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Wheeling Gull Isle the beatings will continue until morale improves - Printable Version

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the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - February 28, 2016


He stood atop the crow's nest, looking across the entire expanse of his ship as he slowly turned. His eyes fell upon @Blurryface who was shuttling crabs and mussels from the mud flats to the galley. Only a handful of the Bonechewers remained; one had been made to walk the plank, two others had disappeared, another was remarkably scarce, and another still was as good as dead.

The Captain scowled as he ruminated. He had himself a full crew back in Tortuga, with no shortage of corsairs begging to come under his servitude. But these shores were sparse of worthy crew, and his own was dwindling in numbers, and questionable of loyalty. He could not take them raiding. To say Ferahgo was bored would be an understatement; he was downright stir crazy.

He prowled down from the crow's nest, scouring the rocks for any hapless sea birds.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 02, 2016

ummm ive been eyeing this since it went up and no one has snagged it so

erzsébet was not a woman of forgiveness, but neither would she let hatred consume her. ferahgo meant nothing to the woman now; she remained because her handmaid did so, though she had not seen wednesday in quite some time. though worried, the countess presented an impassive face to the pirate crew, moving through her duties silently.

out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the skulking captain, and fought the raise of her hackles. a second passed and erzsébet made her reckless decision. lifting herself as befit her rank, the woman put back into place a mussed hair from her shoulder and paced toward ferahgo. "good day to you, captain," the pale wolfess called in her thick accent, even mustering a smile that lit her eyes.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 02, 2016

Eee :D

If he had been a less arrogant soul, he would not have for one moment trusted the seemingly benign greeting. But Ferahgo was utterly full of himself, and he bore a self-assured smile as he levelled his snout toward her, certain that she had seen the error in her choices before and was now ready to make up for it.

"Good day to ye," he returned as he moved toward her, "is there something the ol' Captain can help ye with?"

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 02, 2016


she had not expected the relative warmth with which ferahgo approached her -- it was as if his rape of her had never occurred. touched with ice by this development, erzsébet nevertheless gave a gentle shake of her slim muzzle. "none at all, captain," she purred, glancing up at him from beneath lowered lashes as she came close to lave his chin respectfully with her tongue. 

a fit of pure wickedness grasped her then; the countess drew away. "perhaps there is something, after all. have you seen habit as of late? he asked for my presence." her words were vaguely suggestive; she smiled glibly at ferahgo and awaited his answer.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 03, 2016

Her tongue was briefly upon his chin, and as his own muzzle moved toward an ear she pulled away, inquiring about the wolf he referred to as flotsam, having found him washed ashore like so much debris. It was not what he wanted to hear, because what he wanted to hear was for her to ask to assume her place at his shoulder. The Captain ran his tongue along his fangs, his hard, pale eyes meeting hers.

"That depends." Intoned Ferahgo. "Are ye still just a wench, or are ye wisened up enough to be me wife?"

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 04, 2016

erzsébet had never considered being the wife of this man, and after the wrong he had perpetrated against her, her gorge rose at the very idea. to be tied to ferahgo..! to be expected to do his bidding and bed him of her own accord! never! she wanted to snap his cold eyes from his face for the very suggestion.

yet she kept herself pliant and biddable, eyes filling with a shame she truly felt. "a wench, captain. look upon me. scarred. torn. i am no wife. wives are lovely things." the countess could no longer think herself among that number, not with the mark of his teeth plain upon her cheek and her ear. 

she wondered briefly why he was so intent upon having a wife. surely there were others from whom he could choose, or set off down the coast to bring back a shrieking girl for such a purpose.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

To his complete lack of understanding, she was still insistent that she would not be his wife. She was a perplexing creature to the Captain, who had never before been refused such as this. He wondered, though briefly, if her tune would change had she known the treatment reserved for his wives. It could be said that the crew served the Captain, but that the Captain served his wives. One may even describe him as kind when remarking on the way he tended them.

