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Silvertip Mountain Whale incoming. - Printable Version

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Whale incoming. - Zaria - February 28, 2016

AW but maybe @Mara Susi or @Krypton seeing they are in her pregnancy team? :D

Zaria pulled herself from the alpha den, mainly because she was hungry but also because she was felt like she needed to show her face to the pack. She often tried to do a patrol but the weight other belly was tiring her out. She felt like she was twice as heavy, which was probably her over exaggerating. Her belly was really swollen. Zaria felt like there was a whole army inside of her. The female was mostly creeped out because she could feel them moving. She didn't have a lot of space so each movement was felt by the future mother.

Zaria had 'dragged' herself to one of the caches, eating some of the left over food seeing that she was hungry. Her teats were more swollen too. She dug into the meat, feeling more mellow ever since she gotten pregnant because she was mostly tired the whole time. At least Fitz was excited about their arrival, she was not that thrilled yet. She realized that she would need to find a den, a birthing den. It was mostly her instinct telling her that.

RE: Whale incoming. - Mara Susi - February 28, 2016

Mara had been in the area when Zaria made an exited her den, and caught her scent. Maybe Peaks remedy for her messed up nose was working? But when following the scent, she realized her alpha was much closer then she anticipated, and her hope in improved scent decreased. She slowly approached the pregnant wolf, remembering that Steady had pronounced her a member of The Pregnancy Team. "Hello, Zaria, how are you feeling?" She questioned.

She anticipated that Zaria would be calmer than her last encounter, since she actually knew she was carrying pups. Hopefully she wouldn't lash out, but Mara wouldn't mind. Knowing hormones were basking around in her brain like no ones buisness.

RE: Whale incoming. - Zaria - February 28, 2016

Nice new ava!!

Zaria looked up when she saw Mara. She bared her teeth a bit but that was more because she was around food and not really felt like sharing today. When she realized that Mara wasn't even focused on the food but on her Zaria took a friendlier demeanor. Zaria was very self obsessed and any attention was taken with eagerness. "I am good," she returned. "Though I do hate this. I can't see how others can even enjoy this," she commented and then shifted. The female looked mostly annoyed with her belly.

"Look at it. I am like... A bison," she decided, seeing that the female did not know a whale otherwise she would have referred to that. "I can't do anything. It sucks," she commented. She knew Mara was working on her hunting trade and she couldn't even help the female now. She would do anything right now to be a bit more active, if only she didn't have a heavy belly with her. "Do you know how many I might have?," she questioned.

RE: Whale incoming. - Mara Susi - February 28, 2016

Mara stiffened when the alpha bared her teeth, but relaxed when Zaria did as well. She seemed much more open and friendly, which she found comforting, and when the smaller wolf—well, shorter—said she was good, made Mara even more delighted, it seemed she was taking pregnancy a bit better than she had anticipated. "I'm glad to hear that," She shared a small smile, before going on. "Pregnancy is quite the pain, though I wouldn't know myself." She admitted, which was sorta obvious from her young age.

Her comment on size made her laugh. "I wouldn't go that far." The fae admitted, shaking her head a bit. Zaria then asked how many she should expect, and with that Mara loomed closer to her, but cautiously, in case she would lash out from her closeness, before taking in the rest of the space she looked up at Zaria with an expression asking: "May I?" as in to observe her ever growing belly.

Thank you, by the way! ^^

RE: Whale incoming. - RIP Krypton - February 28, 2016

 Sorry for late post!

Krypton was walking along the inner parts of the territory, her ears were perked up when she saw the alpha and another subordinate. Coming closer with quiet paws, she parted her jaws to speak after giving a bow of her head.

"Greetings you two." She said kindly, wondering what they were talking about. Well, the two woman were apart of a pregnancy team, so perhaps about the unborn pups? "How are you two fairing this fine day?" She asked, her large tail wagging.

RE: Whale incoming. - Zaria - February 28, 2016

Zaria shrugged slightly. "Never be pregnant, truly, it is no fun," she commented and then looked at her belly, just as Mara came closer with a questioning look Krypton arrived. The female looked at the other and gave her a greeting with a light nod. "I'm doing okay. Tired, feeling heavy and useless. But good, no more dizziness," she returned to Krypton.

