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Broken Antler Fen On our Doorstep - Printable Version

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On our Doorstep - Sebastian - March 04, 2016

For @Ambrosia and Brandy, since I want a separate thread for them ;) Takes place right after the thread with Ness! Figuring @Aduin would be there too!

Sebastian turned around after speaking for awhile with Ness. He had smelled the two females too and was curious to find out. He trotted towards their scent, curious if they were in a pack or just passing through the territory. If they were not on their travels there might be some hope in having new members. The male swayed his tail a bit. It didn't take long for him to reach them. "Good day," he spoke. "I smelled you guys," he explained.

The young male looked over them, one female was considerably younger than the other female. The young one was probably just an adult if not, she would be close to it. The other with red and black fur looked about his age. So strange, he was starting to think about children now, but 9 months ago he was definitely not ready for that.

RE: On our Doorstep - Ambrosia - March 04, 2016

Ambrosia got to her feet as she scented Sebastian, stepping over and standing in front Brandy protectively, but not aggressively; she made sure to keep her orange-tan fur smooth and her tail down, but her head up.  Her lemon eyes looked him over carefully, her ears perked towards him curiously. After her last encounter with wolves around here, she wasn't about to be as open as before. The wary she-wolf spoke kindly, but there was obvious caution in her tone. "Hello. We aren't in your territory, are we? If we are, we didn't mean to trespass. "

RE: On our Doorstep - Brandy - March 04, 2016

Brandy scented the male coming just after her mother had stood and stepped over her, worry in her yellow eyes. Brandy stood up as well, but stayed behind her mother and watched from there. She stayed quiet, watching with unmasked curiosity. She, too, was wary; but she was much less worried than her mother. She was confident that her and her mother would be okay against one wolf, even a male. Plus, this wolf didnt seem aggressive, not like others they'd met in the past months. She leaned her head over her mothers soft back, ears perked forward as she listened.

RE: On our Doorstep - Sebastian - March 05, 2016

Sebastian's pale eyes looked over the two and smiled. "Not to worry," where the first words he spoke to them. He wasn't sure if their relationship was mother and daughter but it looked like it. He wondered where the father was of this picture. "Usually you can smell where a wolf pack is, they mark their borders clearly. I want to settle a pack here so you aren't trespassing," he explained. Not yet. He couldn't blame them, Sebastian couldn't mark this territory as strongly as a pack of wolves could.

The young male looked from the adult female to the younger one. "I am Sebastian. I call this Broken Antler Fen," he spoke. The male was curious if this couple was willing to join this pack. Seeing that this adult female took care of this youngster showed that she could hunt and provide. The young one could learn and be helpful later.

RE: On our Doorstep - Ambrosia - March 05, 2016

Ambrosia visibly relaxed, but still kept an eye on Sebastian. "I'm Ambrosia, and this is my daughter Brandy." She thought about his pack comment, wondering if he would recruit the two females. Did she want to settle down now? Their last encounter with trying to join hadnt gone so well, and the she-wolf was doubting that a pack was best for the two. However, this male didnt seem so bad; at least not aggressive. "You've picked a decent spot to settle, from what we've seen so far of it. Not sure when we passed your markers, honestly." Ambrosia felt her fur flush in slight embarrassment, looking over at her quiet daughter.

RE: On our Doorstep - Brandy - March 06, 2016

Brandy stayed quiet till her mother looked at her, watching around the three for any others. When her mother made eye contact, she felt obligated to say something. She liked this piece of land, it was bright and teemed with life. Sebastian seemed trustworthy, and he gave off a good vibe to the young wolf. "I like it here too, it's lively and happy." The bronze and red female smiled, tail wagging. She'd never had a real home, she'd been traveling all her life. She didnt know what life in a pack was like, but she was determined to adapt and do the best she could. Her mother told her all about the ways of packs, how most seemed to work. Brandy had high hopes of being a great warrior, maybe even beta or alpha one day. The thought of starting a pack here with a bunch of other wolves excited Brandy, but she didnt realize the hardships of which an alpha went through.

RE: On our Doorstep - Sebastian - March 06, 2016

Sebastian looked over the two, who didn't seem too bad. Only the younger one had a scar over her eye. Sebastian wondered how that had happened, still he was not going to pry. "Can you even imagine when Spring really comes around," he smiled to the younger one named Brandy. Sebastian was really liking it here so far. He wanted to settle here. Sebastian looked at the mother who seemed embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed. I didn't mark the borders that well seeing that I don't want to have loners avoid me. I am still looking for new members."

Sebastian sat down down. He might be a very big wolf but he was not very scary once you got to talk to him. "Why don't you two tell me what you like doing? This could help in the future when we would be a pack," he explained. It was mostly for him so he would know what skills they were lacking and what skills they had enough of.

RE: On our Doorstep - Ambrosia - March 06, 2016

Ambrosia smiled, relaxing at his kind demeanor. This wolf surely wasnt like others theyd met, probably because he was trying to start a pack; but hey, she wasnt going to complain. She sat next to her daughter and wagged her tail slightly.  "I was raised a lead warrior, and having a pup at a particularly young age has made me better in ways I never would've imagined. A caretaker for one, and " Ambrosia hoped this pack would work, wondering where they would be when the time came. "Are we the first wolves to come here, or do you already have a camp and others?"