Ferahgo did not take refusal lightly; he was accustomed to being obeyed, to getting his own way. Had she been anyone else, she would have found his teeth were far more punishing than they had been on the shore days ago, if not fatal. But she was an object of obsession for him, perhaps even more so that she stubbornly went against him.

"Ye have character now," shrugged the Captain, who did not think that the marks upon her otherwise flawless form detracted from the fineness he favored her for. "I have not seen Habit." He answered. "Do ye fancy him?"

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 04, 2016

part of the woman wished to tell ferahgo that she had been a wife before, and had known childbirth, for perhaps it would detract from his odd affections for her. yet she kept her mouth silent about such, and let an alluring light brighten her eyes. so he did not find her disfigured, and, despite herself, erzsébet was intrigued by his reextension of the offer.

yet she wished to hurt him in some way, enrage the man against her -- the countess tilted her head and sauntered in a slow circle 'round the captain, parading the glint of her eyes and the curve of her hips. "what would it mean for me if i did," she inquired. 

coldness touched her features then; she faced the man fully. "what would it mean, ferahgo?" would he force himself upon her again? slay her? to what lengths would he go in his demands that she become wife?

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

She prowled around him, and he did not forbid himself the chance to look hungrily upon the sleek lines of her, and to think back on the sight of them held beneath him. She asked a question, repeating it as she stood before him. Her coldness toward him was not missed, but nor did it draw a reaction from him. His expression was one of calm indifference. He rolled his shoulders as he answered. "What makes ye think it would mean anything for ye?"

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 04, 2016

she shrugged, rolling one shoulder as if it did not matter. it did not; try and she might, erzsébet could not deny her remaining attraction for the captain. he had raped her, he was arrogant, cold. a fool. she did not care for him again but the burn of his eyes could not be denied, and she looked upon him with her interest plain.

"why did you take me upon the beach that day?" she inquired in cool tones, moving into the space that separated them. "you had what you wished with but a word."

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

She dropped that line of questioning, inquiring into something entirely different. Ferahgo met her gaze as she moved toward him. He was unblinking, his expression unreadable and at length he said nothing, as if he debated giving her any answer at all. It was true that he did to some degree; he seldom explained himself to anyone. To most, he would have said because he could he did, if he said anything at all. But it was a common theme with her, that she should compel him to stray from his usual pathways.

"Ye chose to be a wench. So ye get treated like a wench." He answered, and again he shrugged, for this was not so complex to him. He had no respect for wenches and treated them cruelly, as did most of the men. That was the role of the wench, to be an outlet; it was how they best served on the crew. "Ye are a fine creature. I would not have taken ye if ye were not."

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 04, 2016

she hummed lightly beneath her breath, nodding as if she accepted, when she did not. anger curdled within her blood, but she stepped aside lightly and turned to face the sea. she was a whore to him because she had not accepted his offer of wifedom, not due to reckless promiscuity and deviant behavior. it was foreign to the countess to be treated so; it chafed at her very soul and stung her core. 

"very well." the woman gathered herself and turned to face ferahgo again. her eyes fell upon his and held them unblinkingly; if there was a challenge in it, that was for the captain to decide. he had already thieved away an intrinsic part of herself -- he had marred her very visage and torn her flesh. save for her life, what more could he take.

she waited.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

She waited. He waited.

The pair fell into silence. This did not unnerve the Captain, who could sit and stare into the face of another, without expression, indefinitely. That was, if he was trying to prove a point, or upset them, or otherwise had some purpose to be so unmoving and strange. Here and now he had no such purpose, and quickly became bored. She had come to him, asked her questions, received answers she likely was not satisfied with, and now held his gaze and just stood there.

"Ye done?" He said as his ear twitched with rising irritation, not because she held his eyes, but because that's all she did.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 04, 2016

hi im eb and i dont know what's going on right now!?

she was not; she arranged herself meticulously, lying tail over forepaws and settling into the sand. ferahgo was then given her full regard; she said nothing to his inquiry. the countess too was quite versed in 'staring contests;' there was no doubt within her that the male would either turn aside or become violent. 

either way, she would prevail.

 erzsébet continued to hold his eyes. if she could not have her way, her vengeance upon him, she would settle for the small victories.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 07, 2016

lmao me either!

