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Wheeling Gull Isle He can help, I Promise! - Printable Version

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He can help, I Promise! - Sadie - March 01, 2016

@Coeus Joining thread for Coeus here with Sadie bringing him along. Crew members allowed to visit but mostly wanting to have the captain here

Seeing that the two had made it to the ship in one piece, the land bridge was already in sight and Sadie could feel her stomachs doing flip flops. She was worried really, could the boy fit in with this unruly bunch?

Well, God forbid he didn't. If the captain didn't like him, he would have to leave. If the captain liked him, Sadie would teach him everything she knew and almost be a wing man. It was very rare for Sadie to act in such a way, but something inside of her compelled her to do so? What was it called again... A heart?

The two had made good time, they were st the border. Before calling for the captain, she turned her head towards the large male. "Okay lad, ye know what to do?" She asked, hoping he retained what she had told him.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Coeus - March 01, 2016

Coeus gasped at the sight of the ship, his mouth wide open. He never had he seen such an incredible sight. Well, it was most interesting plot of land he had ever seen, the sight amazed him. "T...This is your home?" he looked at the smaller wolf beside him. "It's amazing!"

He gave Sadie the biggest, most appreciative smile he could bare; he was the easily impressed type, but she has opened this strange new door for him, the door to being a "pirate". He had no clue why he was so attracted to the "ship", it almost felt like he was magnetized it looked fantastic. Like a tiny pup, he almost wanted to dart around the area and just roam about it. But, he heeded Sadie and kept his decorum. 

"You are amazing Sadie!" He complimented letting his tongue slip, and his composure shift. "I'm so happy you're the first wolf I met in this new land, honest!"

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Sadie - March 01, 2016

The "ship" is actually land, the pirates just call it there ship, meaning home. Sorry about the confusion!

Well, Coeus was quite impressed with the land, though it was just a large island. The wolfess cackled and shook her cranium at Coeus' praising words and gave him a crooked smile. "Alright lad, I be callin' the cap'n now, ye be honest and I will help" Sadie spoke to The large boy, before lifting her muzzle to the air and letting out a howl.

She specifically called for the captain @Ferahgo and him only. Sadie was still nervous, would the captain deny Coeus because she brought him along instead of another man? In pirate culture, being a woman was looked down upon, however, there weren't many men left.

Hopefully Coeus was a sight for sore eyes for the captain as he was for Sadie.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Coeus - March 01, 2016

She seemed so nervous, it was adorable for a supposed "pillager", "You seem tense Sadie, are you alright? I stand by you at this time, and I promise you no matter what happens good or bad I won't blame you, so perk up ye fair maiden." he tried to speak in the same tongue as she, though it was so foreign his voice came out as raspy, he could at least try to lighten her up . 

"So, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any younglings... in this pack. Err.. Crew?" He asked, "Sorry I mean pups," There were no pups where he hailed from, only underlings that hadn't grown into their full potential.  Anywho, Sadie seemed nice enough, perhaps she had motherly instincts and that was why she had taken him in with such kindness and what was the harm in small talk as the cap'n came along. 

It's my fault ha ha, I got too far into my writing and imagined a literal ship, if anyone should apologize I think it's me ;p

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Ferahgo - March 02, 2016

The Captain was hailed from afar, the summoning howl of one of his crew reaching his ears and immediately causing his hackles to raise and his features to wrinkle in annoyance. Bad-tempered, more so than usual, the sea wolf marched toward his shores, hoping the wench had a damned good reason for calling for him rather than shifting her own paws to come to where he was.

His mood did not improve upon seeing a stranger beside her. He growled, his eyes sharp and focused, not on the large male, but on her. "What is this?" he snapped as he drew close, his ire palpable. He stood with tail twitching, tense and mad. She would have a moment to explain, just a moment, but Ferahgo had already jumped to a particular conclusion, and if was what he believed it to be, she was as good as crow food.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Sadie - March 02, 2016

Coeus had questions, but Sadie couldn't answer in time, the captain was already there and obviously not pleased. He snapped her a question, the pirate looked towards him but not in the eyes. "Cap'n, I found a recruit, a loyal crew member" she spoke swiftly, not beating around the bush.

