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Silvertip Mountain The friendly visit - Printable Version

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The friendly visit - RIP Valette - March 03, 2016

She hopes for @Mason but AW for STM-wolves :D

Desna looked around when she reached a border. She sniffed it, fresh. The girl stepped back. She had been at the borders of her father's pack but those were a lot scarier than these ones. Still she would give those borders the right amount of respect that Steady and Mason had given the Phoenix borders. The girl watched the big mountain and then howled for a presence, mostly her wish to see Mason. She had grown a liking to the young Beta as he had visited her pack a few times. Now that she was in the area she wanted to give him a visit in return. She knew he was a good friend but the teenager was a bit confused if it was friendship only. Still she quickly pushed that thought away.

She sat down, her dark ears perked up. Her hazel eyes looking around alert but fairly relaxed. She didn't expect someone charging at her seeing that she was quite a few paces away from the border and she knew Steady and Mason. She wondered how Steady was doing after the loss of her mother. She was probably a dear friend to him seeing how sad he was by the news.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Krypton - March 04, 2016

Hope you don't mind me coming along...

A howl beckoned the large woman to move forward towards the border, she was curious on who rang in a pack member. Following quietly, her large paws covered the ground in a medium-paced trot, ears perked forward and hackles raised, along with her head. The wolf she laid eyes on was reasonably far from the border, showing respect to the pack of STM and the territory.

Nearing the border, she halted and looked onto the black one with curiosity. She offered a gentle smile and spoke loudly. "Hello, who are you if I may ask?" 

She looked fairly young, and smaller than the large wolfess. Of coarse, everything was smaller when compared to Krypton, the girl was fricking huge! With her long legs waiting patiently for an answer, her bushy tail waved side to side in content.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - March 08, 2016

Sorry for the late reply I wanted to wait for others! :D

Desna watched a massive female approach. The teenage girl blinked as her and held her head down low in submission. She was quite intimidated by the big female. Desna was surprised that she sounded kind of nice? She had to find her voice for a moment. "I'm Desna. I am a friend of Mason and Steady," she spoke to her. "Is this the Silvertip Mountain they live? I wanted to pay them a visit," she spoke to the other.

Desna hoped of course that Mason would be here to see her but if he wasn't she might leave a message to him or something. She was not sure what she wanted with Mason. Seeing how her mother and father ended up Desna wasn't sure if she ever wanted someone so close like that. It was almost like they could hurt you very badly.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Krypton - March 08, 2016

I can do a cameo so Mason can get his little rump over here!

The little black one spoke, however her loss of words for a second made Krypton bite her tongue to prevent a laugh. She was probably shaken by the earthy one's pure mass and size, she didn't blame her. The young one said her name was Desna, a friend of Mason and Steady.

She smiled gently towards her, turning her head the other way to look around for either of the betas. She looked back towards Desna and parted her jaws. "You are quite correct, this is Silvertip Mountain." she stated.

Krypton lifted her muzzle into the air, calling for both betas @Mason and @Steady. If she knew them, then she would prefer them over her. "They should be here soon, Desna" she started off. "I should probably leave you here so you can visit with them in private, it was a pleasure meeting you" she said, dipping her head before turning back to trot off.

She would stay close to make sure Desna didn't pass through the border, though Krypton thought that the little one had more sense than most in that head of hers.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - March 09, 2016

Oh no it is fine! :3

Desna looked more pleased with herself knowing she came the right way. The girl smiled a bit more and relaxed. She looked around past the border. Curious how it was to live on a mountain. She only lived in a valley and in woods. She liked the woods. It seemed they had some forest going on but not much. Maybe on the other side. "Oh good. I wouldn't want to be at the wrong pack, that would be embarrassing," she admitted and chuckled a bit.

"Oh you don't have to go. It is okay! They are just a friend, I don't have to meet them," she spoke, feeling a bit flustered now. Because as a teenager it was just so uncool to have the other know you liked them, right? Total logic. "It is nothing important. I just came to say hi, you didn't have to howl for them again," she let out, bit embarrassed, now there was howled two times for Mason to come. That was like really eager.

