Wolf RPG
Redtail Rise And Out of The Woods She Came - Printable Version

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And Out of The Woods She Came - Astra - March 01, 2016

Astra is a new character I am trying out, so if you want to join, please do!  I'd always love the company! ;P

And out of the woods she came, draped in her dark plumage. Her green eyes seemed to glow against her black pelt, and her skewbald patterns obscured the darkness. White ears swiveled at any sounds that traveled to them, slightly uncomfortable with her new surroundings.

Where had those familiar landscapes gone? Far, far away. She had been traveling for quite some time now, and she was satisfied with the distance she had put between her and her past. But even now, after all that happened, a part of her belonged in those forests. The ones that held so much sorrow, but so many happy memories too.

As if she could shake her thoughts away, Astra tossed her head, clearing her mind and focusing on the land that was spayed out before her. Would she go left? Or right? Or maybe forward? Everything was just so disorienting! White toes pounded on the earth as she picked up her pace, kicking up some dirt behind her. She would head onward. Hopefully good things were held in her future, and whether or not they were positive, she would face them head on.

RE: And Out of The Woods She Came - Root - March 07, 2016

Venturing away from the hollow when they’d been told to be careful hadn’t been in her agenda but when she’s gotten a little too far without paying attention, she realizes her mistake. Nothing seems out of the ordinary as she moves along, finding the earth scarred with ash beneath her feet. It was a different texture than normal soil and grass and stone. It reminded her vaguely of sand, but thinner, clinging more to her pads and fur. A good bath would be needed once she gets back home, if not sooner, to wipe the soot from her paws.

Her head turns then, glancing wide-eyed at another wolf. Caught so quickly off guard by another, she stiffens her weight before moving. A gentle chuff escapes her lips to draw attention, of meaning no harm, so she could pass freely or at least exchange something friendly. Far from the hollow, Root doesn’t have any back up and she hadn’t thought to tell someone where she’d gone. Unsure of where she’d gotten herself, she can only hope for the best.

RE: And Out of The Woods She Came - Astra - March 10, 2016

Astra stopped. A scent hit her nose. It was a strange scent too. Why, it was another wolf! She was honestly excited to finally see another of her kind. She had made her way through the Teekon Wilds without any sight of others for the past few days. 

Green eyes swept across the landscape and surveyed her surroundings, making out the figure of the canine. if was a tan/brown female, seeming a bit lost as she made her way through the ash covered rise. The black she-wolf didn't even notice the fine pieces of ash, for her pelt was about the same color. However, her once white toes were now grey.

She veered off her track, heading strait to the other wolf. She kept her stance normal: Nonthreatening, but not submissive. her head cocked just a bit as she approached earshot, and slight grin on her face. Part of her wondered if she was part of a pack or not, but part of her did not care.

"Hello." She uttered the first sound between the two. "State your business." She masked her amused face with a serious one, pretending to be a superior. She liked to intimidate wolves, but she didn't know why. Maybe she liked to see them submissive,  but that seemed cruel even for her. She sate down in front of the wolf, releasing the tension and waiting for her response.