 05, 2016

He was a little disappointed to hear that she stopped self teaching but at the same time he was relieved. "Okay, it does sound like you know a lot. I wonder if you'll be able to teach me and Luna all of it." He wondered he Spring would ever try to teach so much. So far he's been able to keep up with all she taught him. He still had the good encouragement needed for him to learn about herbs but there is sure to be a limit.

"I don't know if I'm ready to do those other things, I do have an injured paw. Maybe it would be better for me to look around for herbs we can use. Well, after I tell everything to Laika." He said with his voice getting a little nervous at the end. Spring looked like she was done treating him so maybe he could go now. "I'm going to go look for her now."

As he starting moving. "Oh, I'll also do what you told me to do for my injuries. I promise I won't forget!" Then he stopped for a moment to see if Spring really was going to let him go now.

RE: Better Understanding with Self Expierence - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring felt relief surge through her as Esaro listened carefully to what she said and took it seriously.  She found her anger towards him ebbing.  As she started to see no point in it anymore.  What had been done, had been done.  So be it.  You couldn’t take back the past anyways.

“Of course I will teach you and Luna everything I know.  Every last bit, if you can handle it, which you hopefully can.”  Spring responded.  Then brightened as she thought about Esaro looking for herbs.  That would definitely help a lot!

“Find as many herbs as you like.”  Spring told him with a warm smile, then her expression turned a little nervous and she clenched her jaw, wondering how Laika would handle this.  “And good luck with Laika too.”  Spring chuffed.  Your going to need it.  Spring added silently in her thoughts.

She let Esaro go like that.  Hopefully he would do as he told her and do his stretches, she was pretty sure Esaro would though.  At times Esaro could be pretty clueless, but she didn’t think he would really want to threaten his life on his own account, after being told face to face.  She just hoped she was right as the two parted ways.

“Until next time Esaro.”  She dipped her head in a departing like gesture.  Then turned and padded away, making her leave.  She would check up on him in a few days time.  See how he was doing.  On a second thought she decided to start up her lessons with Esaro and Lunar Eclipse about Herbs back up instead and also check up on Esaro’s wounds at the same time.  Sounded like a plan to her, as she padded away.  Heading back to her den.

Fading Here.  Tomorrow, Monday or Tuesday I’ll post The Next Step.  For Part Two of Spring’s teachings to Esaro and Luna