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Noctisardor Bypass days of spring - Printable Version

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days of spring - Little Voice - March 03, 2016

For @Spring! Backdated to the 4th of February~

As promised, a few days after meeting Spring for the first time he turned back up at Jade Fern Grove... this time taking particular care not to get stuck in the ferns again. He smiled as he remembered his adventure with his friend from Phoenix Maplewood. This morning, he hoped, they would have another adventure — there was a curious mountainous land just to the East, and he was hoping they'd explore it. He put up a soft, beckoning howl for Spring, white tail already flickering happily.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 03, 2016

Spring’s ears perked up at the sound of a howl sounding from Ishi.  Her heart raced.  It was finally time!  Who knew four little days could feel like ten thousand years.  She padded out of Phoenix Maplewood, knowing she  would return within a few hours.  She made sure to leave a quick fresh marker on the border before she left.  Then started towards Ishi at a full fledged sprint.

After around twenty minutes she arrived at the Jade Fern Grove to meet up with Ishi, wondering where they would go.  A bolt of excitement raced through her.  She trotted up to him.  “Hey Ishi!”  She yipped, giving her tail a wag.  “You ready to go exploring?"

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 04, 2016

His heart almost seemed to bubble with the warmth of thinking of his friend, and when he saw her even more so. Spriiiiing! he cheered with a grin, and gave her a gentle headbutt. Definitely, he replied, and off they went — over the border of Jade Fern Grove and into rockier territory. Before them loomed the mountain range with its magnificent cliffs and winding creek. Isn't it beautiful? I don't know what it's called, though, he confessed. Maybe Spring did.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 04, 2016

Spring padded towards the new land next to Ishi's side and her jaw almost dropped open when she saw the mountain range, with all of its curves, cliffs and edges.  Her mind was just blank for a few moments all but for one though; It's so beautiful here...

"It's so beautiful Ishi..."  Spring whispered in awe, still trying to take in all the beauty that surrounded them.  She wondered how big this place was.  It looked huge!

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 04, 2016

Ishi smiled, enjoying Spring's awe, and feeling a surge of gladness that he was a Scout and this was a Scout's world. What do you think it's called? he posed the question as they made their way into the valley between the mountains.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 04, 2016

Spring shrugged.  "I don't know... do you know what it's called Ishi?"  Spring asked her friend, still in awe of this lovely place.  It wasn't the Maplewood, but it was still gorgeous...

The valley was beautiful in Spring's opinion as they padded through it.  Although it was currently covered in snow, it was just... perfect.  There simply wasn't much more or less that she could say about it.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 04, 2016

Probably something awesome, he concluded lightly. Ishi didn't know the name of wild pass, and so was content to think of it simply as a place he'd been eager to explore for a good few weeks now, having spotted it multiple times throughout his travels. Shall we follow the creek through the flatlands or head up into the mountains? he asked his adventuring companion.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring smiled at Ishi’s definition of the mountain pass.  The female then considered his offer of either going through the mountains or following the valley and creek, quickly agreeing with the mountain idea.  Sounded like a pretty good adventurous route to take and a sure to be one with wonderful sights too.

“Let’s head up into the mountains.”  Spring responded, giving her tail an excited wag, starting to pad towards the mountains.  She wondered what would be up there.  For a moment a chill settled over her pelt... she really hoped that there were no raccoon, those things scared the life out of her.  Due to the fact that it had started the rabies trend that killed all of her family when she was still in Starlit Hills.  Hopefully there would not be any cougars too.  She pushed those nervous thoughts aside for now, they would do nothing for her anyways.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 05, 2016

Ishi nodded — he was leaning more towards the mountains too. Sure, the valley floor would be a lovely and lengthy roam across streams and meadows, but the mountains had surprises round every corner, and, despite being fairly short, would result in some spectacular views of the surrounding lands.