She looked at Mara, not really into having close. But seeing that she trusted Mara not to do anything she nodded shortly. "Mara was just about to check how many little monsters are ruining my perfect body," she commented to Krypton. To Zaria it couldn't be normal that she was close to bison sized. "How will I be certain I won't explode?," she then questioned, sounding very serious when asking that question.

Not too late, Kryp! And you are welcome, Mara! :D

RE: Whale incoming. - Mara Susi - February 28, 2016

When Zaria gave the go-to, allowing her to move in closer towards the pups, she began to sniff and observe the size with her small body, after a bit the young wolf moved back. "The reason you're so...large, for early in the pregnancy is not only size, but amount. Usually you would only have one or two, but, you'll be having three—maybe four!" Mara was slightly afraid if any of the pups would pass away before, during, or after birth, but now was not the time to worry.

Krypton had arrived, and since she was focused on the pups, she hadn't properly greeted the large fae yet. Flashing her a smile and nodding towards her in greeting. Zaria mentioned about exploding and she tilted her head to the side. "Well,  Zaria, you could say that's what happens during birth." She joked. 

RE: Whale incoming. - RIP Krypton - February 28, 2016

Zaria responded to the artsy woman's questions, she was no longer dizzy but still felt heavy and tired. She couldn't put herself in that place. She felt bad for Zaria, but it would over soon enough when those little pups would run around.

Mara had already examined Zaria's belly, stating that the size determined the amount. It was not a mere one or two, but maybe three or even four pups! Krypton had to hold herself to prevent her mouth from dropping open. Four pups possibly?! 

The girl walked closer to the two and smiled gently. "Being a mother to four pups will be difficult, but a fun experience." She offered them, her tail still wagging. Soon enough Krypton began to think again. Maybe other wolves from friendly packs had experienced birth with large litters and had advice they could give to the new mother.

"If you would like, I could go visit another pack who has a mother with a large litter and ask about how they handled it." She said, tilting her head towards the belly of Zaria. If the superior did not want that, Krypton decided to offer another thing for Zaria's comfort. "Or would you rather have some knowledge for the whole pregnancy now?" She asked, would Zaria want to be straightforward with it and deal with less knowledge than wait for more?

Krypton didn't have knowledge as good as Mara's, but it was better than nothing to say the least. Surely the two could fill in the new mom with more info.

RE: Whale incoming. - Zaria - February 28, 2016

Zaria scowled when both females agreed that their might be 3 or 4 in her belly. It felt like she was carrying 10 of them. The mother shifted once Mara was done examining her. Little did Zaria know that she had 6 pup inside of her, but not all would survive. No wonder the lithe girl was so large. Zaria squinted her eyes when Mara made a joke about her actually exploding. She was not a female that would chit chat and laugh about jokes. Frankly she didn't even find if funny to know that she would explode in the end. Then she realized that she knew nothing of giving birth at all.

The alpha female turned to Krypton. "No," she returned. She didn't trust others and having other packs know they had children made them vulnerable. It was the same with the whole war discussion. Plus Zaria was reluctant in having any help. She could accept it from Mara and Krypton because they weren't commanding her to do certain things, just advise her on what is best, and they were part go the pack. She would not want an outsider to tell her how to do things. She would do it the Zaria way. That's it. "I want to know more about this birth. What will happen?" she asked, not even knowing what was about to happen to her.

RE: Whale incoming. - Mara Susi - February 28, 2016

Mara shifted uncomfortably, Zaria's demeanor changing again to a more intimidating and scary one, she cleared her throat afraid to speak wrongly. Perhaps her pedication was a bit off, but if so, one or two of the pups were probably much smaller than the others, most likely to pass away during childbirth, she also had never dealt with such a small wolf pregnant, everyone in her pack being rather large. She didn't seem to take her joke lightly, but knew it wouldn't become an issue between the two of them, it was just a joke after all...and somewhat true.

"You'll become more aggressive when in labor, as instinct to protect your pups, you'll only be able to birth one at a time, and with your large amount child birth will take awhile, make sure to lick each one clean directly after it is born, you'll experience a lot of pain, I'm sure you already know, and the after math can last for days. After cleaning, and making sure they are alive, it's best to feed them right away. You'll likely be more exhausted than you've ever been." 

