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Phoenix Maplewood Just do it - Printable Version

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Just do it - Esaro - March 04, 2016

@Laika If you have time to spare!

With a little push from Spring he decided to go see Laika as soon as he got something to drink. His injuries were more or less treated but he needed to be very careful. There was no rush to go find her though. He was going to have to say something what would likely make her angry. He was afraid but it's something he has to do.

It was getting late, he figured maybe she would be heading back to her den soon. He couldn't go fast or too far with only three working legs. The wound on his right shoulder did bother him as he moved but he had to keep going. He needed to find her before the news of what he has done reaches her before he gets a chance to tell her himself.

He got to the location of her den and looked around for a while. He was unsure if she was around or not. He thought about calling her but was too afraid to do so. He decided to sit and wait for a sign of her to appear.

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 04, 2016

Laika shook her head, blue eyes open and alert. Unlike the other night, she had not done much today. The food cache was full and the borders were checked. She had thought about patrolling the Emberwood, but by the time the thought crossed her mind, it was far to late. She would do it first thing tomorrow.

She found herself heading back to her den, tail swaying to keep balance as she twisted and turned to weave around the thick patch of trees. Her ears pricked as her eyes caught sight of movement. Her head turned and scowered the landscape, searching the darkness for any sign of more movement.

Finally, she came across a wolf. It was a familiar wolf. In fact, it was Esaro! What was he doing here? Again? For a split second she thought about changing dens because he was just everywhere she went! 

The hair along her spine rose and tingled as she saw his wounds. First she was worried, then she was curious. What had happened to him to get him into such a mess? She narrowed her eyes and cocked her head.

"What happened to you?" She questioned, her tail tip curling in curiosity.

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 04, 2016

It took a bit of patience, he even thought of looking inside Laika's den. He was curious to know if she was the one who made it. He wanted to take a look to try to guess how it's done. In fact Esaro didn't have his very own den. He slept outside and if there was bad weather he would go to the hollow trunk he took the habit of sleeping in. He resisted the temptation to look inside long enough for Laika herself to arrive.

He was going to greet her with a friendly hello but then remembered the reason why he was here. He really didn't want to tell her the news right now but if he wanted a chance to stay her friend then he just has to tell her. Maybe he didn't have to say anything yet. When Laika asked what happend, that was the moment where he couldn't walk away anymore.

He hesitated, knowing fully well that it's mainly his fault for all that's happend. "Well... I.." He wanted to lie to make it not seem so bad but he couldn't. He just has to say it. "I crossed the river while chasing prey, I just didn't know we weren't allowed to at the time." He said slowly lowering the volume with each words while lowering his head. He expected to get mad like every other member he told this to. He was just going to have to through this again, hopefully for the last time.

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 05, 2016

Laika narrowed her eyes, her friendly face fading. Anger bubbled up her stomach and her tail stood stock still. How. Could. He? Reek had warned them all, yet he hadn't listened. She fraught the urge to rip him to pieces and walked closer, a low growl forming in her throat.

She sat down a few feet away, tail tip twitching. She studied his wounds, noting that Spring had cared for his wounds. At least he was smart enough to let Spring care for his injuries. 

"How did this happen? Have you told Reek?" She asked calmly, despite the American threatening to boil over.

All faith she had in him had faded. Not completely, but it was definitely close.

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 05, 2016

"He was the first one I went to." He said quickly, fearing Laika anger. She was obviously mad at him just like everyone else. But really it was very hard for him to just accept his mistake as it is. Reek notifies everyone but somehow only Esaro was the one who missed out on the important information. How it happend, he doesn't know. It just happend like that, there was no control over it, nothing he could have done. The only thing he could have done was pay more attention.

He looked at her in the eyes deciding to just keep telling everything how it is. "I never wanted this to happen. I mean, I probably shouldn't have chased that rabbit so far out there." He said as he mentions the reason why he was out there in the first place. "I wanted to try to fix this but Reek told me to do nothing."

Esaro felt pressured. He felt like what he was saying was only making things worse. He was thinking of regretting going straight to her to tell her everything. But what was done is done. He jumped into this mess on his own. To think he all he wanted to be able to show off his hunting abilities to Laika once he got better. Was it even possible to be forgiven for something like this?

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 09, 2016

Sorry for the long wait. I was dealing with something. I'm back now!

Laika nodded. "Good."

Laika was still full of disbelief, but she worked hard on keeping her rage down. 

"Next time, you better be more observant." She snarled, swearing many times over in her mind. She still had a hard time swearing aloud. She only did it if something REALY got her mad. Of course, she was on the verge of swearing with this conversation. 

She pinned her ears flat to her cranium. Her teeth showed and her hackles raised, Showing much aggression. Part of her thought she could have prevented this. Was he just aiming to impress her with his hunting skills? Was that why he chased that rabbit so far away from the Maplewood? Still, she was angers as all get out.

Finally, she calmed down. Her tail lowered to its normal position and ears returned to normal. Even though her stance was calm, her eyes were ablaze with rage.

"And how do you think you could have helped this situation?" She questioned.

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 10, 2016

He had his head down. "It won't happen again, I'll be very careful next time." He Looked upwards with his eyes and could see that she was still angry. If only someone made sure he had known about the agreement, it would have prevented all this. Just because he didn't hear a few words, he managed to get into such a mess. He figured that it was actually true that only a few words can save someone so easily. But it wouldn't be that simple.