Reckon there are cougars up here? he asked with a note of thrill to his voice as the pair headed to their left where a rocky mountain path began low and heathery. Ishi loved cougars.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring sighed with a slight teasing laugh.  “And why would you want to see a cougar Ishi?  Those things would eat you up without any hesitation, I bet.”  She pointed out to her friend.  She felt her paws start to touch to cool surface of the rock of the mountain.  Her heart raced in excitement.  She wondered what the views would look like, atop this rocky mountain structure.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 05, 2016

Ishi gave a smile that was a mixture of bashful and cheeky. Bashful because he knew his interests were weird, and cheeky because he knew his friend disapproved but he was running with it anyway...

They're really cooooool, he admitted with a bit of a cat face as they sprang ever higher.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 05, 2016

Spring laughed a real laugh at that.  There was just something about Ishi that she liked.  The Lost Creek Hollow wolf was just... so carefree and fun to be around, decided.  She cocked her head in a mock, friendly, teasing gesture.  Then began to speak.

“So cougars are really cooooool because they’ll eat you and are so stealthy that you might not hear one until it’s too late.  That sounds like a very fun animal to be around Ishi.  Doesn’t it?”  She teased her friend, deep down though she really hoped that there were no cougars around as the pair padded up the rocky mountainous ground.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 06, 2016

Ishi flashed her a smile as they trotted onwards. Yeah but, imagine what rabbits think of us... bloodthirsty killers who'd sooner bite them as look at them, right? he reasoned. And yet, are wolves cool? Why, yes. Yes we are.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 06, 2016

Spring sighed.  “But Ishi...”  She protested, then paused for a moment, thinking of a good argument, and after a few minutes of walking one finally one came to mind.  It was an okay argument.  Better than nothing though, although she did wonder why her friend was defending bloodthirsty Cougars.

“Well Ishi.  We kill Rabbits, because we need nourishment.  We need their energy for ourselves to stay alive.  It’s called the Circle of Life.”  She paused for effect, before continuing.  “Cougars on the other hand, sometimes kill for the excitement of the hunt.  Then just abandoned the body, to bleed out and cripple.  They are cruel animals.  We Wolves kill only if we need food.  We’re smart like that, don’t waste our energy on hunting for no reason."

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 07, 2016

Spring was smart and relatable in so many ways, and he knew what she was saying was perfectly rational. It didn't change his mind, though, unfortunately — but at least they were being very friendly and thoughtful about it. I think some wolves are like that too, he countered — mean, bloodthirsty wolves who killed for fun. But I hope we don't run into any beasts of that mindset, be them cougars or wolves... or ladybugs, he added playfully. Ladybugs could probably be terrifying if they put their minds to it.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 07, 2016

Spring had to admit it.  Yes, there were evil minded wolves out there, but didn’t comment on it.  The female chuffed a laugh though as Ishi mentioned and titled Ladybugs as dangerous.  “How is a Ladybug gonna be dangerous to us Ishi.  It would not even stand a chance.”  Spring paused for a moment and thought, before speaking again.  “Although I do wonder what the world would be like if it were ruled by a band of Ladybugs that took over the world.”  She pondered, in a teasing tone and gave her friend a playful nudge.

Spring had another thing on her mind to.  Why in the green Earth did Ishi like Cougars though?”  Finally Spring gathered up the courage to ask.  “Ishi?  What do you find intriguing about Cougars though?  Just curious.”  She asked him.  Wondering what his response would be as the pair kept climbing.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 08, 2016

Ishi laughed along happily as Spring took the ladybug theory mock-seriously, and enjoyed the (to be honest, fairly realistic!) image of a plague of ladybugs swarming through Teekon.

But her next question, as they climbed ever higher, was a bit more serious. He was slightly uncomfortable with the subject, given that he knew how taboo it was, but Spring was his friend. His good friend. He could talk to her about it. I've just always been so infatuated by their power and grace, he admitted. They're amazing and magnificent. I know they're super-dangerous, but ahhhh it's hard to explain! Have you ever had really strong feelings for someone?