RE: Whale incoming. - RIP Krypton - March 01, 2016

Seeing that her idea was shot down, the earthy woman didn't bid a care at the moment. She decided to sit down and make herself a bit submissive to her superior in a subtle way, she was wagging her large tail and heard Mara's words. Filled to the brink with knowledge, better than what Krypton could say.

She rummaged around her cranium for answers, but nodded her head in agreement to Mara's words. "You will have to find a den or have someone dig one for you. It would be considered a whelping den where you can give birth in peace. Almost all of the wolves are to leave you alone since, like Mara said already, you will be very aggressive. Usually after a few days or weeks, depending on yourself, you might be able to let your mate greet the pups. It almost just depends on you Zaria." She spoke, looking towards the two other women.

"If you would like-" she started off, smiling gently, "I could show you sleeping positions or show special herbs that will ease with pain and are so gentle that they would never affect the pups."

RE: Whale incoming. - Zaria - March 02, 2016

Zaria listened to the two females who had a lot of advise. So much of it her head was spinning. She tried to focus but english as still not her native tongue which was clearly heard when she spoke. Still she got the gist of it. She would be aggressive... wasn't she always? Would she be that aggressive that she would want to murder Fitz? Probably. Not good. Yes she definitely needed her own den. She disliked the fact that Fitz would only get to see them after a few days, or weeks even, well no. She was not going to care for these little monsters alone. Fitz better carry his weight with this parenting stuff. She had done this for him. She had no ambition in being a mother, in fact she never had even planned to become one.

"I can handle pain," she stated, not yet realizing how much pain it was going to take. She looked down at her belly. Frankly she wanted them out because she wanted her body back to being normal. Her face looked a bit disgusted. Lick them clean? Ew. Feed them? Oh right the milk stuff. She thought pups could do that themselves, they didn't need her help right? Once they were out she had decided they would mostly be Fitz's job. If only she knew, if only she knew. "Alright. So I guess I will start looking for a den or dig one myself." Zaria was not going to let someone do that for her. She wanted to show she still had some strength.

RE: Whale incoming. - Mara Susi - March 02, 2016

Mara nodded, respecting Zaria's words, assuming that man for her to do it alone. She didn't seem to like needing help from others, and with all the help she needs, and will be needing, this could be one thing the girl manages on her own. Shifting a bit, unsure of what to say next, no one proposing a question or topic she could really respond on. After a moment of silence she foraged something to break it. "We could always help," despite her knowing she'd rather be independant, offering help could never hurt...well, except with Zaria. Krypton was knowledgeable on the subject, and she assumed she aspired to be a caregiver of sorts. Mara wouldn't mind working with children, possibly easier than her alpha.

She claimed her ability to withstand pain, and though she had never experienced birth giving herself, she guessed Zaria had too much confidence that it would be simple enough.

Ah! Sorry for the short post

RE: Whale incoming. - RIP Krypton - March 03, 2016

Zaria didn't seem to understand the fact that child birth was in fact- painful. However, Krypton said nothing of it. She just wanted to make the superior comfortable while in her trimester of pregnancy. She smiled and nodded her head when Zaria spoke about finding a spot to dig for a den. 

"Mara's right, just call if you ever need us" She offered, her tail wagging , eyes shutting themselves in content with a large smile on her face. Maybe having little ones run around wouldn't be so bad. Krypton wouldn't mind teaching them or watching over them for a little. However, she wondered what would happen if she accidentally stepped on one of them with her large paws. She shook of the thought, knowing she would never do such a thing. Zaria would probably tear off Krypton's ear and tail if she found out that happened.

RE: Whale incoming. - Zaria - March 04, 2016

Zaria nodded when both females offered help to her. The previously slender female was grateful for that but she was one independent lady who did not want help. Zaria mostly worked that way. "Thank you both but i will do it myself. I can do it. I am not spoiled brat," she explained with her heavy accented tongue. She was pretty vain but she was not looking away from working hard. Even with a belly full of pups.

The female nodded goodbye to them both. "Thank you for advise," she had the decency to speak to them. Zaria waddled off after that. She was getting heavier and it was more difficult for her to run or even have a casual trot. She was forced to walk to everything which didn't make her very fast.

last post from me! <3 Thank you guys this was amazing!