"The crew be needing more men, we have too many wenches like myself" Sadie wasn't lying, there were only about three makes left. There was only one wolf in the lower tier, the Bonechewers were going to need more strong wolves to plunder the other packs.

The earthy woman was sort of kissing up by degrading herself a bit, but did she care? Hell no! She wanted Coeus here since he would be the only thing to brighten her day.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Coeus - March 02, 2016

Coeus watched as the "Cap'n" came to shore, he arched an eyebrow at the "Cap'n", the leader seemed smaller than what Coes had pictured, though the "pirate" wasn't the head of this pack for nothing. The large dusky wolf kept his mouth shut until he was spoken to; he didn't too particularly like the tone "Cap'n" was taking with Sadie, she was his crew member, but as a leader there needed to be some respect. 

As instructed by Sadie Coeus need to be short and respectful, if he voiced his displeasure he would inevitably be attacked, if he doesn't show that he has the gall to be a pirate he'd be turned away. "She tells the truth sir, I am Coeus, and I want to join your pack. I put myself at your mercy, if you will have me or not, of course, is your decision, but if you do take me in, I'll serve you in any way I can." perhaps interjecting could take some of the heat off of Sadie, if the Cap'n attacked him, atleast his new friend wouldn't be harmed.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Ferahgo - March 03, 2016

It was just as he expected, and he dug his nails into sand. Before he could respond, her 'loyal crew member' spoke up, and Ferahgo whirled on him. "Shut yer trap! I am not speakin' to the likes of ye!" Just as quickly he swung back to Sadie, and now he paced stiffly toward her, bellowing so loudly, so fiercely, that spit flew about and clung to his bared fangs. "I never sent ye to do any recruitin', wench. This ship, this crew, belongs to me, and I, and only I, will decide if we needs more men, more wenches, or none!"

He was about to lunge at her, when his bone-colored eyes darted so very briefly to the side. He feigned a snap at her face, intentionally snapping his teeth loudly in the air before he swept away and focused his attention back on the stray she had brought to him. "Ye want a spot on me crew, bucko? Fine, ye can have a spot, and I'll even give you an extra share of the rations and plunder..." His rage shifted, his lips curling now into a treacherous smile. "But only if ye kill this one. Because it'll be her spot ye'll be taking." He goaded the male then, gesturing with a jerk of his head toward Sadie, as he stepped back to, hopefully, watch a good show.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Sadie - March 03, 2016

Can I just say that I was literally shaking when I read this? xD 

Sadie was expecting the captain to be angry, but not enough to wish to kill her. If she was a human, she would be shaking in her boots. The captain snapped his muzzle towards her, she took a quick step back and lowered her ears.

Coeus was offered a choice: Kill Sadie and join or leave and probably be killed himself. She shot her golden eyes over to Coeus and gave him a look with widened eyes. If he killed her, so be it. If he didn't, she was probably as good as dead.

A soft gulp, her paws were almost shaking. She tried her best to stand her ground, but she was tense and scared. She did her best to keep her eyes locked into the ground, her hackles lowered. All she could think of was the cruelty of the captain. She knew he was cruel and didn't like her, but wanting to kill her even though there were plenty of open spots in the lower tier of the crew.

Sadistic man was the captain, he just wanted a show. He wanted a display of her death, he wanted to see the tawny wench take her last breath by her own recruit. She stayed quiet, her tail hugging her hind leg.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Coeus - March 03, 2016

Coeus' eyes widened at the request of the Cap'n, was he serious? How could he? How DARE he, NO PACK was worth the murder of a friend, an ally, even if he had known her for what seemed like a little less than a few hours she cared enough for him to offer him recruitment into a pack. "Surely you gest," he smiled at the captain, taking a few steps towards him "Sadie is by far too valuable to be so easily disposed of." 

His smile was warm, obviously the captain was joking... Or not. He 
lurched in a circle around the captain studying him, he was far smaller than Coeus, apparently lacked his muscle, and had a cute little tuft of fur on his chin, "So you want me to kill Sadie?" Coeus stopped his lurching, sitting in front of the captain.

