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Kintla Flatlands All in All it's been a good day. - Printable Version

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All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - February 28, 2014

Blue Willow had been out and about since early morning. She had already caught two rabbits and a bird and deposited them in her pack's caches throughout the territory and now finding that she could not find anyone in her pack she decided to explore a little bit further past her borders than just the Hot Springs. It had been sometime since she had explored on her own, and to say she was not wary would have been a lie.

She longed for some company, but knew that most of her pack were probably busy doing their own thing. Peregrine and Hawkeye were probably getting ready for babies, Crete was probably off using his keen mind to puzzle out things, Ariston was probably still fighting off a cold and Osprey with her vibrant energy was probably making up stories or hunting them. For a moment Blue felt a bit sorry for herself, realizing she had only met a few members of her pack. It made her feel lonely and sad, she had come to find a home forge new relationships and so far she was woefully lacking in that aspect.

She stood on the edge of the flatlands looking out across the land. Being sure to keep her borders in site, she stood swaying as the wind blew. It was not super cold, but there was still the slight bite of winter and she lifted her nose to sniff the breeze wondering for a moment if there was anyone out there, or if she was truly alone today.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Majesty - May 18, 2014

OOC: Um… So I saw your post in the "Wanted!" thread and figured I could join in and help you, if you wanted… I don't know if I'm allowed to, so I'll take down the post if you want me to. :)

IC: Majesty came out of the Neverwinter Forest alone and ready for some adventure. The day was chilly and windy, but he didn't mind. His chocolate-brown coat kept him nice and warm throughout the winter and spring. That day, he decided to go on a hunt to see what all the plant life around him was like. He did have some interest in becoming a Healer for his pack, and his past, which was filled with fond memories of his mother teaching him all about the flora of the land, drifted through his mind like a warm breeze.

He made his way closer to the Firestone Hotsprings, nose to the ground, ears perked in case he was in danger, as his eyes were not focused on anything in front of him - only the earthy-smelling herbs and plants that splayed before him. His tail wagged in excitement as he began to name off the plants that he recognized, completely oblivious to the fact that he was nearing a wolf from a different pack. A female, with a night-black coat and beautiful green eyes…

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - May 19, 2014

A different scent came to her across the wind. Another wolf another pack and she looked her gaze sharpening and honing in on the chocolate brown male coming towards her. She barked once to let him know she was near, wondering why his nose was so low to the ground.

Unless could she help but hope that perhaps he was a healer like she was or maybe an aspiring one, as not many were as lucky as her to carry the title yet. She wagged her tail in neutral stance so that when he did look up he wouldn't feel threatened.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Majesty - May 19, 2014

Majesty jumped a bit when he heard a bark in front of him, and his head whipped upwards. His shoulders slumped and he gave a smile when he saw that the pretty creature before him was harmless and wagging her tail in a friendly manner. "You gave me quite a fright," he said, coming closer to her. "What are you doing out here? I myself was exploring - naming off all the plants and herbs that I recognized." He chuckled. "I'm glad you barked or I probably would have run right into you. Sorry about that, Miss…?" He gave her a questioning look.

As he waited for her to tell him her name, he decided to get a better look at her. She was quite beautiful, truth be told. Her fur was jet-black and sleek, and it shined in the sunlight. Her eyes were - he sucked in a breath - her eyes were hypnotizing to look into. They were his favorite color: a deep earthy green. He looked away, trying not to seem rude. She is gorgeous, he thought to himself.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - May 20, 2014

Blue Willow shrugged I was exploring as well and looking for any herbs I can use to stock up my supplies. I'm a healer you see. And my name is Blue Willow. She felt his gaze scrutinizing her and it made her feel a little odd. She did not like to be looked at overly long, it was just the way she was. It made her uncomfortable. She knew she was not bad looking, but when others studied her it made her feel like they were looking for flaws of some kind.

