Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Natural Solitude - Printable Version

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Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Coeus had been trotting about this new land for what seemed like days, he hadn't seen another wolf since he had met the "pirates", they were a neat bunch, but he was still green to the area. He had no clue where herds of prey based themselves, or what pack controlled which territory.

He had found himself at the edge of a lake, not too long after continuing his journey. Hopefully, he'd be able to, at least, find himself a companion here, even with his sheer size it'd be foolish to travel new lands without any guidance. He took a whiff of the ground to maybe pick up the scent of another wolf, but evidently there were multiple scents in the area, so it would be a shot in the dark to say that someone controlled this lake area. 

Without hesitation he bowed his head down and began lapping up water, what was the worst that could happen? The crisp, cool feel of the water on his tongue was more than reliving, it was down right refreshing.

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

Depp had caught the scent of another stranger, and pursued it with long strides, picking up distance and speed with each step, hopefully they would consider his pack in progress, and join along side him and Sen. They technically already had four members, yet the pup and co-alpha doesn't count for a full pack, so he was to find two more potential packmates and end his journey at Seadog Sanctuary.  

Once spotting the wolf emanating the new scent, he slowed his pace to more of a swagger, and slowly began to close the space between the two of them. "Hello there," he mumbled under his breath. His maw held a flashy smile.

Sorry for the short post! The next one will be longer

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Coeus' ears perked up at the voice, finally another new wolf. Perhaps this one would give him an idea of his location, or at least where he could get a good bite to eat. Coeus hadn't eaten for days, if he could recall correctly his last meal was a chipmunk that he just so happened to catch off guard; not a very filling meal but it gave him the energy to keep moving. 

Coeus turned to this new wolf; he was darker than the female he had met and had a smile on his face, which was interesting to Coeus, not every day a stranger will walk up to you with a warm smile.

This wolf wasn't speaking in "pirate", for now... "Salutations," Coeus said, turning around to entirely face this new opposition. He bowed his head, "I am Coeus, eighth son of the Yachat pack. May I get your name?"

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

The wolf spoke with a formal tongue, but not enough to where Depp's slang filled language was too different for him to understand, he observed the wolf and silence took place of his potential answer. He had stated his name, and former pack. Coeus, what an interesting name, it gave the large wolf very little character to the Sparrow, since he usually focused on body language and personality, but it was always nice to have something to call someone.

"Depp," He said simply, not naming his past pack, well packs, nor what year he was of his ancestors, he did only know two of his family members, one being his cousin and the other was his so called father, which he didn't believe was true. 

"Any chance you'd be interested in a pack?" His smile stayed, and no matter what the wolf answered, Depp would still converse with him, still finding the new wolf interesting.

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

A pack? Well, perhaps a pack was exactly what he needed to get his mind off of the loneliness he had been feeling. Of course, this could have been a trap, but from what Coeus had seen he was far larger than the wolves of this haven, having not met one as hulking as him. 

"Well... Depp, I am in need of a pack. Companions would serve me well. Allies are hard to come by after all." He smiled, Depp... That was a new name... Depp... He'll have to remember it.. "Tell me, is your pack large? Many hunters? Or do you all scavenge?"

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

"We currently have five members, including myself. If you join, and another, we'll be able to finally create it. Seven members in all." Depp stated, glad to have another wolf curious in Seadog, Sen would be proud of his work, even though he was the one that accepted her, he still looked for her approval.

He was followed with another question: hunters or scavengers, Depp had yet to think of the query, so he held onto to silence until he officially created the answer in his mind. "Well, I know of two hunters beside myself in the pack, I'd we'd expect we'd do a bit of both. Mainly hunting though."

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Coeus paced up to the other wolf, and looked down at him, "And what of your mating situation? Are your alphas those in charge of the breeding? We can, of course, negotiate our terms later." He smiled, this would be an interesting test if Depp reacted as Coeus had hoped this pack would be perfect. 

Of course, this test was unorthodox, but Coeus needed to determine if Depp was the high type, or of the weaker variety of wolves. Coeus' orange eyes scanned Depp, awaiting an answer.

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

"We're not the restricting pack, the whole point of Seadog is to be a sanctuary for those who need it, on the topic of mating we would need to be informed, but it's unlikely we would not allow you to do so, and if you were to well... conceive pups without our knowledge their may be a small punishment, probably thought up of Sen." Depp informed, he hoped his answers would be good enough for the wolf, but would accept it if he didn't decide to join.

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

"Sounds like fun! May we discuss the terms of my initiation in your territory?" He asked, wish a bit of a light chuckle, the answer was exactly what Coeus hoped for settle, and to the point. 

sorry for short answer, the next post will be far longer.

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

"Of course, I hope you don't mind my companion joining us in the process." It sounded more of a question, but in truth Depp preferred to have her by his side, even if the same wasn't for her. He kept his body language to more relaxed, when in truth he was quite excited for the recruitment of Coeus. 

Seems I had the same issue ^^

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

"It'd be my honor to have your companion tag along," Coeus assured, "The more the merrier.

At first, Coeus wasn't too sure about up and joining a pack, but what was the worst that could happen? Well, he could be attacked, killed, or forced into slavery... But those things wouldn't happen, Depp seems far too nice, a good wolf with kind intentions. Though, Coeus hasn't seen many wolves with kind intentions back home. 

Deep down, Coeus was overjoyed, that and terrified. The unthinkable could always happen. That's why it's the unthinkable.

RE: Natural Solitude - Depp - February 28, 2016

"Perfect, off to Broken Boulder then." Depp began towards his soon-to-be territory, hopeful and delighted to finally make, what he believed to be, a successful pack. Not looking back to see if Coeus was following him, he made his way onward, assuming, if he was followed or not, that the two would converse more once reaching their destination. 

Last one for Depp, I'll start a thread in Broken Boulder, my threads will be much longer than this one, I just seemed to be in a rush.

RE: Natural Solitude - Coeus - February 28, 2016

Coeus followed Depp, and so this would be where his life was going. He could have a new pack, a new family. Things were bound to be interesting that's for sure. 

Trust me I understand, I've been multi tasking like crazy ha ha.