Laika looked like she was calming down. Was she done being mad at him? She asked what he counted on doing to try to fix the whole problem. He tried thinking of something and did have one idea. "I was thinking.. maybe I could give them an apology gift.." He said in a soft voice. He wasn't too sure if that could even be close to enough to fixing the problem. But he didn't give up hope that maybe it can work. "It could work. maybe. I hope." He started to feel as if that was a bad idea. He lowered his head even more, wondering if there really is a way to fix all this.

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 11, 2016

Laika nodded in agreement. This should never happen again. Then, she heard what he was thinking of doing to mend the problem. Was he serious? Did he really think the world was as soft as a pup's fur? 

She held back an exasperated laugh. "Esaro! The world is not a forgiving place, and an apology gift will not flatten Sleeping Dragon's fur! You can't expect everyone to be as forgiving as you want!"

Her tail lashed in annoyance and anger, her face giving off an exasperated look. Her eyes were harsh but to the point. He had to learn. He lives in his own little bubble, seeing the world as an hospitable place, but in reality it was anything but. She ought to pop his bubble now, or he could get worse. Living in your own little reality in this world, will not get you anywhere. 

"Esaro, you are leading yourself into a hole, and the longer you carry on like this, the deeper you'll get and you'll never be able to climb out." She sighed. "You need to make sure the world knows who you are, or the world will make sure your never known. Oh, and don't even mention an apology gift to me again."

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 11, 2016

He flinched back a little when she yell his name. Now he knows for sure that was a bad idea. What ever hopes he had of some sort of forgiveness was just getting crushed. Somewhere in his mind he knew the real world was cruel but he never wanted to believe it. He kept holding on to the idea that everyone could be friends. He didn't want to see bad things happen again. It was silly of him to keep dreaming, now he knows better. The chances of something bad happening was always there and if it happend there was no undo button.

"I'm sorry, I knew that was a dumb idea." He said as he turned his head away. It was hard to look at her in the eyes knowing how angry she was at him. It's like he was doing more mistakes than he realized. Was it his way of thinking? It started to feel like the problem was him and not at all the wolves who strike at him.

Esaro didn't know what to do anymore. He wants to help out the pack the best way he can but if even that is wrong of him then what was he suppose to do? He looked back at Laika. "Then.. what am I suppose to do?" He asked. If everything he does is near wrong then how was he going to find the right way of doing things? He was starting to feel lost and desperate and his heart rate was increasing. How could he ever keep his promise like this?

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 11, 2016

Laika's blue eyes were still hard and stern as she listened to his apologize. Her fur was bristling and her ears were pinned. She was very angery, but mostly toward the situation Esaro had gotten himself into. Her eyes wore a quizzical look as he asked her what he should do next.

At least he didn't come up with another one of his ideas. She thought and looked him over. She sighed again. She would've said to not give up on himself. Make a goal and not stop until he accomplished it. But she'd told him all of those things before. It was time she's stop helping him. 

"I'm afraid that's something for you and only you to decide, Esaro."  He had to learn to strike out on his own and not rely on others. She knew he knew it is a cruel world, she just doesn't know what he'll do next.

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 12, 2016

It didn't seem like she was going to help him at all, Not a single hint was given. How was he suppose to decide if his ideas were what got him in this mess in the first place. Obviously he can't trust himself on making a good decision. He looked up at Laika and wondered why she wasn't going to advice him or something. It's like now he was really on his own.

His mind was feeling exhausted with all this. He wants to help out and try fixing his mistakes but how? He wanted someone to give him answers. "But.. It was my decision that got me into this mess." He said as he believed that he was the problem all along. Maybe if he had thought different and just known more things he could have avoided all this and even be more useful to the pack. But that wasn't the case. He didn't want to be himself anymore, he really wished he could be like everyone else. But it's not like something was just going to randomly pull him out of the hole he was in.

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 14, 2016

Laika sighed. Once again, Esaro had obliviously proved her point. He was too reliant on others, and not trusting enough to himself. She rolled her eyes and refused to help, her blue eyes remaining hard as stone.

"You gotta stop looking to others for answers! You've got to make this decision for yourself. It's your life we're talking about, not mine!" She snapped, her anger boiling over again. 

White tail lashed, and her stared him down, waiting for his answer. She was somewhat exasperated by his actions. He needed to grow up!

Should we fade this out?

RE: Just do it - Esaro - March 14, 2016

Sure, I suppose one more post from you and that should be it :P

Laika continued to insist that he should be more independent. That was much easier said than done. His life did belong to himself. He tried to remember all of what she has told him. Bottom line, she wanted him to change everything. Esaro never asked for this kind of life. If he had the choice he would have chosen a different life. Any other life felt like it would be better than his right now.

"O-okay, I'll try." But his words were without any confidence. He didn't believe he could really do all this alone. What he really understood out of all this is that Laika was likely to never help him.

RE: Just do it - Laika - March 14, 2016

Laika had a hunch that he figured she wasn't helping him. Her eyes narrowed in thought before she got to her paws again. Her tail swayed to keep balance as she turned to leave.

"I've helped you a lot, Esaro. It's time you help yourself." Pure rage still flared within her chest, and her heart beat faster and faster. She'd better get out of here before she explodes.