Wolf RPG
The Sentinels keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Printable Version

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keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - February 29, 2016

AW :D -- @Chaol or @Pearl  maybe?

the reprieve in brumal temperatures left tachyon's spirits heightened -- a balmy breeze had shook the plains and whispered through the idle leaves of the forest. already small shoots of early-budding flowers had erupted from the dark earth, and soon the trees would sport the spears of fresh buds on their wiry tips. tachyon had lived long enough to know when winter was nearly at an end, and this brought a great sense of relief.

in a careless lope tachyon sprung after a revolving leaf that was left at the mercy of a wind's gentle tug. he lowered his gaunt frame to the sodden floor and wriggled his haunches carefully, watching for any pattern in the fluttering leaf. with a playful growl he took off after the airborne leaf, snapping in midair with bright teeth after the lilting thing.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 03, 2016

The warmth of spring had finally graced the territory with its presence - which left Pearl very relieved. The constant cold aside from the den was getting to be very annoying, and she couldn't wait for her feet to tread on the soft, warm ground. The pads of her paws met several patches of new growth that brought forth a surge of excitement and a large grin. She loved the renewed plants of spring. 

She stumbled upon Tachyon, who looked increasingly better than when she had found him at the borders. Her joy of springtime had yet to leave for a long time, and what better way to enjoy the warmer day than to spend it with another. She barked a playful warning before taking a running leap at the rebellious leaf, her body twisting gracefully in the air before landing not-so-gracefully in a heap. Her bright eyes looked up at the male, laughing.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - March 03, 2016

as tachyon exuberantly sprung for the leaf, a bark sounded to his immediate right. he landed disjointed and sprung to the side, expression bewildered and legs wide-stanced. but the wolf that hailed him was an acquaintance -- she took a powerful leap towards the spiraling leaf and fell in a fashion that evinced a small chuckle from the pale druid. with a grunt he launched into a play bow before her, his ears revolving quizzically atop his hefty muzzle as he awaited her rejoinder.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 06, 2016

Pearl jumped quickly to her feet and met the other's enthusiasm in a playbow. Eyes alight, she growled playfully and her tail wagged in the manner of a pup. She took a swat at his muzzle before leaping back and moving about in an impatient fashion.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - March 07, 2016

as he bowed she parried, her tail moving about like a whip. he remained in his playbow just long enough to receive a gentle slap from her outstretched paw. her playful growl was met with his own low rejoinder, not unlike the pleasant purring of a cat. with a rogueish smile supplanted across his beaming cheeks he leaned, swerved, and then took off at a high gallop with his tail streaming wildly behind him.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 09, 2016

Pearl watched with bright eyes filled with blissful playfulness as Tachyon returned the sound, albeit lower and purring, which made her smile increase all the same. He suddenly took off, and her heart sped with excitement of an impending chase. With a shake of her rear nearly mimicking a cat, she sprung after the colored man in a burst, easily coming behind him and giving his shoulder a nip before letting out another playful rumble.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - March 11, 2016

so i know this isn't a normal thread but I AM HAVING A LOT OF FUN

as much as a headstart as he had, tachyon was not a swift beast -- pearl easily closed the gap between them. with a grunt each step he tried to open up the length of his stride, only to receive a quick nip to his shoulder as if to taunt him for walrus-style lumbering. with a noise not unlike a bark he swerved messily away, executing a sloppily done circle to rejoin pearl as she zoomed by. with a rumbly growl he stalked after her, attempting to land a few cheeky nips on her trailing tail or haunch. he was enjoying himself so much he scarcely noticed how out of breath he was -- it had been a long time since he had engaged in the noblest pursuit of all: play.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 13, 2016


Pearl turned and smiled at the nips laid on her tail, slowing her pace bit by unnoticeable bit to allow Tachyon's lopsided moose gait to keep up. But of course, the spirit of playfulness and teasing was still rampant in the atmosphere of new birth. She moved enough to the right and suddenly skidded to a stop, watching Tachy go right on by, laughing.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - March 14, 2016


pearl proved too swift an opponent -- before tachyon could even dream of changing course he was careening recklessly past her like a ship without rudder, his eyes wide and following her as he tumbled, the victim of his own uncontrolled momentum. with an ungainly splash he collapsed into the grass, panting with a wild grin inlaid across his broad features. there was something to be said about play - it uplifted their spirits, strengthened their familial bonds. with a grunt tachyon rolled in the grass, scratching his shoulder-blades on the ground whilst snapping playfully at the thin blades that tickled his cheek.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 16, 2016

do you call him Tacky in your head bc I do

Pearl watched gleefully as Tachyon took the side-stepped misdirection in tumbling, uncontrollable step. She glanced at the carefree behavior and joined right in, throwing herself on the grass and rolling around in bliss. She ended up on her back staring upside down at the other, simply grinning with a thumping tail.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Tachyon Sr - March 17, 2016


as he dug his shoulder blades into the damp and receiving earth there came the sound of a collapsing whumph -- besides him pearl executed her own rolling maneuvers. for a moment their eyes locked and they viewed each other in an upside down world, their gums pulled back in wild and wolfish grins. tachyon sneezed excitedly -- not once -- but three times -- and with a start flipped over onto his stomach. submissively he issued a lick towards pearl's cheek, retracting quickly in case he was met with teeth. if his gesture of submission was allowed he would circle and dig gently into the moss, preparing to lie down and sleep after their playful excursion.

RE: keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe - Pearl - March 20, 2016

lol I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this up but this was so fun thanks :)

Pearl giggled when Tachyon issued three successive sneezes, then proceeded to respond to the lick with a playful nip back at him, but still accepting the submissive gesture. She watched him circle and plop down, following suit and sleeply batting at him until they both fell asleep on the mossy ground, warm from the new spring sun.