She made a show of fixing herself into a comfortable position. He knew her not to be stupid, and suspected she knew all too well that he was irritated by her silent presence. But he caught on to her game, or at least what he thought was her game. Ferahgo had a exceptionally warped sense of things most times, and it was his belief that she was trying to goad him into forcing himself on her again. Yes, that was it. She wanted some more of the Captain's cock, and since she had declared herself a wench, she supposed this was how to get it, as punishment.

Too bad for her, Ferahgo was on to her game (except not at all). "HA!" He barked. "Go see Habit if ye want some. You ain't gettin' any from me." He sniffed derisively, and thinking himself victorious, strutted away with his tail in the air.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 08, 2016

lulz let's make this interesting eh .... dice rolls? small pp also

erzsébet's lips curved into a thin smile -- but anger soon swept down upon her as the salt-laced captain stalked away. how dare he reduce her to such a thing! as if all she wished was sex -- as if this was the very basis of her existence. and so she unfurled herself with a flourish, and followed him along the strand, hackles raised. "ferahgo!" rang the cold peal of her voice, echoing against the shoreline. her eyes burned into him.

"do you wish me for a wife?" came her breathless inquiry as she drew but a few steps closer. "or perhaps you do not." it made no matter to erzsébet; she paused only a moment before leaping for him, her sharp white teeth bared in her slim muzzle. if he succeeded, she would be his wife, and a compliant one -- if he succeeded and did not wish for her to be at his side, then perhaps he would kill her. 

but if the countess won this skirmish, she would rip from him the tools with which he had destroyed her self's faith and throw the wretched flesh into the ocean!

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 08, 2016

Ooo... I'll send you a PM!

He rolled his eyes as she followed, and for a moment, as she asked if he wished her for a wife, he allowed himself to believe that he had at last won this ongoing game. That she was now ready to surrender to his will and take the place he had offered. To this, an arrogant smile wound on his lips, but it was fleeting. His cockiness had meant that his guard had slackened just enough that he was not expecting of her attack, and her teeth caught an ear as he reflexively sprang away from the sudden movement beside him. Snarling terribly, he spun to face her, his tail high and arched, his hackles raised, and his teeth bared. One way or the other this would be settled here.

"Ye best back down now, wench, or I'll kill ye."

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 08, 2016

but she did not! armed with the desperate fury that drives one into madness, the countess leapt again at ferahgo, intending to score across his muzzle the lasting sort of wound he had granted her. though more delicate than her ruffian of a captain, erzsébet snapped at any sort of flesh she might contact, fully venting now the measure of her frustration and sorrow and fear upon him, her snarls resounding in the tight air roundabout them.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 09, 2016

His words had been a bluff. The Captain, though capable and proven of murder without so much as a second thought, did not want to kill this one. No, he fancied her far too much, and still desired her for a wife, even if a more sensible mind might have found her too untrustworthy to be appointed to such a post.

Her teeth met his snout and sliced the flesh there before he could turn his cheek to her assault, where her fangs continue to slash at him before he fully repositioned. Her reckless and furious rage would be met now with the dense fur and flesh of the shoulder he kept toward her. His throat guarded beneath a downturned muzzle and his ears flattened against his skull that they, too, might be protected.

For the moment, he refused to turn his own teeth against her, despite the malignance in his thundering snarl.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 09, 2016

he did not snap! nor did he aim to kill her -- brave ferahgo, stalwart and arrogant captain, snarled but kept himself guarded, even as blood from her slashing teeth glistened upon his muzzle. the countess renewed her attack, worrying the fur of his shoulder with gnashing fangs, buffeting him with blows from her body, her eyes burning with rage.

"coward!" she shrieked, pausing to gather her breath before hurling herself against the implacable wall of him. this time her muzzle rose up, up; her teeth sought to pry one ear from where it had been folded against his skull.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 11, 2016

Just remember you won the roll so I don't mind if you PP any damage or anything, really :) Free reign to you! I wasn't sure if she was trying to rip the ear off or just shred it so I left that open for your clarification lol.