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 11, 2016

Spring had strong feelings for someone once, yes.  So she nodded.  “Yes, I know what you mean.  But are you sure you want to place your faith in a Cougar of all things.  I mean truthfully I just want you to be safe... a Cougar could maim you if it had the chance.  That would be horrible....”  She retorted.  She didn’t want to be to harsh or defiant, she just wanted to steer Ishi away from any potential scars that could come mentally, physically and emotionally if he ever did come face to face with a Cougar.  If he ever came face to face with his lifelong dream.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 11, 2016

Ooh, this was a tricky one. Everything was so light and happy at the moment, it was too difficult to have a sensible discussion about the whole cougar thing. And the last thing he wanted to do was let down the girl who was quickly becoming his bestie. Don't worry, I'll stay safe, promise, Ishi said — and he really did mean it. But the naive boy also genuinely believed that the right kind of cougar would never harm him.

But that got him thinking...

Hey Spring, he changed the subject with an ever-so-mischevious glint in his eye. Have you ever fancied someone?

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 11, 2016

Spring felt a little relieved that Ishi somewhat changed the subject, but his next question caught her off guard when he asked her if she fancied someone.  “Yes.”  She responded quietly, answering the question a little bit embarrassedly and a little bit mischievously.  That perked up her interests though.  “Have you ever fancied a wolf Ishi?”  She paused for a moment.  

Spring felt the mountain begin to steep beneath her paws as the slope stretched at a pretty high angle up.  She flicked her eyes on to her paws, scrapping her claws against the stone and dirt to get a better grip.  As the pair continued to pad side by side together.  Her heart quickened in slight excitement though, they were more than half way up now though... time flew.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 11, 2016

The pair padded onwards, their paws more solid and careful as the climb grew steeper and the way was strewn with crags and scree. It was all very pretty — the valley was so clear below, and the river that ran through it shimmered and twinkled.

Ishi couldn't help but smile at the returned question, thinking wildly of Taltos. But he had asked first, so... you have to tell me about yours first! he insisted playfully.

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 12, 2016

Spring wouldn't tell that easily.  She gave Ishi a teasing smirk.  "How can I tell you first if I don't know if you will back out or not?"  She replied with a teasing tone.

Spring felt one paw began to slip beneath her... she yelped as she felt herself fall after loosing her balance.  Everything happened so fast it was almost hard for her to comprehend.  Luckily as she fell she was able to regain her balance and pulled herself up, as she watched a few rocks tumble down the mountain side.  She shivered realizing that could have been her, but hen refocused on climbing again, her eyes were still wide looking and frightened, she resumed walking by Ishi's side.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 13, 2016

He laughed in response, knowing that Spring wasn't serious but that they may as well play this playful game of dares if they were going to talk crushes.

But before they could, a literal crush almost happened — Ishi's heart and paws leapt as Spring narrowly avoided a minor landslide. Phew, you okay? he asked, concerned. That was totally my fault, I shouldn't be distracting us with silliness!

RE: days of spring - Spring - March 13, 2016

Spring, was still startled, eyes wide and still slightly frightened from her almost plunge to fate down below down the slope.  She felt guilty as Ishi tried to take credit for her slip.  She shook her head, she knew it was her fault and her fault alone.  No one else's.  

“It was my fault Ishi, I was the one who slipped.  You have nothing to apologize for.”  She responded to her friend.  She gave Ishi a small smile.  “It means a lot to me that you care though.”  She finished.  Then refocused on climbing the mountain slope.  Determined not to slip once more.

RE: days of spring - Little Voice - March 14, 2016

Naturally, Ishi shook his head, refusing to let Spring accept blame. But he also knew by now that the young woman was not about to let him take the blame either. Let's say it's the mountain's fault, he concluded with a determined nod. Silly mountain! he called up at it... but not loud enough to cause another landslide.