However, to return in kind she studied him. He was chocolate brown like the center of a sunflower with golden eyes that looked like the honey that could be found from bees. It was interesting how the sun hit his pelt and though he was brown it shined golden, must have been from much grooming. She dipped her head then trying not to stare to long to study him for fear it would be seen as offensive.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Majesty - May 20, 2014

Majesty caught on to the fact that this Blue Willow was studying him, and he gave her a friendly grin, wagging his tail a bit and standing a little taller. Then he inwardly scolded himself. He really needed to stop showing off for the ladies. Just because it was Spring, which meant mating season, that didn't mean that every female wanted to do anything with him at all. Besides, he felt it was rude to show off. And he didn't even know this female, anyways. He was becoming quite the non-gentleman and this bothered him, so he went back to his regular relaxed stance.

"You are a healer?" he repeated, his deep, smooth voice rumbling forth from his chest. "I am hoping to become a healer myself, though my first love is chronicling. My father was my old pack's Alpha Male, and Chronicler. And my mother was the Alpha Female, and the pack's Healer and Naturalist. So I picked up all three as hobbies when I was younger. How did you get into healing, Miss Willow? May I call you that?"

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - May 20, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled inwardly at the males proud stance and then his more relaxed stance. It reminded her of her brothers for a moment one minute cocky and sure the next relaxed and postured.

A chronicler, her ears perked forward she herself were going for those trades and she thought she would only ever be the one for that. I am a healer by trade, iam working on Chronicler as well and caretaker. she smiled at him as she thought of how her healing came to be and she spoke softly My parents were traveling healers and storytellers. I got my healing skills as well as my story telling skills from them. We would travel place to place pack to pack, offering our services in return for a meal and a place to sleep. Until i decided that life was not for me. My parents are still out there, maybe you'll meet them some day they still travel as far as I know. Blue Willow shifted again looking at him waiting to see hwat he would say. Usually once she shared that information she was asked why she left and that was for rather personal reasons, though not so persona. really. Didn't everyone want a family and a home.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Majesty - May 20, 2014

Majesty nodded politely as he listened to her tale. "It sounds a bit like your family were gypsies - nomads. I have met a few traveling packs before. Quite a few of the wolves decided to stay in my birth pack over the years, giving up their traveling lives for one reason or another. I myself have traveled quite a bit, but when I found this place, the Teekon Wilds, I decided to stay and settle down, much like you." He smiled at her. "I am glad to have found someone with a story so close to mine - if that is not too much to say."

He sat on his haunches and looked around, taking a deep breath. "Despite the chill, it is a beautiful day, is it not? This place holds beauty in nature in a way that reminds me of my old home." He chuckled and shook his head. "Forgive my reminiscing. I miss my family, especially my mother. But I suppose I have a new family now." He looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drift slowly across the expanse of blue…

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - May 20, 2014

Blue Willow nodded They were gypsies though we were not a pack. It was merely my mother, my father and myself my brothers having left when I was young to pursue their own happy endings. She remembered her brothers briefly and missed them, though not as near as much as she missed her parents. It is not too much to say.and ot answer you're former question willow is just fine.

She looked around and smiled at him It is a beautiful day despite the chill. And it is okay I miss my parents as well my father's name was Sun Spark and my mother's name was Spring Flower. though my father went by another name before me and my mother and my brothers, but he would never tell me. She shifted again and closed her eyes for a moment tilting her face to let the sun warm her cheeks.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Majesty - May 20, 2014

Majesty stood, regretting the fact that he could not sit and enjoy the sun all day. It was not in his nature to lounge around, unless he was meditating, but he did not consider that lounging. "Unfortunately, Miss Willow, I must be getting on with my day," he said, smiling apologetically. "It was very nice to meet you, and I hope we speak again soon. If you ever want to swap healing secrets or information, I would be all for it. Or even just sit and tell stories to one another." He gave her a low bow of respect and friendship.

"I am a member of the Silvertip Mountain Pack. And, forgive me, I never told you my name. Majesty. I am Majesty. I am glad to have met you, Blue Willow." He smiled again, and trotted off back towards the Great Bear Wilderness.

RE: All in All it's been a good day. - Blue Willow - May 20, 2014

Blue Willow opened her eyes and smiled at him. i am always willing to share the secrets of my trades with anyone sir. She tilted her head at his apologies. It was nothing really, they both had packs to support and she did not wish to keep him from his duties.

She dipped her muzzle and smiled at him again Well met Majesty I look forward to seeing you friend. With that she stood just as swiftly and without a backward glance she loped off towards her own borders and her own pack.