Still he held his fangs, and even his snarl died behind the savagely clenched arsenal as he continued to endure her thrashing, now in silence. There was purpose to this, there always was, more so than just his unwillingness to harm something he so strongly coveted. Even as she reached for his ear, one of the most sensitive of things, he bared the pain of the tearing and mangling flesh without protest, his head hauled in her direction until she had done what she had wanted and her grasp released.

He dropped then, to his stomach. His tail was tucked tightly around him, his paws curled, and his chin pressed to the earth as well. The imposing Captain now was scarcely more than a fawn deer as it crouched in the grass and hoped not to be seen or disturbed.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 14, 2016

sounds good to me!

ferahgo still did not fight her, and so erzsébet held off her attacks. his ear she had pierced through with a single tooth, and blood began to trickle along the side of his face. he was cowering now, something erzsébet had not expected -- she circled him with a scrutinizing eye. "why do you not move to defend yourself?" she asked gently, then drew aside.

"you will heed me now, ferahgo." with sharp prods of her muzzle against his flank, erzsébet sought to force the captain onto his back.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 16, 2016

He was nothing if not a stubborn creature. It would perhaps be his undoing, but he held fast. She questioned him, her demeanor gentled for the moment, and he answered without the usual cold edge to his words. "I want ye for a wife," he replied, a softly spoken and genuine statement. "I do not want to hurt or kill ye." His gaze flicked upwards, but only to touch her face, and not meet her eyes.

She prodded him, but he did not need to be forced. He knew what she sought (or thought he did) and rolled into the highest level of submission - with his white belly and throat exposed to her, his tail tucked between his legs and his forepaws drawn above his chest. He was at her mercy.

"Reign beside me," suggested the Captain. "Co-Captain. Not the Captain's wife — an equal partner." Such a thing had never occurred before, but then he had never met such a lass as her. "We'd be unstoppable, ye and I."

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Erzsébet - March 17, 2016

erzsébet could not fathom why the fierce corsair surrendered, but soon it became apparent; her features hardened again into ice, though she could not help the brief flit of intrigue that rushed across her features. and yet -- her teeth flashed in a snarl, though she did not move to strike him again, exposed at the captain was.

instead of she nosed along his flank until her breath touched that which he had used to harm her, and from her position there did the countess glare along the line of ferahgo's belly into his hard eyes. "you robbed me of something," the pale woman growled, her tones wounded as she had not shown him before.

"yes," erzsébet purred warningly, rising to stroke the length of her belly against his own. "i shall be your partner, captain ferahgo. but first give me back that which you stole."

perhaps the deliberate roll of her hips against his own would force the captain's bloody memory.

RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - Ferahgo - March 18, 2016

Her breath touched the one part of himself he could not do without, and he would not be able to hide from her eyes the bob of his throat as he swallowed, though his own unwavering eyes were steel as he returned her stare. For a moment, he thought he was done, that his grand scheme would be his grand folly, but then her mood switched, and she rubbed herself against the length of him, accepting his offer.

He uttered a soft arr as his lips became the devil's own, twisted up in his relief, his excitement, and his triumph. He had to part with more than he had wished - his dignity, and his solo, patriarchal reign - but in the end, after baring himself to her and risking mutilation and death, he had gotten what he had wanted. Mostly. Enough that he was satisfied, and felt smug that he had been so clever as to allow her to rage upon him in order that she may be gentled once she had.

But perhaps his inward celebrations were premature. She had demanded to be given back what he had stolen, and his arrogance was quick to think she wanted the sort of sex she had proferred after the ship's christening. Now, however, an afterthought had made him pause, and he fixed her with a scrutinizing and daring look. "I have given ye me dignity, and power over me that no one else has had, and now I have given ye position, to stand beside me an equal. Do not be greedy," he warned, but he once more wore the demon's smile and reached forward to pass his tongue along the soft flesh between her jawbones with a growling croon.

"The rest of the days are ours."