RE: On our Doorstep - Brandy - March 06, 2016

Brandy wagged her tail, her lemon eyes shining. "It'll be beautiful!" The young wolf sat next to her mother, tail still wagging behind her on the earth as she smiled at Sebastian. After her mother was done talking, the bronze and red female spoke up, glad that her mother had let her talk for herself for once. "Mother raised me a warrior like her, but I'm a good hunter as well. She taught me everything, shes a good leader." She butted her head  into Ambrosias shoulder, giggling mischievously as her mother blushed again at the compliment. Brandy chuckled, having accomplished her goal of embarrassing her mother; even if the compliment was sincere.

RE: On our Doorstep - Sebastian - March 06, 2016

The couple was quite cute to watch. It was clear that they were very close. Sebastian was actually pleased to hear the wide set of skills they had with as main topic being warriors. He could always need warriors or ones to protect the border. "I can imagine," he assured to them. "I can tell you a bit about myself too. I am a guardian and I'd like to be a medic, yet I am still a caretaker as of now. Your skills are very welcome here. We would need warriors, just in case, warriors and guardians. But also Hunters like you Brandy. I would be lucky to have you two," he spoke to them.

Sebastian only wasn't sure about Brandy saying that Ambrosia was a good leader. At first his suspicion told him that she might want to take over his pack, but then having the first impression he had of her he thought otherwise. Maybe he could learn for her about that too. Sebastian hoped so. "There is only one question to ask really. Would you two pledge yourself to me and this territory I called Broken Antler Fen?"

RE: On our Doorstep - Ambrosia - March 06, 2016

Ambrosia pushed her daughter softly, chuckling and shaking out her fur. She wished Brandy wouldnt have said that, hoping Sebastian didnt take that the wrong way. She knew she was a good leader, but she had no wishes to overthrow anybody. She would earn her way to the top, like a true warrior should. Pride welled up in her chest at his compliments, and she smiled as he asked his question. Talking to Sebastian had calmed her fears; she no longer doubted that a pack would be good for them. Joining a new one might be hard work, but she also knew that she and her daughter wouldn't have to be as harassed and dominated as they would in an already established pack. Standing and giving Sebastian a sad, but hope-filled look through her golden eyes as she spoke kindly. "I would gladly protect and be loyal to you and the pack, but only if I know my daughter and I to be safe and not mistreated. I've had to leave many packs along my way here because we we're treated bad, and I dont want to have to do so again. I miss pack life, and I dont want my daughter to forever be a loner; I want her to know what its like to life the life of a warrior. If this is the place we can call home, then I will be loyal to Broken Antler Fen."

RE: On our Doorstep - Brandy - March 06, 2016

Brandy's pride swelled in her chest too at the big males praise, but stopped at his question. Her mother had been raising her all life for that question, but now that it was out in the air, was she sure on what she wanted? Like her mother, Brandy had a gypsy soul. Her entire life had been nothing but traveling from den to den, then pack to pack; she didn't know what it was to have a loyalty to more than her own kin. But hearing her mother speak, hearing her hopes and dreams for her and her daughter, the pride in her voice; Brandy knew she was ready. When her mother was done talking, she stood and paced a few steps towards the alpha. She spoke sincerely and with pride, her tail wagging with barely contained excitement. "Under my mothers terms, I would gladly pledge myself myself to Broken Antler Fen and you. I've never been part of a pack, but the way my mother speaks of it, I should be honored to be a part of one. You seem like someone who's worth following, someone who deserves to lead."

RE: On our Doorstep - Sebastian - March 06, 2016

Sebastian was pleased to hear a pledge form both females. He had faith that both would turn out okay. Brandy might never have been in a pack but they were all new to this. Maybe it was better for the two seeing that all members would be new and unfamiliar towards one another. Sebastian already planned a lot of team building exercises, so all wolves would get used to one another. "I do not allow any mistreatment or bullying. You will not have to worry about that. I plan on having this pack be a family for every one," he spoke. Sebastian had also plans to start an actual family, the one where he would have pups himself. But for that he would need a female and he was quite picky when it came to that.

"Welcome to Broken Antler Fen," he spoke with a smile. "We only need a few more members, to get back to your question Ambrosia," he spoke to her with a smile. "My step brother Aduin is here, and I am talking with a few others who might stick around. Feel free to find a den here in the Fen and settle I am sure we will be a pack soon. I will howl for all the members once I've finalized all the preparations," he explained to them. He was really close to having his own pack and Sebastian was quite proud of himself.

Last post from me! You can reply with your characters to finish it up and archive this thread! (If you don't know how to archive pm me! :3)

RE: On our Doorstep - Ambrosia - March 06, 2016

Ambrosia smiled and nodded, excited to be in a pack again. At the mention of family, she felt her mood dampen slightly as she remembered her own kin. As usual, she'd swiped the thought away in a moment. She would find a mate and start a new family, if she found a good male. Sebastian crossed her mind, but she flicked an ear and pushed the topic away. "Good luck finding more wolves. We'll come when you need us." The orange-tan female turned and went to lay beside the water again, spacing out in her own thoughts.

RE: On our Doorstep - Brandy - March 06, 2016

Brandy curled her claws into the earth excitedly, quivers running down her spine. "Goodbye Sebastian, we'll see you soon!" the bronze and red she-wolf spoke to the alpha again before she trotted off after her mother. Too worked up now to lie down, the young female scented the air for a possible meal before trotting off away from her mother; finding the warm smell of prey she was new to. She, unlike her mother, had no interest yet in a mate or pups, just being a good part of Broken Antler Fen.