"What a cut throat you are, a clean kill? Just go for the throat and then we throw her away? No wait, leave her there to bleed while I bathe in some sort of "pirate" integrity and honor?" Coeus laughed, he fell to the ground and laughed,  in what seemed like on a que, he stopped after a few seconds of laughter, "Oh you were serious?". 

Coeus stood up and turned his back to the captain, he trotted towards Sadie and stared into her eyes, his ears were relaxed, a smile on his face. "You can keep your place Sadie, I REFUSE to entertain the thought of hurting you, my friend. I would rather be killed on the spot right now than harm you in any way." 

He looked back at the captain, "As for you, you are no leader I'd follow. If you're going to have me killed so be it." he was far angrier than he let off,  in fact, had not been so tranquil, he'd maul this so called leader and leave him a mangled heap on the ground. Sadie deserves better.. Far better.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Ferahgo - March 04, 2016

Okay, just something to keep in mind going forward, John: when you write so many subsequent actions into a single post, you're basically assuming that the character to whom you are replying is going to just stand there and accept all those actions, which will seldom be the case. It's unfair, and also difficult to respond to. Just something to keep in mind :)

I would also like to note that BC has special joining instructions, which were not followed, and so Coeus could not have been accepted regardless.

Ferahgo did not allow the other wolf to prowl around him, casually shifting his position and regarding the male with a bored and disinterested expression. He wanted a show, but unfortunately the show he was getting was downright the most pathetic thing he had ever seen, and not the entertaining scrap he had in mind.

The male rambled on, and on, and on some more, his words falling on deaf ears and becoming no more than a background hum. Ferahgo's completely unconcerned expression only changed when he made the occasional face at Sadie, which could be read to say "really? this is what you brought me?" Surely she had more sense between her two ears, and had been mistaken about this one's value.

"Are ye done?" interrupted the Captain at some point throughout the whole ridiculous display. "Did ye really think I'd let ye kill her? One of me most loyal crew mates? Haw!" He guffawed. "I just wanted to know if ye had the balls to try, but I see now... they haven't even dropped yet." He spared no moment for the one in question to talk before directing an order to Sadie. "Get this pup off me ship, lass, then come find me. If ye are so keen to take on more duties, then I have a special mission for ye."

He absolutely expected her to comply, for he reasoned that she would see that in her quest to bring more men to the crew, she had failed and only found a child. Perhaps he was thinking too much of his wench in this moment, perhaps not. He would know soon enough if she was worth her salt at all.

Ferahgo did not wait around for her stray to spout more nonsense. He quartered away and left them to find something actually worth his time.

RE: He can help, I Promise! - Sadie - March 04, 2016

I was so afraid Sadie was about to die, I'm sitting here with the face of just "OH SH*T". Thank you for keeping her Kris :)

Ferahgo wasn't pleased as the boy went around laughing and jeering, the wench gulped dryly in fear that he had poked fun of her captain. Often he showed her glares of disappointment in her find, she didn't find a man, she found a boy, a pup. Her ears flattened once more in shame, head lowering to her front paws.

Coeus proved his kindness though, stating he wouldn't hurt her in any way, but rather die himself. She appreciated that to say the least, but what he said was what was going to send him on the highway to hell. Again, she shifted her paws and awaited her fate of death, hoping Calypso would send her off with peace. However, he threw the two wolves through a loop. He wasn't going to let Sadie die, no he claimed her to be a loyal crew member, one of the loyalest. She would've cackled and nodded, but she stayed quiet.

She was then ordered to remove the pup from the ship at once, then if she wanted more tasks, to report to the captain. Swiftly she raised her head and nodded quickly once, before turning her attention to Coues. She gave him a saddened smile but feared what would happen if the captain saw her stall the time.

"I'm sorry lad" She whispered to him, before beckoning him to leave with her muzzle. She bumped his rump and shoulder with her nose, stating that he was to leave. If he didn't, she would then be forced to make him leave with violence. "Ye find a pack and be a good lad" She beckoned him, hoping he would end up safe somewhere.

Coeus didn't belong in the Bonechewers, he belonged to a better, civilized group. He didn't need to be surrounded by drunkards of rum, murderers of children, rapers, etc. He needed better.