RE: The friendly visit - Mason - March 11, 2016

*Drags Mason’s butt in* Sorry for the wait :D Haha I love Desna
Mason heard her call and dropped what he was doing. What he was doing was snaffling a dead rabbit he had found in a cache. Unfortunately it had been pretty fresh, and therefore he now had blood all over his muzzle. Mason’s heart beat a little faster as he left the rabbit, and began to lope away, intent on going to meet Desna. He was excited! But should he perhaps clean up his face and paws?
Suddenly after a few minutes (on his way to a stream to clean up) he realised that the rabbit may have made a nice present for his little hunter friend. So he put on the brakes and loped back towards his maimed carcass. He shooed away a raven, which cast him a disgruntled look, and grabbed the rabbit.
Rushing now, and panicking a bit in case she disappeared, Mason ran full pelt to a stream. He gave himself something akin to a sponge bath in the stream, then loped off again, this time heading for Desna. His muzzle and paws were still tinged pink, and now streaming droplets of pink water. He heard Krypton call both him and Steady. He felt instant displeasure. Steady was old in Mason’s eyes – despite their apparent year in age difference. But Desna was beautiful and fluid and dark and mysterious and she was destined to be his, not his Uncle’s.
Mason scented Desna before he spotted her, that sweet scent which fuddled his mind. When he descended upon her, unkempt and breathless, Mason grinned and rolled right up to Desna before coming to a halt. Krypton seemed to have disappeared. He was glad someone had kept his friend busy whilst she waited for her beau (ha, he wished) – Mason would have to thank Krypton later.
So there he stood right close to Desna, his unusual wide-set eyes gazing upon her beautiful visage, his muzzle and paws telling the signs of his recent meal. And then it suddenly dawned on Mason that he had left his present for her at the stream. Way to go Dude…  Disheartened and flustered, Mason didn’t realise yet that a half-eaten meal was probably not the way to win a girl’s heart, so he had probably inadvertently saved himself a faux pas. 

“Hi Desna!” He finally managed to blurt out of his tongue-tied muzzle. His smile blazed on his face still – he found he was unable to put it away when she was around. “Did you come to visit me?” Mason’s heart hammered quietly in his chest as he waited, staring at her intently to read her reaction – surely it was him, and not Steady, who she liked?

Far away by the stream, a triumphant raven pecked at a forlorn and forgotten dead rabbit.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - March 24, 2016

Sorry I was waiting for Kryp! But she 'left'!

Desna said her goodbyes when the friendly female left. She was still a bit flustered seeing Mason right there. She had been so obvious now, that totally meant that Mason totally knew that she wanted to see him badly. The girl was a bit more flustered than she had been before, that was for sure. The dark colored girl quirked up her lips in a bit of an awkward smile. "Um... yes!," she spoke to him and looked around for a moment. She was not sure if she should tell him but she decided that it might be best.

"I was at my father's pack to tell them about mom, and... I didn't want to go back yet, so I thought I visit um... you!," she mumbled a bit. She looked kinda cute all flustered and stumbling a bit. Maybe it was good that Desna had not returned home yet seeing that there was quite some drama going on at the moment. Still the teenager was oblivious and only in her own world, which now included her interest with Mason. She was in no hurry to think much of it. For now she saw him as a good friend, but she kinda liked him too, but too hesitant to really really like him.

RE: The friendly visit - Mason - April 06, 2016

Mason grinned when she said she had come to see him. He felt excited pleasure flush through his body, and he breathed a soft sigh of relief. His cool uncle wasn’t gonna steal Desna from him, if he could help it. Then Desna continued and Mason gawped at her – he knew of broken families, but not one where the Mom and Dad lived in separate packs. How… weird. Mason remembered something about Scarlett being bullied as a youngster, but he didn’t imagine this would be a good reason to leave her with puppies. Or perhaps they had separated when Desna was a bit older… when Scarlett got sick? Mason’s mouth twisted with his emotions but he allowed her to continue without verbally passing judgement on her Dad.


“I’m real glad you did.” He replied, his smile returning to reach his eyes. He felt his heart fluttering about in his chest like a spring butterfly. “Would you like me to show you around?” he indicated the mountain behind him. She didn’t want to go yet, so he would love to give her the guided tour. Mason looked around him furtively, hoping Steady didn’t materialise to swoop Desna off her paws.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - April 09, 2016

Desna smiled at the young man when he looked pretty excited to see her. The young female wagged her tail a bit, though it stopped wagging soon in surprise at his question. "I can't do that! I will be attacked!," she let out with a wince and stepped a bit back. Maybe Mason could not be trusted like her father either. To her it was almost imprinted in her mind that she could not cross the borders of another pack. She looked at Mason with a hesitant glance. She didn't want to risk having an injury or even worse, die, because she would have trespassed.

Her hazel eyes fell on Mason, to her it was unknown that he was a highly ranked wolf, one was status. The girl thought he was just a normal pack member. She also couldn't really remember if his father was the alpha or not. How bad of her. The chocolate girl looked a bit lost because she wanted to see where he lived and how the mountain was, but she was not going in if she would have a change of being hurt.

Omg now I can picture Zaria barreling in and ruining it all x). How bad of me.

RE: The friendly visit - Mason - April 11, 2016


 Mason shook his head and smiled at her gently, pale fur dancing with his movements. “Don’t worry Desna, as long as you’re with me you’re fine. I won’t let you out of my sight. I’ll protect you.” His words perhaps held connotations which were better left unsaid at this young age, but he felt flutterings of his heart whenever he saw her. She played on his mind when she wasn’t around, which was most of the time, since she lived far away. He had wild visions of leaving with her and creating their own pack, and having a family. Perhaps something to keep to himself for now.


“C’mon, no one would mess with a Beta anyway.” Mason added proudly, his chest puffing up despite himself. This was perhaps one of only times when his status had been something to show off about, rather than worrying about the extra responsibility it brought. He revelled in it. His eyes roamed across the chocolate darkness of her coat, and he turned to face his packlands, hoping to step out with his best girl at his side.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - April 11, 2016

Desna looked at the confident Mason and blinked a bit him. She was not sure if he would be able to protect her, as bad as that sounded. She liked him but she saw Mason as this nice guy, not as a fighter. The young girl was rather curious how he would go against his pack mates, but she gotten the answer soon enough. Her eyes widened. "Beta?," she repeated. She didn't know he had such a high rank. She could only wish for such rank, but she had the feeling she was never going to get that at the maple woods. She wasn't sure why.

The girl nodded. "Um... okay? But only if you aren't getting in trouble," she spoke. Beta was not the highest rank and what if the Alpha of this pack would disapprove. The girl looked at him and then nodded slowly, allowing him to lead her. She had only been over the mountain range once, but this mountain seemed far bigger. The view was probably amazing. She looked at Mason and stepped next to him, automatically keeping her head lower than his, it was just something she did naturally.

RE: The friendly visit - Mason - April 14, 2016

Had Mason known what Desna would thinking, he would have been shocked. What was her pack like, to attack a guest who was being escorted by a pack member? Mason’s and Fitz’s pack wasn’t like that. Perhaps Fitz would be more vigilant when the pups were born and young, but for now Mason had no reason to expect that his Dad would disapprove of Mason bringing his girlfriend a mile or so in to look at the territory.

Desna looked suitably impressed at his title, and Mason was glad that she kept pace with him after some hesitation. “We’ll go have a look into the forest. It’s not far up, and I can show you the damage that the massive storm thing did.” The word of the tornado escaped him, but he remembered it well – it had been a scary night for one so young. “Dad had to take us out of a back route from our den, because we were blocked in from the front.” He added for extra drama and hopefully evoking some sympathy.

They padded up a rocky trail on the lower slopes, heading for Felig forest which circled Silvertip about ¼ of the way up the slopes. He had no intention of tiring her out and taking her right into the depths of their dens. Mason altered his pace to hopefully one which was suitable to a small and delicate lady.

“How are you doing?” Some of his bravado disappeared and he looked across at her with soft eyes, genuinely enquiring after her health and wellbeing.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - April 16, 2016

Look at Mason calling her his girlfriend.

Desna looked at Mason as they kept up the pace. She nodded a bit when Mason spoke about a forest, but also about a storm. She grew quiet. She had been so small but she remember it, the den, flooding. At that moment she was brave, while her siblings cried out she was calm, though if her mother hadn't hurried she would not have survived that storm. Now she was older she had a strange feeling talking about that storm. It was also a clear reminder that her father hadn't been there, and that her mother had to grab all four pups out of the flooded den herself. Visuals of that night flashed past her eyes. She missed the part where Mason spoke about his father and how he had gotten them out.

Desna snapped awake from her thoughts when Mason asked how she was doing. She though it was linked because she just snapped from her thoughts. "My... I ... I remember that storm," she spoke solemnly. "I was very small but I remember it. The panic. Our den flooded because of the nearby river. My father wasn't there, my mom had to save us all, I was taken last... For a moment I thought my mother was not coming back and the den was flooding quickly because of the flash flood," she spoke from memory. She blinked a bit. "So being on a mountain is not really safe either?"

RE: The friendly visit - Mason - April 25, 2016

He wishes xD I wrote a post already last week and it has disappeared in my emails, argh :|


She appeared out of it, and Mason realised he had made another faux pas. She was remembering being stuck in the flood and was panicked about it. He had hoped she would be impressed, but instead he appeared to have dredged up more bad memories. His eyes saddened – he wasn’t doing well at this.

“That’s awful Desna, I’m so glad your Mom managed to get you out. It must have been so scary.” He reckoned she was a few months younger than he, and so she must have barely been toddling around and learning the ways of the world when it happened – how scary for that to be one of your first memories. “No, I don’t think anywhere is safe all the time. At least we didn’t have a flood because any rain gradually drained off the mountain, but our streams filled to breaking and we sometimes had to trek for hours to find a safe way to cross some of them, so we didn’t get swept down the mountain.” Dad had just stopped them moving very far for very long, and he had kept Mason and June close through that period.

RE: The friendly visit - RIP Valette - April 27, 2016

Desna looked at Mason and smiled a bit. "Not to worry. Mom picked me last because I was not freaking out that much, only at the end a bit. Though the water was cold," she admitted. She realized by how he was looking that she had said the wrong thing, and she instantly felt super awkward for saying so. The dark colored female trotted forward a bit and looked around when he told about the storm. When she looked back she realized they had climbed quite a bit already. She fully turned and let out a soft gasp. Because even though they were not that high yet, she could look out over the flatlands for a bit. As a pending scout she was quite mesmerized by the sight.

"You have a beautiful home Mason," she complimented and looked at him. He was so nice to her. And the girl was unsure how to feel about that. She remembered her father and her brother, but they were different. She was certain of it. Reek was not like them, and Mason was also not like them. At least she hoped so.

I think we should wrap this up because I think Desna will be visiting soon again in a current time line! <3